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Wayne :

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MemphisMafia
    Wayne , I dont need your help as you owe it to the board to see its done properly .

    And your statement of :

    You were caught doing what i think is ridiculous, posting copied and pasted picks as your own : unqoute

    Is total hogwash as I did play them and since when cant I agree with a selection ? Just because you say so ? Give me a break !

    It was never established here that I didnt play those picks and it could be if anyone had an once of intellect , its really very easy hoss .

    And all you have done here as well as other places is bring up "what you believe to be true " not what really is !

    And your last words :

    You do nothing here but cause trouble ,

    Yea , right ......... I started all this shit :confused:

    Check the times out on the posts there hoss and its as clear as the things that never change around here
    This is TOTAL BS..
    If people think you played them it makes it okay to copy and paste them???????

    You are SICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go away OLD lady, your mind is SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • #17
      Memphis don't be an idiot, PLEASE! Monte paid those involved and Trotter asked me to rip you a new one and we told him not too, so unless you just sent him a check 8 months late, it is not paid. Copied and pasted. I'm sure you played them but you also played them off as your own write-ups and you were caught, period!


      • #18
        the wiz's record

        For anybody that cares...

        Since opening week of NFL (Sept.11 to Nov. 11)
        The wiz has the following record...
        CFB 22-15 for a 59% win avg.
        NFL 24-13 for a 65% win avg.
        NBA 5-2 for a 71% win avg.

        But if you played them the way he pointed out in his posts that being $100 equals 1 "hot chick" you would have won the following:
        CFB +$2,175
        NFL +$4,615 (that includes a $2,200 loss "20 hots chicks"with Tampa Bay where some books called it a push.)
        NBA +$ 620

        for a grand total of $7,410

        I don't care whay you say I'll take that over anyone even those jerks in Vegas. And you don't even have to pay for his picks.
        "Oddz never did give nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn't already have"


        • #19

          As Wayne mentioned, when were you planning to pay the contest winners......pure gutless on your part.


          • #20
            Ripped71, you should get in the Basketball contest we have this year. Click on Forum and go to that forum if your interested!



            • #21
              I know I'm out of place here, but since I joined I've been following Wiz on Pro Football and I'm very happy winning money. That's what this forum is suppose to be about is winning money for the people. So everyone don't have to get sucked into paying high priced "experts" for their picks.


              • #22
                chuck your not out of place. Your thoughts and opinions are always welcome in my book!

                GL TODAY!


                • #23
                  I just got back in town, but i was waiting for this to happen for a long time...

                  MMM, you are a welcher, you start a contest and promise winnings and then don't pay? You're such a bitch, you even told me it was sent in the mail, TWICE...and if you ever blow me i promise i won't cum in your mouth...

                  I feel bad because Kosmo had to pay me now, I asked him, at the time, what was up and i even asked Wayne if i should say something to you about getting payed and they didn't want me to start up with you , so Kosmo payed me and i chilled...and to this day you have never payed him back?

                  And as for Wiz, i like him, i've never had a problem with him, he speaks his mind and doesn't bullshit, and he picks winners.

                  You and your mutts can beat it for all i care, i'm tired of reading your bogus wanna be-intellectual bullshit threads that just seem to ramble into nothing anyways..

                  And learn how to do a recap, quit fudging your records, that pissed me off more than anything...

                  OK, i've said my peace, i'm done with this bitch...
                  "You like the odds of lightning?"


                  • #24
                    Trotter and Ripped71, i really appreciate you guys coming on here and showing that i wasn't making this shit up. It means alot to me because i know some didn't know what to believe.

                    Her true colors were shown after that and i'm sorry you guys had to be a part of it.

                    She is a liar and a fraud and she has yet to say once why she couldn't come up with 200 fucken dollars. Maybe her winnings everyday are not as they seem huh?

