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BC Administrators / " Todd"

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  • BC Administrators / " Todd"

    Originally posted by todd

    (This appeared in tdickson's weekly thread)

    " system plays suck "
    Just because system plays worked last year doesn't mean they are going to work this year. It's like Northcoast saying he is 65 and 40 on Sunday nights over the last 5 years. But he is 5 and 15 the last twenty. Do you still bet the sunday night game . Only if your name is COVERBOY. If somebody goes into a thread and disagrees with someone, why does that person get so violent and angry. COVERBOY what wrong, did you get beat up when you where little. Nice post about Wisconsin and Puudue.

    BC Admins. / "Todd"

    "Todd" -
    Instead of ridiculing people for their posts and picks ( Always late in the game or after games are over ) why don't you show some heart and start your own thread rather than barge into someone else's and rubbing in losses ?

    Where are your picks on games ? You have none . You have nothing to bring to the table, in fact you only take away from it.

    I have a trend that works wonders and this you can bank on : Punk - Ass Cowards who come into B.C. only to cause trouble with meaningless, stupid, and spiteful remarks don't last long.

    Pizza Delivery, " Todd" …. A paper route … a lemonade stand … do something instead of wasting everyone's time here. I'll bet you have no respect for your own life so naturally you have no respect for others. It shows.


    BC - Please review this asshole's posts and decide whether or not it's worth our time and valuable space. I don't feel like brutalizing this "Nobody" but if he's allowed to continue I'll have no choice but to put him into Analysis for 6 months. He's been warned a few times now and the guys just don't like him or want him lurking around and poking fun. No one likes being made fun of after a losing pick and he and 1 or 2 others are doing just that. We can't have this " Element" in our thing.

    " Garbage in …. Garbage out "


  • #2
    I agree

    Crusader MM starting qb at Oregon


    • #3
      I third the motion.

      Todd is a cancer. This forum doesn't need another SkankyMac. Most of Todd's post have been negative, stirring the pot.

      He goes into the thread started by BC regarding the server status DEMANDING an explanation of the problem and when it will be resolved. As if he's owned anything.

      Ironically, my run-in with Todd a few weeks ago was over his defending NorthCoast. Now he's knocking NC and Coverboy.

      Look at Todd's posts. He's made very little or no positive contribution.


      • #4
        I agree too. BC, you listening? :D


        • #5
          You can't ban people for saying what they think. I agree Todd is out of line for posting in someone elses thread but at the same time he is allowed to do that. Everyone that posts plays here is an open target. I say just ignore them. Eventually they will go away.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tony Vegas
            You can't ban people for saying what they think. I agree Todd is out of line for posting in someone elses thread but at the same time he is allowed to do that. Everyone that posts plays here is an open target. I say just ignore them. Eventually they will go away.
            Good points tony!

            I just think when someone is adding 100% negativity they are simply not needed here. It is a busy place and with what he adds (which is nothing) we can live without it.



            • #7
              Opinions are fine (on games) but people and ripping them are another story.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                Good points tony!

                I just think when someone is adding 100% negativity they are simply not needed here. It is a busy place and with what he adds (which is nothing) we can live without it.

                No doubt wayne but I don't think he said anything that bad. Personally, I thinks sometimes we go on witch hunts here.


                • #9
                  Good Points

                  Tony V - you're right . buddy, but he's ridiculing people's picks .... Members with balls enough to stick their necks out on the line ( You , me, tdickson , EZ Winners , Homer, Kmann , and so many more fine cappers ) shouldn't have to be made fun of over a losing pick . That's unheard of and must not be allowed to continue.

                  " Todd " is nothing more than a HECKLER and needs to be either put in his place or removed from the audience altogether. He's way too stupid to grasp my insults and he has no dignity or pride.( A hopeless mental case )

                  Handicappers need to be Encouraged ... we need as many as we can get our hands on ....

                  If game selections are allowed to be ridiculed and heckled ... people are going to get very shy and we're going to lose out.

                  We don't need this sort of thing and behavior like " Todd's " has to be discouraged

                  Take care, TV



                  • #10
                    CB, no dobut about it. Hecklers are just trying to ruffle feathers and we don't need it. But I think most of us wouldn't stop posting b/c some moron feels the need to tell us our picks sucks. I am just saying I think sometimes, myself included, get to wrapped up in the negative comments on the fourm. We are all better than that and don't need to worry about Todd. He hasn't posted one play and to me he is worthless here. I don't care if a poster posts a million plays and loses all of them, at least it is a postive contribution b/c you can always fade :D Take care buddy and good luck!


                    • #11
                      Tony do a search under the name todd. This guy goes way back with his useless shit. It's one thing if it's here or there but most of those "Witch Hunts" are for good reason or overdue. This board would be a horror show if people were not banned here for misbehavior. I thought this thread was a funny one i found in which you backed me up against this guy. It was one of the many useless post by him.



                      • #12

                        Last week I posted Boston with Schilling .... This asshole comes in gloating that they're losing 7-0 midway ... he says: " Curt Who? " as his title .

                        Saturday I laid 5 with Purdue and took 7 with Wisconsin . The punk had a snide remark for that , too .

                        You want this shit in here ? I sure don't .

                        He belongs elsewhere.


                        • #13
                          There's a old saying that says if you can't say something good about someone don't say anything at all! I think that applies to Todd.


                          • #14

                            You guys think that " Toddler" is really " Seannie Mac " ?

                            He sure is mean like him but " Todd" articulates and spells at a 7th grade level whereas " Sean" is strictly at a pre - school level.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Winton
                              There's a old saying that says if you can't say something good about someone don't say anything at all! I think that applies to Todd.
                              I agree. Negativity is everywhere in the world these days. I come here for positive thinking and well a little "Class Act" reading too and people like him ruin it. Talk shit on one of the other billion internet chat sites, not here! :D

