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BC Administrators / " Todd"

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  • #16

    Changing the subject ... are you going to do the East Coast - West Coast NBA System this season ? I did it for a while in MLB this year and it was profitable but not great ... it never really caught on .

    We did well last season with you ... Whattya say ?


    • #17
      TV, I agree with you. We don't want members censored about what they post. However, at times we have to draw a line in the sand.


      • #18
        It did very well last season if i remember right. It is really tough in bases simply because alot of it is based on a Pitcher rather than the team. I know some pitchers fly in a day ahead of time when they are going to pitch and that puts a wrinkle in things. I will be doing it again this year though. I have it partially done already. :D


        • #19

          That's Great ...

          If you get the chance clearly spell out what the system is again. I have it somewhere but this will be much easier.

          Thanks, Wayne


          • #20
            I honestly don'y think people like him are needed here. I use this site for information and Picks. I personally follow most of the regular posters on this site from time to time.

            For one Frank I followed his system plays in bases. Coverboy Follow their plays also. Wiz follow him. EZ always great information and follow. TonyV been following him in the NFL. Wayne man followed that Teaser last night. The list goes on but I will stop there.

            If we lose any regular poster on the forum its a huge lose and everyone will lose out on good information.

            I don't know where PoBoy and GoldVike went but I for one would love to have their insight back

            So if some poster like Todd is going to mess up a good thing we have here. I think he doesn't belong.

            Just my opinion. GL today Guys.
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #21
              Originally posted by wayne1218
              Tony do a search under the name todd. This guy goes way back with his useless shit. It's one thing if it's here or there but most of those "Witch Hunts" are for good reason or overdue. This board would be a horror show if people were not banned here for misbehavior. I thought this thread was a funny one i found in which you backed me up against this guy. It was one of the many useless post by him.


              That is funny I am not saying banning him is the wrong thing to do, I just worry that these things tend to get out of hand. I personally would love if you guys had a regluar posters fourm. Making it just for people that post plays. I hate weeding through all uselss posts about services, or whining about how everyone sucks and how much money is lost. That would be great and would allow me to get on here on Sat/Sun instead of not being able to post when I am not up early!! JMO I love this place and think you and BC do a great job!


              • #22
                Wayne, I do the same thing before I ever say anything negative to a member..I always look at his past posts and see if I can find a trend or is this just something they said out of character or frustration ... I really do not need to comment about Todd because I did so last week but all i know that this kind of negativity spreads like cancer ... I know I can not make a stand as far as posting picks but i try to make every post a positive one and one that does not offend anyone .... I know I said one thing to you that was out of line and I apologized to you for it .... I say it again, I was wrong ... saying that, I feel that all Todd has to do is say that he will try to be more of a class act and all will be forgiven ... try it Todd ... it is very refreshing .....


                • #23

                  Well said ( as usual ) You're both a great friend and contributor.

                  I don't have much patience with time wasting people. It's a blessing and a curse.

                  But you're right - This guy is on trial for his life on Bettor's Chat and the fair thing to do is give him a chance to apologize.

                  All he needs to do is admit he's been an asshole of extreme magnitude ... and say he's genuinely sorry for his insults and spitework, and then also he can donate $10,000 to BC ... lets say for capital improvements.

                  I believe in second chances and fresh starts. If he meets all of the above conditions then I don't mind him sticking around ... of course he will be banned from posting anything ... but he can pop in to get a look - see from time to time.

                  I think that's more than fair. In fact he's getting a good deal .

