To funny Blackbeard. Do you not realize that alot of these plays circle the world about three times over. Where do you think half of plays that are posted here come from. Do you think they are all paid for. Appreciate the plays you post but no need to be calling anyone out for copying.
Originally posted by blackbeard
I'm just curious why some of the members of this website feel the necessity to copy and paste the picks we post here on different forums. I'm not naming names, but you know who you are. I guess it makes you look like a big man on the other sites. Personally I post only here, and when I see these picks and everyone elses hard work being copied on these other websites, it kinda pisses me off. And on top of that you never post any plays here. At least give us something back for all the hard work we do
I'm just curious why some of the members of this website feel the necessity to copy and paste the picks we post here on different forums. I'm not naming names, but you know who you are. I guess it makes you look like a big man on the other sites. Personally I post only here, and when I see these picks and everyone elses hard work being copied on these other websites, it kinda pisses me off. And on top of that you never post any plays here. At least give us something back for all the hard work we do
To funny Blackbeard. Do you not realize that alot of these plays circle the world about three times over. Where do you think half of plays that are posted here come from. Do you think they are all paid for. Appreciate the plays you post but no need to be calling anyone out for copying.