You're right once again my man...I generally don't do things like that, but sometimes, when the KIDS get on your nerves, you have to send them to their room...
Notice some of the childish, immature answers from Boxer himself..e g .....meet me somewhere, I'm ....etc.
I think I'll sit back and enjoy the replies....As others have stated, they would rather see 1 boxer statement, than 10 BS replies...Just don't read his posts...Those that have a problem with our post....QUOTE....."Don't read em"....some ones got to keep him in tow....
Originally posted by 4realyo
are you still here? I sense a shit storm of posts...
are you still here? I sense a shit storm of posts...
Notice some of the childish, immature answers from Boxer himself..e g .....meet me somewhere, I'm ....etc.
I think I'll sit back and enjoy the replies....As others have stated, they would rather see 1 boxer statement, than 10 BS replies...Just don't read his posts...Those that have a problem with our post....QUOTE....."Don't read em"....some ones got to keep him in tow....