I was one of the first who started inquiring about your record when you had slickprick posting for you...I was very polite and he proceeded to fire off on a cussing tirade...Immature, unprofessional, and a bad image for you, with him representing you....At the time I inquired about the record, re 1* 2* and 3* plays, we got evasive answers...I back tracked (this forum) and found you to be - (minus) about 55-60 units on those plays...Hard to tell exact amt, cause you didn't show lines on several, and I'm sure used the smaller line when lost and vice versa...
All we kept getting, and still are, is more BS carnival barking as to how good you are doing on your 4 and 5*'s...I don't want to hear about your great run lately, I believe 8 in a row....Hell there's not a capper here that hadn't done that, but we're not constantly bragging about selective plays...One day you went 1-5 for minus 10.94 units....Next day BIG BS plug for how your fives did...You have a right according to the rules to go to the SPORTS SERVICES section, advertise all you want, for a fee of 1 comp play....In this section, SERVICE PLAYS, show a services plays, even if it is your own, no ads, let the record speak for itself...Quit your prevarications...They are not needed...I, personaly, could care less if you quit posting here...4's and 5's...don't need the hassle, BS, prevarications. ego feeding, and anything you put out for $, or for free...This forum runs smooth as hell until the name BOXER shows up....You don't need us as customers, just double up your bets on your TOP RATED plays, and you can retire after this year...And please spare me the BS about "I'm trying to help"..Said whai I had to say, and quite rare for me to shoot darts, but you earned em, and still are asking for em...Your record on this FORUM, with or without TOP plays, is terrible, when you consider the fact that you actually SELL them...I won't bother to respond, say what you have to, then please follow the rules or go elsewhere...Get a GRIP on REALITY...This FORUM has NO fools...Don't underestimate our intellect....You've tried...
I was one of the first who started inquiring about your record when you had slickprick posting for you...I was very polite and he proceeded to fire off on a cussing tirade...Immature, unprofessional, and a bad image for you, with him representing you....At the time I inquired about the record, re 1* 2* and 3* plays, we got evasive answers...I back tracked (this forum) and found you to be - (minus) about 55-60 units on those plays...Hard to tell exact amt, cause you didn't show lines on several, and I'm sure used the smaller line when lost and vice versa...
All we kept getting, and still are, is more BS carnival barking as to how good you are doing on your 4 and 5*'s...I don't want to hear about your great run lately, I believe 8 in a row....Hell there's not a capper here that hadn't done that, but we're not constantly bragging about selective plays...One day you went 1-5 for minus 10.94 units....Next day BIG BS plug for how your fives did...You have a right according to the rules to go to the SPORTS SERVICES section, advertise all you want, for a fee of 1 comp play....In this section, SERVICE PLAYS, show a services plays, even if it is your own, no ads, let the record speak for itself...Quit your prevarications...They are not needed...I, personaly, could care less if you quit posting here...4's and 5's...don't need the hassle, BS, prevarications. ego feeding, and anything you put out for $, or for free...This forum runs smooth as hell until the name BOXER shows up....You don't need us as customers, just double up your bets on your TOP RATED plays, and you can retire after this year...And please spare me the BS about "I'm trying to help"..Said whai I had to say, and quite rare for me to shoot darts, but you earned em, and still are asking for em...Your record on this FORUM, with or without TOP plays, is terrible, when you consider the fact that you actually SELL them...I won't bother to respond, say what you have to, then please follow the rules or go elsewhere...Get a GRIP on REALITY...This FORUM has NO fools...Don't underestimate our intellect....You've tried...