I just wanted to say that it was a pleasure coming here every day and posting my picks. You guys are the classiest group of gamblers i have ever been around and i never thought i would find a forum where my wins would be appreicated and my losses tolerated. As any of the cappers here will tell you, the constant praise is more motivating than anything else, even money.
I will be around for now, but just as an observer and perhaps an occasional capper if i see something i cannot avoid and think it will help the forum. Otherwise, i will leave the baseball season , nba playoffs, and nhl playoff to those who know what they are doing and i will return in college football season where i actually may know what i am doing.
As i have said many times, this past college basketball season was my best ever percentagewise, at least for the big plays. I had been around 60%, but 67% (ok, i am rounding up a little) is insane and i attribute it to the fact that so often, you guys would influence a play here and there. See ya again in college football season............
thanks for all the kind words
I will be around for now, but just as an observer and perhaps an occasional capper if i see something i cannot avoid and think it will help the forum. Otherwise, i will leave the baseball season , nba playoffs, and nhl playoff to those who know what they are doing and i will return in college football season where i actually may know what i am doing.
As i have said many times, this past college basketball season was my best ever percentagewise, at least for the big plays. I had been around 60%, but 67% (ok, i am rounding up a little) is insane and i attribute it to the fact that so often, you guys would influence a play here and there. See ya again in college football season............
thanks for all the kind words