I have dealt with Bryan Leonard for about 8 or nine years. It is true what Bandam is saying, if you purchase Bryan Leonard's plays through his website, or buy his Late Telephone service he never uses GOM or GOY ratings. It is strictly 3-5 star rating with only about a handful of 5* in any given year. I had some of the same questions a couple of you asked when I saw the GOM and GOY titles being thrown on his plays at Vegas Experts and the other site mentioned here. So since I was a previous customer of his I wrote him and asked him why there was a difference. He informed me that the people running the websites wanted him to spruce things up to make the plays more enticing to people. Therefore they would be more apt to purchase them with the GOM and GOY tags. He assured me there was not a difference and in fact a lot of the plays he is labeling as GOM and GOY are in reality only a 3* play from his website. I will also vouch for him as I regard him as one of the better cappers and has certainly proven to me to be quite honest when I have dealt with him. I hope this helps.