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Saturday's Service Plays Thread

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  • Savage:

    The only difference between Jack Price and Brian Mac is...well, I guess their really is not much difference except maybe that Brian Mac does not telemarket under the name "Brian Mac."

    As for one big game, I would not even consider betting much more on one game than another, and I would never trust a service that is not monitored. You always bitch about Lawrence's reasoning, but I think Brian Mac's reasoning is something like "some guy named Chuck Luck told me this was a good game to bet on." How about "Capone is going NO LIMIT, get on this game." At least REAL CAPPERS give you some reason. It must be pretty easy for Brian Mac to explain a loss to his client. All he has to do is blame it on somebody involved with the mafia.

    That is some really sound logic that Brian Mac uses Savage.

    At least Lawrence, Big Al, Phil Steele, and hundreds of other services are monitored. Go ahead and prove that Brian Mac's record is better than any of these guys. Try to prove his record is EVEN BETTER THAN JACK PRICE. OOPS, you can't because BRIAN MAC IS NOT MONITORED!!!
    Who let the dogs out?


    • was a client of macs

      i used his service for 3months in 2003,april-june,he hit about 58%he charges 395.00 a month.ipaid for the months and made about 375.00 profit.he was a straight up guy with no bull s.peace out,biaggio


      • Dogpick-you obviously have no idea as to how Brian Mac operates as opposed to say Jack Price;to put him in same breath as him is so totally absurd that I won't even stoop so low as to try to answer it.
        You have not once answered my question as to why the folks that Mac has exposed have not retaliated by trying to get back at him by exposing him in return.I suppose your answer to that is that the other exposed services are too classy to bring out the truth about Brian Mac.
        Who is your favorite paid capper anyways? Just curious and why?
        I have followed different services closely for 25 years and know how they operate, as I used them many times before picks became available for nothing. How about you?
        In addition,I would also add that I worked in social services for 34 years until my recent retirement and have dealt with literally thousands of people in all walks of life.
        I am confident in my ability to size up people because of this, and have a pretty good sense of who is telling it as it is and who isa not.
        If you think, I am wrong and you know better, than god bless;I sure as heck am not going to stop posting my beliefs because YOU disagree with me;I could really care less, and from my point of view your inferred likeness between Jack Price and Brian Mac destroys any little credibility you had with me.
        Say what you want, but the best bet on the board is that no matter what you say, you are not going to stop me from giving my take and to try to enlighten and turn the newbiesa and others to whom I believe to be the best.
        Let folks decide if they wish to believe me or not; what are your qualifications to knock someone else's opinions anyways?
        Last edited by savage1; 02-01-2004, 02:03 AM.


        • Animal fucking sucks!!!! Everybodu and their mother was on AF and this wack job puts a GOY on SDSU?? What the fuck was he thinking and what the fuck was I thinking following his play???? Sorry guys just had to vent a little!!


          • Biaggio:

            If Brian Mac made you money, why did you quit using him?


            I will answer your comments:

            You wrote:

            "You have not once answered my question as to why the folks that Mac has exposed have not retaliated by trying to get back at him by exposing him in return."

            I really doubt that any of them care. They are making money doing what they do. Jack Price doesn't need to expose Brian Mac to rip people off and it would not further him one bit if he did. Why waste the time? Additionally, there are probably people who support Jack Price the same way you are supporting Brian Mac. Neither have any documentation for their picks, so nothing can be proven or disproven regarding either one of them.

            I don't really have a favorite paid handicapper. I follow those that are monitored, and I KNOW that anyone who is not monitored is a scammer. There is simply NO REASON not to be monitored unless you want to mislead people about your record. Monitoring just doesn't cost that much.

            As far as you following services for 25 years and dealing with thousands of people, well, I guess you did not learn as much as you think it you don't know that the only honest services are those that are monitored. Pretty much everyone knows that.

            I really don't know what else to say to you. Brian Mac is not monitored, and he is the only handicapper that you do not rip on. It sort of sounds to me like you have an affiliation with Brian Mac. Do you?

            As far as you posting your beliefs, that is fine. Nevertheless, you can rest assured that I will be right behind you to make sure the Brian Mac scam doesn't go any further than it needs to go. I will seek out other message boards where you are posting the same garbage and ask you why you would support a service that is not monitored when you rip on monitored services. That my friend, is the best bet on the board.
            Who let the dogs out?


            • mac and his group

              savage iam an ex client of mac and stopped using him only because i play small and locally and could not get lines on alot of his games offthe board teams and hoops totals. i did make nice money for over a year though. i can vouch for his honesty and his record as well as the sources where he gets his games. i can go on all night about info i have on him. the reason hes not monitored is because he was rejected by the scam monitor SPORTS MONITOR. the reason they are scammers is because they mislead the public on the services by letting them breakdown their games into CLUBS. for example a service may be 44-52 but of those 44 wins they are 11-2 on 4 star plays. then have varying other record all over the place. and some services only get monitored on certain plays. but their clients play all their plays. DID YOU KNOW even the woman in charge over their has her own 900 number. give me a break. if you check out macs site. you will see a record for his hot sides i have followed them for years it is accurate. he is honest more than the monitors that take money from the services to further mis lead the public. if people knew all the actual records of some of these guys they would laugh like i do when someone comes up here asking for cokin or spritzer. or the other scamvertisers. over the years i have looked at alot of services yaer in and year out and when someone posts this long list of them i only look for a select few that i know will hit more often than not. at the HEAD of my list is macs group. keep this list and chart these guys over the long haul and youll be happy you did. mac, cluck,the manager, b.capone, champagne,joeydimes,samshark,jigsaw who by the way is run by his former office assistant, underdog the man, not the 900 number.jgavazzi, asa top plays only. plus i have a couple more but thats the best. iam not affiliated with any of these guys. i just know that they are good. and the fact that a player can come up and back these guys to another bunch of knowledegable players is better than a monitor anyway. if you follow services and cappers long enough you cant help but to find out the truth. bol i hope this helps


              • Savage:

                You wrote:

                "Say what you want, but the best bet on the board is that no matter what you say, you are not going to stop me from giving my take and to try to enlighten and turn the newbiesa and others to whom I believe to be the best."

                In my opinion anyone could get better advice from the handicappers here for free. Thus, why would you even recommend that somebody follow a paid service like Brian Mac? Why would you even bother calling a comp line? Why would you recommend that a "newbie" call a comp line? It does not make any sense that you support a service that is not monitored when any "newbie" could get more winners here for FREE.
                Who let the dogs out?


                • Golden Contender:

                  Give me a break. So Brian Mac is not monitored because there is one or two monitors that "might" be a scam? That doesn't make any sense. There are MANY legitimate monitors. How come you arrive every time the subject of Brian Mac comes up? It is pretty obvious why.

                  Please do not trust a service (scammer) like Brian Mac that is not monitored.
                  Who let the dogs out?


                  • Golden Contender:

                    If you still made money, why would you stop using Brian Mac? To me, I would think you would continue any business venture as long as it made you a penny. I mean, if he made you money even with the off the board stuff, why not just continue and make more money? It does not sound too logical just to quit.
                    Who let the dogs out?


                    • the reason

                      i come up because i know that his service is not a scam despite him not being monitored. i personally have monitored his plays for over a year and often get his plays from forums all over the place.i feel that i know agreat deal on the bmac subject. iam sorry that your upset with the fact that hes not a scammer and does expose the scammers in this business. remember he is not a capper.if you look at the plays from the people he releases they are all quality seem smart enough to know who is good and who is subpar. ican honestly tell you he had an awful month in january and a losing nov. but he doesnt hide it by hyping february. and when his client lose likr they have. he doesnt ask for more cash he keeps them on and always turns it around. no matter how good a capper or service is you will have losing cycles.when he goes on one of his runs though. he cleans up. i hope this helps


                      • Golden Contender

                        You wrote:

                        " i personally have monitored his plays for over a year and often get his plays from forums all over the place....he doesnt ask for more cash he keeps them on and always turns it around. no matter how good a capper or service is you will have losing cycles.when he goes on one of his runs though. he cleans up. i hope this helps"


                        We have been waiting to monitor him ourselves. Since you consistently get his plays, I am sure that you would not mind posting them for all to see at Bettorschat. Can we expect anything tomorrow from the "syndicates?"

                        As far as him not asking for more money if he does not win, how would you know? You said that he made money when you signed up with him.

                        Again, since you get his plays from other forums, I look forward to you posting Brian Mac's plays here consistently in the future.
                        Who let the dogs out?


                        • fairness

                          that sounds right dog. ill address the down side of being a client its only fair i do so if i come up here and say all the good. here the inconvenience for a small player. who doesnt look to advertise to family. that he likes to wager on sports. mac updates his line very close to game times. and you have to constantly check the line to see if a play comes in late or youll miss it. you have to commit alot of time everyday and check his service line numerous times on the weekends when games start all day. its nice to win but it is inconvenient,for example you in a restaurant your foods on the way. and you have to get up and call a number. then hope if there is a play that your house is still open to take your action. you start running around with a phone in your hand all day, and i work hours that most games start during the week. tyr telling your boss you have to be on the phone alot certain times. you start to look like a crackhead. it just got too time consuming for me. the games were good but the committment was tough. there i cant be more honest than that.


                          • plays

                            dear dog, i do get his plays, idont get them everysingle day. when i do get them i promised not to repost them from sources that i do occasionally get other forums iam only g.contender.iam a man of my word and when someone mails me his plays. it would not be right for me to come and repost them after agreeing not to do so. again due to the hours i work i dont get on a computer every single day. and a lot of times today for example i didnt get his plays until after the games started. im sorry if this sounds like a cop out to you but im not gonna risk not getting his plays. to satisfy doubters who probably cxould get his plays also if he wanted to. im also not looking for a debate on if he is thought of as a scammer. even if his plays were posted. if he won often all would be mum. then the second he loses a play the bashers will come out. i have no patience for it. ive seen it with other cappers on every site i go to. if YOU want to call him a scammer thats fine but his group of scammers is one of the only ones ill consider when making my plays. i do have a very big library of systems i use for capping. except for cooll hoops which i dont cap anymore.


                            • Goldencontender:

                              You wrote:

                              "i do get his plays, idont get them everysingle day. when i do get them i promised not to repost them from sources that i do occasionally get other forums iam only g.contender.iam a man of my word and when someone mails me his plays. it would not be right for me to come and repost them after agreeing not to do so. again due to the hours i work i dont get on a computer every single day. and a lot of times today for example i didnt get his plays until after the games started. im sorry if this sounds like a cop out to you but im not gonna risk not getting his plays."

                              Yep, it is a cop out on your part. May I ask why you are even bothering to defend the guy if you are not willing to share your winnings with us. Why would you even care if I was ripping on Brian Mac as long as you were still getting his plays? It sounds like you are defending Brian Mac solely in the hopes that someone else might buy his service. You said you got the selections from a forum. Are you actually afraid that you won't be able to look at the forum if you post the plays here?

                              You and I both know why you don't want to post the plays here. Because Brian Mac NEVER wants to have his service monitored due to the fact that he is a scammer.
                              Who let the dogs out?


                              • now i get it. YOU are a service that mac puts up on his free line. and probably hates him for it like big al hates him. mac exposes the scammers. if iwas promoting his service do you think i would come up here telling everyone how inconvenient it is to actually use his service? you keep reposting my articles but are you reading them? dont sound like you are. in closing if you think he is a scammer thats fine. when people come up here asking for services like feist, price,cokin, spritzer, and the likes. i dont get involved in telling everyone what they are about. theyll find out for them selves. i just dont like to see the good guys get bashed. i would have defended gavazzi or another good guy the same way i vouched for mac. what are the criteria you use for your plays? other than mac in your opinion who ele should we be looking out for? i dont know how good every single service is maybe you have info on certain scams that can help. im always up for new info

