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  • #16

    gets 50-100 people to send $10 -$20 a piece.....
    nice way to get a few bucks...
    NHL Record posted on Bettorschat record forum...


    • #17
      All I can really think is this: If you only have $150 dollars to your name, what in the hell are you gambling for? You seriously need to consider BC's suggestion of "Gambler's Anonymous". I can't even believe that you are trying to lay this sob story down and sucker people in. Get a life, seriously.


      • #18
        Just looking in for some second and I find such sh't.
        Man, who are you kidding?
        You make a bet when you drunk?
        Two mistakes. If you are serious handicapper you should not drink or even have the time to go drinking!
        And it is very impertinent to ask people you do not know to send bucks to you!
        Guys I lost a lot of money at the end of November. Someone here who wants to help me out?
        :confused: :confused:

        By the way: 900 bucks is really not a lot of money... Got to a shylock and get the money... will cost you 15% a week but your bookie will not break you legs.

        First of all you have a gambling problem. And I mean it!
        Nobody with only 1% of his brains remaining will make a bet when he's drunken. I would recommend to stop gambling permanently. I seems like you can not control yourself (no offense).
        Second: Talk to your bookie... I do not think he will kill you because of some lousy bucks like that. Well, if I am wrong you do not have anything to worry about.

        Good luck and stay the f'ck away from anything that has something to do with gambling!

        You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say Hey there's the bad guy! So, what does that make to you. Good guys? Don't kid yourselves. You're no better'n me. You just know how to hide and how to lie. Me, I do not have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie!
        Tony Montana, Scarface


        • #19
          Originally posted by xstac2169
          Sorry if I thought some people were decent and would like to help someone in trouble out. For anyone that is my aim handle is Hotish2169.
          I was going to stay out of replying to this thread UNTIL I read this. :angryfire :angryfire

          I don't even know where to start so I will get right to the point. Lets see you ask about decent people. I and many others come on this site and post other plays for FREE to help PEOPLE OUT and you have the nerve to say that. I don't post my plays for fun and I definitely don't post them for GLORY. The only GLORY I personally need is winning and can do that without posting a single play.

          So I think you better re-think you STUPID FUCKING replies and actually realize what your asking for. I will never in my life send money that I have made to someone that I have no idea who they are.

          Also you need to goto that Site that BC talked about and get some help.

          Man I'm so FUCKING PISSED OFF right now. :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
          1 of 1 Morons


          • #20
            change anyone????

            Hey - I think I saw "xstac2169" in New Orleans last weekend at a local gas station. Although he was ony asking for extra change then. He sure has up his any since then............


            • #21
              hey homer, my car is broke. hows about sending me a 100 or so to get it fixed. lmoa!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #22
                I think this is complete BULLSHIT and this thread should be closed, deleted and this stupid fuck should be banned from this site... the first clue is that this asshat has posted here only 5-10 times, second is that the persons name is ECSTASY for god's sake, he/she probably used up all his dealers drugs last weekend clubbing and now his dealer is after him, OR, he just has a serious drug problem and is looking for any kind of way to get some money so he can go get all fucked up again this weekend ...this post is a joke, i'm now wondering how many other sites this idiot has gone to and done the same thing...
                Attached Files
                "You like the odds of lightning?"


                • #23
                  If this douche bag lost this money and is done with gambling why is he still posting service plays in the service tread???????


                  • #24
                    Wow...this is unreal...

                    Last nite i hit big and offer drinks for everyone in his forum....
                    today, i see someone asking for money because he cant control his betting amount.......

                    Homer, i would be piss off tooooo :angryfire

                    2169, u need help......if u starting working, u will have the $900 in know the mean time.....i think u should be chillin with your gambling shit......dont mess with this site where people are trying to help each other.....
                    PYTHONS HAS NO FEAR!


                    • #25
                      hey exc

                      this is for you and your begging or scamming
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Lucky leo,

                        that is toooooo man man.....

                        now, lets seee some naked ladies and forget about this topic...
                        PYTHONS HAS NO FEAR!


                        • #27

                          Your bookie should understand. If he doesn't then you can do a few things for $$$:

                          1) Pawn valuables that u may have.
                          2) Ask family members or friends that u actually know or have seen before for that matter.
                          3) If this doesn't work then tell the bookie in a stern matter what your situation and tell him u will give him an x amount of dollars a week and if he wants to break your legs or anything ridiculous for that matter to come do it (last resort)

                          You should feel very happy about losing just $900!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Bookies usually will not usually not resort to violence!!!
                          Only if u never return calls or piss them off and then I would probably do the same.


                          • #28
                            Thanks for your contributions, xtatckster or whatever

                            We'll miss you and all you've contributed
                            Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                            • #29
                              its only 18000 cans! Grab a bag on recycle night and go nuts!
                              Joe Thorton for MVP


                              • #30


                                the term means you ain't got no benjamins. In fact, some broke-ass peeps might be referred to as scrubs depending on how bad their financial/social situation is. (Cause everybody knows that a broke-ass dude has no friends.)

                                I got drunk last night and somehow called in a bet for money I do not have. My broke-ass now needs $900 by Monday and I have $150.
                                The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!

