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MondayZ PlayZ . .

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  • MondayZ PlayZ . .

    I've been on tilt all last week , my head is not on sports . . . i have a 7 month old daugther and a family , gambling has me going out to watch big games for the excitement and the rush . . . will i met a 21 year old blonde bombshell and all the sudden was happy with life again , needless to say am lost on what i want or should do , am not happy at home and know this other girl is dman near perfect in everyway i can think of for the past few months . . i confront the old lady about this yesterday and she is willing to work around me seen this younger female for past few months . . . i am lost on what it is i want . . i share this with you guys cause i look to you guys as a family n friends . . . any thoughts guys or girls ?

    So Lets Try Some PlayZ . .

    NCAABB . . .

    10* Syracuse +6
    10* Kansas -4
    10* UAB -130

    NBA . . .

    15*Magic +3
    10* Lakers -4 ( Bought Half Point )

    GoodLuck To All . . .

  • #2
    Stay with the family,try and think why your wife is no longer near perfect anymore.Analyze why the fizz is not in your marrage anymore.


    • #3
      Bro my divorce was the best thing that ever happened actually my son was the best i had the same thing happen here somewhat....not to sound cruel but get rid of and move on that is straight forward as i can life has become so much better since is unbievable now more $$ more relaxed and freedom..u will always meet someone to clean the pipes.....
      but on the other hand if u believe u can work it out then do it and need time away do it...u gotta look at life past the extra activities of gambling and excitement and see what u really got and have it worth the lost????? does ur wife make u happy when with how is it when u her the kid r togeter???? if good think about it!!! bol
      Every time i make ends meet ..someone moves the ends????


      • #4
        its mainly from gambling , ive side tracked my life around it now . . she doesn't mind the betting , she just dislikes whats its done to me over the past thru months . . . am always there for my daugther , not for the wife anymore . . . guess am living in this world where its sports and not paying attention to her feelings . . . i love them both dearly


        • #5
          the spark just is gone , we haven't spoke in forever , shes 10ft away from me at home and she sends me text messages , there no verbally talking anymore . . .


          • #6
            All I would say is that you cant let gambling control so much of your life. Nothing good will come out of that, I assure you. Your family should be #1-2-3 priorities. If you dont get along with the wife, thats one thing, but if its because you ignore her because sports wagering takes priority then I would think that it wont end with just your wife. It will spread to your next girlfriend, the rest of your family and eventually your children. So, dont let it.
            "The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." George Bernard Shaw


            • #7
              I would say at the very least you and your wife should see a marriage counselor to see if your problems can be worked out before you do anything.
              Imo is very difficult for anyone here to offer concrete advice without knowing and understanding all of the circumstances surrounding your particular situation.
              Obviously if you had no children, the situation might be a little more easy to deal with.
              I think also that you have to contemplate things on your own without the severe pressure of worrying how the games are doing or at least cutting back the bets which it seems you are already doing for now.
              Hope that helps a little bit at least.


              • #8
                Bro walk away from gambling...and be with's what u need..and them. re kindle it and put your family back.... its what u want i feel and the family f the excitement your family will give ya more!!!
                Every time i make ends meet ..someone moves the ends????


                • #9
                  thx savage1 , its really nothing she has done to me , if anything she has always been there from day 1 . . . its me and nobody's fault but myself . . .


                  • #10
                    spaarkie , its honestly hard walking away from betting all the sudden . . tried before , quit for 3 months and came back and started betting much more . . .


                    • #11
                      Bud.i too had it i feel apart and got divorced but i walked away from it thats why u didn't see me post here in the longest time almost yr 1 1/2.. alot better now but no family even though i got my kids a bit but reassure the family it is them u want work away from the habit
                      Every time i make ends meet ..someone moves the ends????


                      • #12
                        am always there for the little 1 , just not the wife . . . there's been nights were i placed wagers and had no clue if i won or lost anything , cause i was spending time with baby . . just don't see eye to eye with her anymore . . .


                        • #13
                          The marriage might be over,but keep your relationship with your daughter strong and loving.Your wife might be happier on her own also.She probably needs you to make the move.As far as the Blonde...have fun with it while it lasts.Most things are'nt forever.Who knows your wife might make a better friend to you in the long run...GL


                          • #14
                            Jimmy-I don't want to bore you or anyone else with the details but suffice it to say that my first wife and I got divorced for pretty much the same reason you are talking about-I myself was totally obsessed with sports gambling, watching scores come in all day and night, etc. I was married to her for 10 years.
                            Even though the bets the were small(and tiny compared to what you bet), I wasn't spending enough time with her OR my daughter(your situation seems to be a bit different here).
                            She met someone else during the time I was gambling, they got married and are very happy together.
                            She and I and my daughter still have a great relationship and we talk all of the time-it is the picture perfect divorce if there is such a thing.
                            Anyways, I remarried almost five years ago to a wonder much younger and religious lady from Colombia.
                            She is a wonderful person, and while we love each other very much, she like my first wife gets irritated at times when I don't spend enough time with her or my two year old son because I am on the computer with gambling related activities.
                            In amounts bet on games, I even bet less than I did before(my big money is in the stock market), but I realize that I have to be careful because at times I still become too obsessed.addicted with it-again it is not that money but the obsession of simply sitting too long at the computer watching the scores come in and deciding who I am going to bet on.
                            And don't forget also in my case I spend a lot of my day checking my stocks, although for obvious reasons it is a lot easier to walk away from the computer with that than with watching say basketball scores every second.
                            Anyway, I went on longer than intended to.
                            The point is that imo you should evaluate and re-evaluate your priorities in life as well as of course evaluating how you and your wife feel about your wife(we know you love your daughter) and of course the new person in your life and then act accordingly-if you neeh help in doing this, then by all means seek it-the stakes here are far higher than the w's and l's in your gambling tally and how much you made or lost.
                            Best of luck!


                            • #15
                              Hate to even reply to this. Jimmy.. You were on a roll.. Now all of a sudden you lost a bunch of units and are saying different stuff. Been here to long to realize bullshit.. Everything was fine now it isn't.. Come on buddy..enough...everyone loses from time to time but I'll be damned to say someone else caused me to lose... You fkng with someone else or whatever has been going on... According to your post and now she is the problem..really... I like ya bud.. Tell me to fk off or whatever it don't matter.. I don't believe it.. Trust me I bet everyday... Book everyday and I just have heard to much shit... Seriously... Go bullshit someone else

