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  • #16
    Regardless Jimmy hope it all works out but just sounds to me you have been. On tilt for awhile.. Nothing in the last week has caused you to lose.. Correct!


    • #17
      I say pound Kansas........than pound the blonde


      • #18
        What does on tilt mean? :


        • #19
          No Bryce I would never cuss ya out bud , no way to treat someone . . . But you may be right about lossing or winning on sports and can't blame anyone but rself . . . But the story with what's going on with the wife is real . . . I needed some advice on this from people . . . My family pretty much said nothing helpful with this all . . . But again B no hard feelings toward ya bud


          • #20
            jimmy, i've been married for nearly 16 years now. my wife and i in the last 6 years have been to hell and back (bankrupcy, her lupus, where she almost died). things were up sh*ts creek without a paddle, BUT i never gave up on her or our marriage. no matter how bad things got. we had to scramble day to day, week to week, month to month too pay bills. my wife even told me, some men in my position (especially with her sick) would have walked away from the marriage. i personally believe in the sanctity of marriage. God gave us a wife for a reason. you can find all the excuses you want too walk out on her, and i don't really know you or her, but in my case, i wouldn't leave my wife ever. i guess you're gonna do what you want, but if you want my opinion, i think it's wrong.
            The difference between genius and stupidity, is that genius has it's limits.



            • #21
              Don't know what to say Jimmy....??I'm not one to give advice about women. Have had very bad luck with relationships. I think my problem is I get bored to easy. I change jobs and women about the same frequency as my socks.
              I wish you the best in whatever you decide. Be somewhat selfish in your decision but just remember to be fare to her. Treat her as you would want to be.
              (just don't leave footprints on her back)

              Good Luck my friend!


              • #22

                You seem like you could be using as well. Even if not, I do not understand how you could cheat on your wife. You may not think it, but to some people gambling is a disease. The gambling has gotten you into this mess.

                IMO... Go to GA and meetings and see how much better you feel. Your daughter should be first along with your wife. Dumb hoes at the bar will come and go, dont let them tempt you. A 2 week fling is not worth throwing away a happy marriage and kids not being mentally hurt in the long run.
                Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                • #23
                  Originally posted by diesel View Post
                  What does on tilt mean? :

                  Definition: When poker players let their emotions cloud their poker judgment, it's called going "on tilt." Often, when a player suffers a bad beat or a losing streak, they will go "on tilt."
                  Also Known As: On tilt

                  Without being a dick... There is what is means..
                  Sorry to have put it in terms that you didn't gamblers terms on top of that... Wow...

                  Looks like you were way off base... Do you need me to explain that one to you?


                  • #24

                    Seriously, you will hate yourself a year or two down the road if you give up your wife and kid for this. Just imagine how it would feel to only see your child twice a month. Divorces get ugly, very ugly, and your wife will definitely air out all your dirty laundry - including the gambling and mistress - to the courts. Consider yourself very luck to have found such a great woman who is willing to stick by you through all of this. Because, and I mean no offense by this, right now you're acting like a degenerate. My advice to you would be find something that interests you (like gambling) and include your wife in it. Teach her how you handicap games. Make it something you both enjoy together. Also, find something she enjoys and make an effort to do it with her (no matter what it is). But make sure it's just the 2 of you. Who knows, you might even discover something you never knew about her.

                    As for the bombshell.. Seriously she will leave you in 6 months. No 21 year old wants to be with a degenerate gambler (what you're acting like at the moment). She will wise up and leave you out in the cold.

                    I mean no disrespect towards you Jimmy however I feel I would be doing you a disservice to sugar coat anything. For your daughter and mainly for your wife, give up the bar and the blonde. Spend time with your wife. Use the money you would gamble with and take your wife on a trip. Tell her you want to do more things together. And most importantly, apologize to her for acting like an asshole for the past 6 months.

                    I hope this helps because I would hate to see you do anything you regret a year from now. In my profession (social worker) I see a lot of f'd up families who started in the same position you are in now. Good luck!


                    • #25
                      I obviously don't know you at all, but I went thru a similar situation about a year ago. I sought out the advice/opinions from some close friends b/c I wanted to know if I was getting ready to make an eff'd up decision or if I was just being a dumbass. I'm 34, been married 9 years, 2 beautiful daughters (5 &3), and have my own company. I don't spend a whole lot of time gambling, but my wife doesn't really care that much about it as long as i don't lose much (not that i'd tell her anyway!) I won't go into detail on my situation here (we had agreed to separate but worked things out the day before she moved out), but for what it's worth, IMO if you've just found one (1), single (uno)- new girl to hang out with, it's probably not too far from the feelings you felt for you wife when you first met. Of course it's exciting to get some strange, but if your wife is willing to look past that and work it out, you've probably got someone that really cares about you. If only for your daughter, give/try your best to make it work out for her benefit. I'm sure you don't want someone else trying to raise your daughter, b/c little girls really need their dads.

                      My wife and I did counseling which seemed to only make things worse, so we decided to try and just have fun together again, and try to remember why we got married in the first place. Although our relationship is not perfect, it's alot better than where it was and is getting better. Parents shouldn't stay together just for their kids, but unless you can honestly tell your child you tried your best to make it work out with your spouse for their sake... than keep trying.

