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Need your Opinions!!!

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  • Need your Opinions!!!

    Goin with the Ravens tonight....4-1 Nfl this weekend

    Need your opinions on what to do, my bookie says he cant pay me..I hit him for $2800 this week...says he's gettin out the business....Man if I would have lost he would still be taking my bets!!!


  • #2
    Do you know anybody else that uses him? Have them try to place a bet for you. Don't start any shit til you get paid is the main thing, then you can call him out. Do you know the dude? I can be hired for a price. haha


    • #3
      I know him well...telling me his new wife found out he was still booking, she is threatening him she will leave...It's a fucking joke!!! I want to strangle the MF...says he will pay me a couple hundred a week...thats alot of weeks, it will last three weeks TOPS!!!
      Last edited by Eliminator; 12-07-2009, 08:54 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by eliminator View Post
        goin with the ravens tonight....4-1 nfl this weekend

        need your opinions on what to do, my bookie says he cant pay me..i hit him for $2800 this week...says he's gettin out the if i would have lost he would still be taking my bets!!!

        Mother fucker!!!
        he is lying

        books made a killing over the weekend -- the past month actually


        • #5
          Yeah Greek I know he is, but WTF can I do about it? I have ways to get back, My Uncle is the head of US Marshals in Louisiana, I told him about it and says he can make his life miserable...LOL Dont know if i want to go that far with it!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Eliminator View Post
            I know him well...telling me his new wife found out he was still booking, she is threatening him she will leave...It's a fucking joke!!! I want to strangle the MF...says he will pay me a couple hundred a week...thats alot of weeks, it will last three weeks TOPS!!!

            I feel for you cause I am in the same boat with my local. I buried him over the last 3 years over 50k. He says he could not pay but said he could get me a few hundred a week. I had no choice but to work out payment a little at a time.

            I would recommend you keep the door open and explain to him you owe another book some money and really need it.

            Be patient, and collect slowly. Otherwise you may get nothing.
            NBA is a joke


            • #7
              Hell my local claims he got busted when I hit him real good last two weeks. What the fuck is going on with these locals being weasels like this all of a sudden. I haven't got paid but my agent (middle man) says he always got paid. It just has to wait for the heat to cool down.
              SEASON RECORDS AS OF 1/24/16

              LW 2-0 +3
              SEAS 64-40-3 +23.05

              LW 1-2 -2.3
              SEAS 17-16 +6.4

              LW 8-3 +5.85
              SEAS 20-14 +0.35

              LW 1-7 -12.1
              SEAS 16-20 -8.3


              70-79 -49.45


              • #8
                Originally posted by Eliminator View Post
                Goin with the Ravens tonight....4-1 Nfl this weekend

                Need your opinions on what to do, my bookie says he cant pay me..I hit him for $2800 this week...says he's gettin out the business....Man if I would have lost he would still be taking my bets!!!

                MOTHER FUCKER!!!
                Boy he must be a real small timer if he says he can't pay you $2800-$28000 is one thing , but $2800 to any good and reliable local is chump change.


                • #9
                  Let him pay you slowly, but make sure he pays you, just deal with it, if you start shit you'll probably get shit. Once he pays you everything, if you decide to stay with him, you can always tell him you'll make payments, if you ever lose.
                  Last edited by BigWeiner; 12-08-2009, 12:40 AM.


                  • #10
                    That is crazy...I keep hearing about these locals and just shake my head. As I have stated on here lately I have 6 people that wager through me...I haven't paid out more than 200 dollars all year long and have collected over 8000 dollars...and these guys are not huge bettors...200 is usually the max. One guy put 500 on houston yesterday and lost but the majority has been 50's 100's and 200's which was rare. I can not imagine him geting rocked if he has a big base of bettors. When I say a big base for a local I am thinking 50+ guys..the public is the public and the favorites always look enticing to gamblers..I don't see where this guy could of got rocked...maybe he is betting himself..I just don't get it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Eliminator View Post
                      I know him well...telling me his new wife found out he was still booking, she is threatening him she will leave...It's a fucking joke!!! I want to strangle the MF...says he will pay me a couple hundred a week...thats alot of weeks, it will last three weeks TOPS!!!
                      A shady dude...when you book this is something you can't do silently especially around your wife. It is a all day thing being a local...if you have any amount of guys wagering through you with a ton of games on the board it can't be a secret if you live with someone. Greek is right--he is lying...something is up.


                      • #12
                        My advice would be yea get whatever you can in payments but stay in touch.... A know the guy so that should be easy for you. This happened to me a wayyyys back when i did use a local, and actually a smaller amount. I didn't know him that well...i got paid 2 weeks then i never saw or heard from him again...gone

                        I know for a fact my guy was basically a chump, maybe 15-20 players, anyway but i only found out well after he was gone.

                        and yes he is obviously lying to you, I think you already know that...just try and be patient and work it out, that's the best advice i can give.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bryce View Post
                          A shady dude...when you book this is something you can't do silently especially around your wife. It is a all day thing being a local...if you have any amount of guys wagering through you with a ton of games on the board it can't be a secret if you live with someone. Greek is right--he is lying...something is up.
                          Spot on assessment & true. They do not lead normal lives or can hide what they do from a wife.

                          I'd ask him to be honest, if that is possible & get what you can if it takes some time...& find a new local perhaps.
                          FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


                          • #14
                            did you put your money up front?? becuase if you did then its really fucked up!! but if you didnt then ( and i have alot of experience with this) most credit bookies eventually end up dicking the credit player at some point! best way is put your money up and get paid right after the game!! Find a good service (one that pays the same day or next day).... as far a the credit bookie which im assuming he's credit (find out where he lives and make a headache for him and his wife) your not gonna get paid anyways so you mine as well give this guy a headache and drive his wife crazy!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                              I feel for you cause I am in the same boat with my local. I buried him over the last 3 years over 50k. He says he could not pay but said he could get me a few hundred a week. I had no choice but to work out payment a little at a time.

                              I would recommend you keep the door open and explain to him you owe another book some money and really need it.

                              Be patient, and collect slowly. Otherwise you may get nothing.
                              Best advice you can get right there!

