How come no threads about Matt Cassell? How come no 24/7 coverage on ESPN?
Matt Cassell goes out there this weekend in the same situation Brett Favre did a few years back with the death of his father and plays a great game! Where's all the coverage?
Matt Cassell goes out there this weekend in the same situation Brett Favre did a few years back with the death of his father and plays a great game! Where's all the coverage?
Because ESPN has a love affair with a handful of stars. Favre, TO and Romo to name a few.
Also, in this case the game wasn't on national TV. The Favre game was on MNF.
Matt Cassell goes out there this weekend in the same situation Brett Favre did a few years back with the death of his father and plays a great game! Where's all the coverage?
#1. Farve was on Monday night football and I don't think that many people saw Cassell play on Sunday afternoon
#2.ESPN would rather show T.O or Romo arguing instead of a feelgood story
I agree with you man.It's kinda like there coverage and ass kissing of USC.ESPN has there favorites and thats who they focus on.What Cassell did shows heart and character something Romo and T.O. know nothing about.
Matt Cassell? What about me. I need as much coverage as I can get during the off season because when 09 starts I wont be on TV because I'll be in back once again.