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  • It's confirmed

    McNabb is an idiot.

    Rich Hofmann: NFL overtime rules? Don't ask McNabb

    By Rich Hofmann
    Philadelphia Daily News

    Daily News Sports Columnist
    CINCINNATI - The overtime details will slip away gradually over time. What do the psychiatrists call it? Repressed memory?

    The fact that Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb turned over the ball four times in a game for the first time since 2003 will be slowly forgotten. The minutiae of the Eagles' 2008 season, which just about died yesterday in a 13-13 tie against the bedraggled Bengals, will pass from our consciousness, too.

    The symbolism will remain, though. And this will always be remembered as the day when the Eagles' quarterback admitted to not knowing that an NFL game could end in a tie.

    "No, I didn't know that," McNabb said at his postgame press conference. The 10-year veteran said he was not aware that one overtime is all you get in the NFL in the regular season until the final play of that overtime, when the Eagles tried an unsuccessful Hail Mary pass. He said, "When the play was called, I kind of figured, 'I guess there's ties in the NFL.' "

    He said, "I've never been a part of a tie. I never even knew that was in the rule book. It's part of the rules and we have to go with it. I was looking forward to the next opportunity to get out there and try to drive to win the game."

    Then McNabb compounded his error by not knowing the postseason overtime rule. Those games do play to a conclusion for obvious reasons, but McNabb said, "I hate to see what happens in the Super Bowl or I hate to see what happens in the playoffs. You have to settle with a tie."

    Uh, no. Several of his teammates, a couple of them veterans, also admitted to not knowing the rule. There was a brotherhood of the uninformed in that locker room, and that is worth mentioning here - not that it will matter. And whether or not McNabb knew the rule, it had no material effect on how he played in the game. That should be mentioned, too - again, not that it will matter.

    It is just the symbolism. It was McNabb's wet-chart moment, a homage to former Eagles coach Rich Kotite's two-point conversion sheet that became smeared one rainy day in Dallas.

    It makes the quarterback look weak at a crucial moment for him and the franchise. McNabb's play has slipped in recent weeks, and now this - a disastrous game for him, three picks and a lost fumble and this memorable gaffe on top of it. It is not a good time for this, not for any of it.

    Because the questions about backup quarterback Kevin Kolb will be coming - make no mistake about that. The first one came yesterday after the game to Eagles coach Andy Reid, about how long McNabb's leash might be at this point.

    Reid sounded terrible yesterday, beaten up, beleaguered. The last two games have been crushing for the playoff chances of a team now standing at an ungainly 5-4-1. Reid's voice was cracking a little bit, and sometimes it barely rose above a whisper. This was one of those times, on the short-leash question.

    His nearly inaudible reply was, "Just keep firing."

    It is what needs to happen. For all of their sakes, this should be allowed to play out to its conclusion. Yes, it is true, McNabb has not thrown three interceptions in a game since a loss at Tampa Bay in 2006, and he has not turned over the ball four times in a game since a loss to New England in 2003.

    His play is deteriorating and the play around him is deteriorating. He and his sometimes ham-handed receivers are racing each other to infamy. But in his case, both Reid and McNabb said there is no hidden physical problem.

    "I was just being aggressive - that's what you have to do in this league," McNabb said, talking about the three interceptions, one of which came on a deflection off receiver Kevin Curtis' shoulder pad.

    McNabb has now thrown five picks in his last three games. He has started alarmingly slowly now in four straight games. This season, he has been tackled with the ball only 38 times (15 sacks, 23 runs) but fumbled on five of them, losing three. Overall, the trend is not his friend.

    But this needs to play out. After 10 years, history demands that this season finishes with McNabb, for better or worse.

    "The confidence is high - there is no wavering of our confidence on the offensive side," he insisted.

    But is there still time to turn things around?

    "I would like to think so, yes," McNabb said. His voice betrayed nothing, not delusions, not false bravado, nothing.

  • #2
    McNabb is a complete MORON!


    • #3
      It's scary enough that he didn't know it, but apparently several Bengals and Eagles didn't know either. How do these guys not know this? McNabb was clearly in the league the last time there was a tie in 2002. I'll bet Kevin Kolb knew there was no second OT...


      • #4
        Is he that fucking stupid. If he is, he doesn't deserve to be playing the NFL making big dollars. He should be cleaning the toilets at McDonalds. Doesn't he know there is a clock that starts at 15 minutes in overtime and winds down to 0.
        MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


        • #5
          You have to be smart to play QB and that my friends is why he ain't won a SB.He's an idiot.


          • #6
            You are 100% correct. Maybe Ray Lewis will knock some sense into him this Sunday.


            • #7
              You guys crack me up.......Ill bet most of you guy racking on McNabb know everything ha? Not a big deal the guy didnt know there was overtime, thats why he has coaches.

              Should he know? Yes, but it doesnt make him an idiot because he doesnt. Reid and Morninweg are the bigger douches for bad preparation and play calling....they are paid to think, McNabb is paid to execute.



              • #8
                Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
                You guys crack me up.......Ill bet most of you guy racking on McNabb know everything ha? Not a big deal the guy didnt know there was overtime, thats why he has coaches.

                Should he know? Yes, but it doesnt make him an idiot because he doesnt. Reid and Morninweg are the bigger douches for bad preparation and play calling....they are paid to think, McNabb is paid to execute.

                Let's just say that Philly has the ball with 5 seconds left in overtime at the 50 yard line.The clock is counting down 5-4-3-2-1 and instead of taking a shot at a Hail Mary he runs out of bounds and the game ends.Then would you think he was an idiot.Hell yes you would and that could have happened.Thats why he should know the damn rules.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                  Let's just say that Philly has the ball with 5 seconds left in overtime at the 50 yard line.The clock is counting down 5-4-3-2-1 and instead of taking a shot at a Hail Mary he runs out of bounds and the game ends.Then would you think he was an idiot.Hell yes you would and that could have happened.Thats why he should know the damn rules.
                  would have to agree with Pimp a little bit here. If Reid doesn't tell his players what the hell is going on in OT(sometimes we call it a friendly reminder), then he is the ultimate problem. And that is why the Eagles have NOT won a SB with him as the coach.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
                    You guys crack me up.......Ill bet most of you guy racking on McNabb know everything ha? Not a big deal the guy didnt know there was overtime, thats why he has coaches.

                    Should he know? Yes, but it doesnt make him an idiot because he doesnt. Reid and Morninweg are the bigger douches for bad preparation and play calling....they are paid to think, McNabb is paid to execute.

                    You're kidding right?

                    I don't proclaim to know everything. Knowing the OT rule is a basic rule that a team's QB should know. Maybe we should be certain that McNabb is aware it's 10 yards and 4 downs for a first down.

                    And I TOTALLY disagree with you. A NFL QB is paid to think as well as execute. For you to suggest a QB doesn't have to think is naive.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mtrctypimp View Post

                      should he know? Yes, but it doesnt make him an idiot because he doesnt.

                      enough said!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ICD55 View Post
                        would have to agree with Pimp a little bit here. If Reid doesn't tell his players what the hell is going on in OT(sometimes we call it a friendly reminder), then he is the ultimate problem. And that is why the Eagles have NOT won a SB with him as the coach.
                        I don't disagree with Pimp about the coaching staff being idiots but if at the end of the game an offensive lineman got caught holding in the endzone and it was ruled a saftey and he said he didn't know he couldn't hold in the endzone would you say the coaching staff should have called a timeout and reminded them or would you say the lineman was an idiot for not knowing.Once again I'm going with calling him an idiot.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
                          ....they are paid to think, McNabb is paid to execute.

                          Yea, he did that well with 3 INT's and a lost fumble


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ICD55 View Post
                            would have to agree with Pimp a little bit here. If Reid doesn't tell his players what the hell is going on in OT(sometimes we call it a friendly reminder), then he is the ultimate problem. And that is why the Eagles have NOT won a SB with him as the coach.
                            Once again. A NFL player should have a basic understanding of the rules. I don't expect them to know each and every rule. I'll bet 99.9% of NFL fans know the rule.


                            • #15
                              I thought the Ptt/SD ending oversahdowed this story. I was shocked that McNabb and many other Eagels did not know that games end in a tie. I found it even more unbelievable that a guy who was a QB in a Super Bowl did not know how playoff and SB games can end!

                              Reid deserves as much of the criticism as at some point he needs to inform his team but the players should know these things. WOW!
                              Three Jack's Record

