screw him already,im sick of hearing about him.there have been so many better QB's that have played and they don't even get this much hype.let him retire and end this saga,its only going to carry into the football season and ruin that too
That rookie knows the desire and passion that it takes to make it to that level so I'm sure he knows what Brett is feeling.I scored my last touchdown in State Championship 1995 and I still can smell cut grass and wish I was playing.Think how Brett feels doing it all these years.
That rookie knows the desire and passion that it takes to make it to that level so I'm sure he knows what Brett is feeling.I scored my last touchdown in State Championship 1995 and I still can smell cut grass and wish I was playing.Think how Brett feels doing it all these years.
if brett has those feelings then he should have never retired,but he did so he should stay away