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Anyone play online poker here?

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  • #46
    Watch the WS of Poker once and see all the rags to riches stories brought on from Online Poker. Just that one event turns out a ton of new Millionaires each year and they are guys like me and you who win measley buy in tourneys online. Now tell me how many Millionaires you here of each year who made it on a nice week or two of sports gambling. You will be searching for awhile .....


    • #47
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      Watch the WS of Poker once and see all the rags to riches stories brought on from Online Poker. Just that one event turns out a ton of new Millionaires each year and they are guys like me and you who win measley buy in tourneys online. Now tell me how many Millionaires you here of each year who made it on a nice week or two of sports gambling. You will be searching for awhile .....
      So whats your viewpoint in comparison to the two then? Other than what you have just stated cause I was talking about the comparison with a buddy the other day and we had a good conversation about the two.....
      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


      • #48
        Poker in general can be had long term but one needs to know his you play for fun or do you play to make money....I agree with Apples in that if you play the right way long term you will come out ahead....thats mathamatically proven.

        Another way to look at is there are levels of play out there and you need to figure out where you fit in and are most comfortable.

        In a live game I will play 10-20 but I will never do that online because of the speed of the game and you can get crushed very quickly...I enjoy playing NL 200 buyin online because thats where I feel most comfortable and I have had nights where I have won 1000 and Ive had nights where Ive lost more than that.....Im not a pro and I know I cant make a living doing it (neither at sports gaming) or I wouldve been doing it by is a game of skill and dont let anyone tell you otherwise....I played in a regular home game a few years back regularly and I can tell you every single time I played with these bozos I walked away with a few hundred bucks but if I played live or online its a 50/50 prop that I walk away up.....know who are up against and if you are outmatched get away quick....Apples said he likes the 35 SnG because he is most comfy playing that and thats the key.....feel comfy who you are up against and the game you are playing.

        I have a general idea of the cards my opps might have but I am wrong more times than I right but I know my strengh is calculating odds of staying in the hand (drawing and what not, whats in the pot to compared to making my hand) and I try to play my cards as opposed to my opponents......what makes the best players in the world the best is that they play their opps cards for them.....listen to Negranu and you will be floored as 90% of the time he knows almost to a tee what you have.....and lastly which I have learned is a must is to be able to make a tough laydown.....some people just hate to fold a hand and sometimes you will fold a winner but in the end thats the right thing to do if you feel the elast bit of uncertainty....sorry for rambling



        • #49
          Originally posted by Chado1
          Yea you are right....I guess I just dont have the patience for it in poker where in sports I have learned to handle it (somewhat) or more than I would be able to with poker.....
          You having any form of patience? You were ready to mow down an entire room full of postal employees this past week....

          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #50
            Originally posted by Chado1
            So whats your viewpoint in comparison to the two then? Other than what you have just stated cause I was talking about the comparison with a buddy the other day and we had a good conversation about the two.....
            To me it is a matter of choice. I know many guys who do not work a real job and make a living gambling. Every single one of them do it playing Poker, not sports gambling. I love playing Poker. We do it all the time at home with friends but i do not have the interest in doing it with strangers in a room or online. It has nothing to do with my chances of winning or losing though.


            • #51
              Originally posted by KazDog
              You having any form of patience? You were ready to mow down an entire room full of postal employees this past week....



              • #52
                Originally posted by KazDog
                You having any form of patience? You were ready to mow down an entire room full of postal employees this past week....

                Hey I am working on it...

                Yea you can just imagine my patience with poker huh...
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

