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Anyone play online poker here?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chado1
    If you were so good at it you wouldnt even work and make it your full time career....also you wouldnt just be playing $35 to me in about 5 years and see how well your doing....thats my point....the odds are against your favor in the long run as the beats over-ride the "by the book" over time...maybe not in a couple month, maybe not in a year.....but a few years those beats will catch up with you and this is strictly for POKER....I am basing this from what I have heard from old timers and read about from real shit thats not what the midea and the "I just won at the casino tonight" type BS.....nothing against you personally....
    How could anyone tell someone else what to do for their career, especially one with the rises and falls of poker. Its such a the stock market, plenty of people make some money investing but that doesnt mean they'd ever want to turn it into a career. Poker is fun, turning it into a job places it into a category that would change my outlook on the game.

    And for the record, there is a reason it took so many casinos so long to put in a poker's the least profitable portion of the casino. The rake is simply to pay the dealers and floorman, THERE IS NO HOUSE ADVANTAGE. Poker is a game played against other people...if you can apply the right strategy to people and be aggressive in good moments, you can win more than you lose. You have to be an observant person and you need to have patience and guts, and some luck. But you don't have to have luck like you do in other games, good players can outplay their opponents and make them fold hands that are better than their own..

    OK now i'm out Just wanted to give my opinion on something I have a good amount of experience doing.
    Great Day To Win

    MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

    NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

    GOY (4-1)


    • #32
      Who cares if people enjoy online poker. If they do, all the power to them. Some choose to go to strip clubs and they are guaranteed to leave with nothing but a empty wallet and they never see 1 face while doing so. At least in this "You have a shot" of Hitting it!


      • #33
        Originally posted by tash
        who plays poker with credit card money ? give me a live game with a couple 2-3 dimes in front of me....and watch the faces across the table...get a read on them...and play ! fuck this online crap ! All luck-even if you play the "right way " ...just ask money maker . Is he still around ?
        Yea stare deep in the eyes of those butt ugly poker room mugs. The guys who haven't showered or slept in 12 hours cause they're still trying to win your money. Their stank breath and foul smells.
        Great Day To Win

        MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

        NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

        GOY (4-1)


        • #34
          Originally posted by ELJUGO
          Yea stare deep in the eyes of those butt ugly poker room mugs. The guys who haven't showered or slept in 12 hours cause they're still trying to win your money. Their stank breath and foul smells.
          Reading a player doesn't always work for everyone either. Most are not good at hiding their hands and online poker eliminates that weakness for them.


          • #35
            Meant no disrespect to you JUGO...just saying from my experience of being around poker for years people talk big but actually win little with the bad beats of even playing by the book outwaying things in the long run with poker in general...thats all I meant...its all good bro...
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • #36
              Sounds just like Sports gambling Chad .......


              • #37
                Originally posted by ELJUGO
                How could anyone tell someone else what to do for their career, especially one with the rises and falls of poker. Its such a the stock market, plenty of people make some money investing but that doesnt mean they'd ever want to turn it into a career. Poker is fun, turning it into a job places it into a category that would change my outlook on the game.

                And for the record, there is a reason it took so many casinos so long to put in a poker's the least profitable portion of the casino. The rake is simply to pay the dealers and floorman, THERE IS NO HOUSE ADVANTAGE. Poker is a game played against other people...if you can apply the right strategy to people and be aggressive in good moments, you can win more than you lose. You have to be an observant person and you need to have patience and guts, and some luck. But you don't have to have luck like you do in other games, good players can outplay their opponents and make them fold hands that are better than their own..

                OK now i'm out Just wanted to give my opinion on something I have a good amount of experience doing.
                I agree 100%.

                2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                2010 NFL: 0-0

                2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                • #38
                  Do you play online poker Wayne and if not how come?

                  Would be interested to get others peoples opinions about poker vs. sports betting in comparison to long term profitability....cause I have never heard of people HONESTLY MAKING MONEY OFF POKER IN THE LONG RUN.....(for real though and not losing in the late hours of the night when no ones around type deal).....
                  SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Chado1
                    Do you play online poker Wayne and if not how come?

                    Would be interested to get others peoples opinions about poker vs. sports betting in comparison to long term profitability....cause I have never heard of people HONESTLY MAKING MONEY OF POKER IN THE LONG RUN.....(for real though and not losing in the late hours of the night when no ones around type deal).....

                    I do not have the patience for it, that's why. I also do not go to horse or dog tracks or bet them online. I don't buy scratch tickets either. If i do and lose $1 it pisses me off 'til no end. My love/addiction is sports gambling. I've known many, many more who have won bigger in live or online poker than i have in sports gambling. You have to know it well and enjoy the patience it takes at the table. If i had both, i would play.


                    • #40
                      The reason I bring this up is I used to play online poker for years....and I know the game very well....I would be up a lot and eventually give it all back...sure that can happen with sports betting but I just found when I compared the two I always felt more confident in sticking with just the sports than some fuckin fish beating me on some luck BS or playing everything by the book and getting fucked by BS cards and shit....the comparison over the years for myself was a personal lesson to stay away from poker and ever since have been fine....much more content with the sport aspect of gambling.....but I could be wrong here guys like I said no offense to anyone just basing this on my previous experience.....and I had a lot of it for a few long years of poker....
                      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by wayne1218
                        I do not have the patience for it, that's why. I also do not go to horse or dog tracks or bet them online. I don't buy scratch tickets either. If i do and lose $1 it pisses me off 'til no end. My love/addiction is sports gambling. I've known many, many more who have won bigger in live or online poker than i have in sports gambling. You have to know it well and enjoy the patience it takes at the table. If i had both, i would play.
                        Yea thats one thing you definately need to have...nothing like waiting for some good cards for an hour and than losing it all on some idiot who doesnt know how to play and gets lucky and beats you on a hand he shouldnt have won and than having to sit back and wait another hour or two for some more decent cards or spots to play to maybe win 1/4 of what you just lost in that BS back.....that to me drove me off the must be the most patient indivuals on the planet....
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Chado1
                          The reason I bring this up is I used to play online poker for years....and I know the game very well....I would be up a lot and eventually give it all back...sure that can happen with sports betting but I just found when I compared the two I always felt more confident in sticking with just the sports than some fuckin fish beating me on some luck BS or playing everything by the book and getting fucked by BS cards and shit....the comparison over the years for myself was a personal lesson to stay away from poker and ever since have been fine....much more content with the sport aspect of gambling.....but I could be wrong here guys like I said no offense to anyone just basing this on my previous experience.....and I had a lot of it for a few long years of poker....
                          Chad the whole BS thing about cards and shit is just that ... BS. I've seen, heard and read more stories about just how legit these sites are that it is not even a question for me. They make a ton of money off of a shitload of tiny rakes and most are monitored by either outside companies or in computer banks. They have absolutely zero to gain by someone sitting on the other side fucking with each individual. That argument is an old one and simply couldn't be further from the truth.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by wayne1218
                            Chad the whole BS thing about cards and shit is just that ... BS. I've seen, heard and read more stories about just how legit these sites are that it is not even a question for me. They make a ton of money off of a shitload of tiny rakes and most are monitored by either outside companies or in computer banks. They have absolutely zero to gain by someone sitting on the other side fucking with each individual. That argument is an old one and simply couldn't be further from the truth.
                            No misinterpreted me....I am not saying what tash was....I know the online poker sites are totally legit....I just meant BS luck...or BS beat in general....
                            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Chado1
                              No misinterpreted me....I am not saying what tash was....I no the online poker sites are totally legit....I just meant BS luck...or BS beat in general....
                              Look around lately ... It happens daily in sports gambling too. How many nights have i seen you talk about bad beats in Hockey lately? It happens in all forms of gambling.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by wayne1218
                                Look around lately ... It happens daily in sports gambling too. How many nights have i seen you talk about bad beats in Hockey lately? It happens in all forms of gambling.
                                Yea you are right....I guess I just dont have the patience for it in poker where in sports I have learned to handle it (somewhat) or more than I would be able to with poker.....
                                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

