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Roger Clemens is a FRAUD!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TheRook
    I'm sure if it was Sammy Sosa you'd have a different opinion.

    only man to hit 60 home runs in 3 straight seasons ever.

    Is he also the "best"?



    • #32
      I think ESPN and everyone else owes Jose Canseco an apology..... As soon as he came out with these allegations about other players, everyone, especially espn, said he was just tryingto sell a book and you can't trust him........ Now what?

      Personally, I couldn't care less if anyone takes steroids.... Why isn't it a big deal in the NFL... The NFL is the untouchable, thats why...

      Prove to me Hank Aaron didn't take steroids.....
      Pitshers on roids and batters on roids cancel eachother out...something like that.


      • #33
        [QUOTE=Celtics86]I think ESPN and everyone else owes Jose Canseco an apology..... As soon as he came out with these allegations about other players, everyone, especially espn, said he was just tryingto sell a book and you can't trust him........ Now what?

        Bonds = Biggest Fraud

        Didn't see but a few minutes of the Clemens interview so I don't know if he's a cheater or not. I highly doubt when he set the MLB record for most strikeouts in a game he was a cheater.


        • #34


          • #35
            Originally posted by Celtics86
            I think ESPN and everyone else owes Jose Canseco an apology..... As soon as he came out with these allegations about other players, everyone, especially espn, said he was just tryingto sell a book and you can't trust him........ Now what?

            Personally, I couldn't care less if anyone takes steroids.... Why isn't it a big deal in the NFL... The NFL is the untouchable, thats why...

            Prove to me Hank Aaron didn't take steroids.....
            Pitshers on roids and batters on roids cancel eachother out...something like that.

            I think Hank Aaron was before the steroid era and he was a small man. Also I believe the NFL has a steroid policy that they cracked down on a few years back. They still catch some each year. I do not think anywhere it is "no big deal"
            The years of the 70's and 80's it was more prevelant in the NFL. What do you mean by the NFL being untouchable? I think MLB has always been more untouchable due to their strong union. I am pre-law and we have studied Donald Fehr and the strength of the MLB players union. However, we compared them to the NFLPA and they have a stronger management prescence (NFL itself) and a weaker union in comparison. Just wondered what Celtics meant by that if you could help me see your point of view
            Last edited by deltaforce; 01-07-2008, 04:11 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Celtics86
              I think ESPN and everyone else owes Jose Canseco an apology..... As soon as he came out with these allegations about other players, everyone, especially espn, said he was just tryingto sell a book and you can't trust him........ Now what?

              Personally, I couldn't care less if anyone takes steroids.... Why isn't it a big deal in the NFL... The NFL is the untouchable, thats why...

              Prove to me Hank Aaron didn't take steroids.....
              Pitshers on roids and batters on roids cancel eachother out...something like that.

              thank you.


              • #37
                I do not think that pitchers and hitters on roids cancel each other out at all.

                Hitters take it for strength

                Pitchers take it for recovery.

                Anabolic steroids when used as a bulking agent sometimes makes the muscles too big/strong for the supporting ligaments and tendons. Therefore would not be of any use to a pitcher. That is why they do not bulk up. There are many different types.


                • #38
                  Anyone listening to this Press Conference?
                  Three Jack's Record


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK

                    HE WAS A CHEAT
                    I HATE SAMMY

                    i do too!!

                    But it's a perfect arguement in this situation.

                    If there is proof....then Clemens needs to be put in the same league as all the other cheaters.


                    • #40
                      Why wouldn't Clemens just say- come to the Press Conference and tell everyone i did not do steroids!
                      Three Jack's Record


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by TheRook
                        i do too!!

                        But it's a perfect arguement in this situation.

                        If there is proof....then Clemens needs to be put in the same league as all the other cheaters.

                        nice new avatar rook!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Celtics86
                          I think ESPN and everyone else owes Jose Canseco an apology..... As soon as he came out with these allegations about other players, everyone, especially espn, said he was just tryingto sell a book and you can't trust him........ Now what?

                          Personally, I couldn't care less if anyone takes steroids.... Why isn't it a big deal in the NFL... The NFL is the untouchable, thats why...

                          Prove to me Hank Aaron didn't take steroids.....
                          Pitshers on roids and batters on roids cancel eachother out...something like that.

                          Sorry, but two wrongs don't make a right IMO. just because some pitchers and some hitters are taking them doesn't cancel each other out if not all hitters and pitchers are taking them.

                          How can you say it isn't a big deal in the NFL? Hasn't there been suspensions a plenty there? Rodney Harrison got suspended for taking them, Shawn Merriman, just to name two right off the top of my head, and i'm sure if i look more I can find more.

                          If it's not approved...then it's wrong. Period. No matter who you are.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by musclemann
                            nice new avatar rook!

                            you need to change


                            • #44
                              I think Roger is looking very bad. I was of the opinion that he was skating by because he was white, but now I am not sure at all. I think he could take alot of heat off of Bonds.

                              Just for the record I am bi-racial so I have no axe to grind either way. Dad is Jamaican descent. Mom is German descent.

                              Do not want to turn this racial, but i had heard many media types ask that same question.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by deltaforce
                                I think Roger is looking very bad. I was of the opinion that he was skating by because he was white, but now I am not sure at all. I think he could take alot of heat off of Bonds.

                                Just for the record I am bi-racial so I have no axe to grind either way. Dad is Jamaican descent. Mom is German descent.

                                Do not want to turn this racial, but i had heard many media types ask that same question.

                                That is EXACTLY where it will go if people give Roger the benefit of the doubt on this.

                                At least hes coming forward...good or bad, at least he's making the effort to clear his name. We'll see if it works or not.

