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Hank Steinbrenner says 'goodbye' to A-Rod

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  • #16
    Well the Yanks clearly layed out their terms as Opt Out, and no offer, wanting the Rangers to continue picking up the tab. It didn't work and now they have to stand by it.

    He is an awesome talent and they wouldn't have made the playoffs without him, and they didn't lose in the playoffs because of him.

    Now they must move on, get a manager and make some moves to try and contend with what seems to be the Beast of the East Boston Red Sox.

    There are a lot of issues and decisions to be made, only two of them the manager and ARod.

    Now lets hope they can piece together a better product then $200M has bought them recently. Mr Cashmans has to be on the firing line now, if he cannot put a strong team together.

    The nucleus of:





    Are still there. They could be in worse shape. Now build around it, not just for next year, but beyond. That is their job.
    2012 - 2013 NCAAF

    21 - 20 - 0

    2012 - 2013 NFL

    14 - 10 - 1


    • #17
      Originally posted by BillMill71
      Well the Yanks clearly layed out their terms as Opt Out, and no offer, wanting the Rangers to continue picking up the tab. It didn't work and now they have to stand by it.

      He is an awesome talent and they wouldn't have made the playoffs without him, and they didn't lose in the playoffs because of him.

      Now they must move on, get a manager and make some moves to try and contend with what seems to be the Beast of the East Boston Red Sox.

      There are a lot of issues and decisions to be made, only two of them the manager and ARod.

      Now lets hope they can piece together a better product then $200M has bought them recently. Mr Cashmans has to be on the firing line now, if he cannot put a strong team together.

      The nucleus of:





      Are still there. They could be in worse shape. Now build around it, not just for next year, but beyond. That is their job.
      They need starting pitching & a bullpen. Rivera isnt going to be around for ever & he's gotten roughed up a bit so they need to get someone to fill that space.

      I wish they would give the managers job to Mattingly instead of Garardi. Mattingly is more in tune with these players & knows what to get out of them.

      They also need to pick up a few bats. With some of the money that they can save between arod, giambi, mussina, etc. they should be able to sign a few RBI guys.
      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


      • #18
        Arod is a great player, but I wouldn't want him. I think he is bush-league, especially after he yelled at the infielder trying to catch a pop-up. I can't stand the RedSox, but I love Varitek for the time Arod was in the middle of a slump, batting around .280 and he got hit by a pitch and was bitching at the RedSox pitcher for hitting him on purpose. Varitek grabbed him and told him that they would never hit a .260 hitter on purpose and away they went! Varitek got in a couple of nice shots...

        And now Arod announces he won't take the Yankee deal during the 4th game of the W.S. No, he is a bush-leaguer as far as I am concerned. The Cubs can have him. I think they are the only ones who will ante up that kind of money. I hope he chokes on it.


        • #19
          A-Rod is the best Regular Season player in the game by far.

          The problem with that..........

          There are 2 seasons and A-Rod is not clutch, so he will never win a WS.
          Am I the longest tenured BC member?


          • #20
            arod the best

            say what you want about arod but if im starting a team he would definitely be my first position player chosen. Without him carrying that shit team during the season there would be no post season for them.

            arod will definitely go down as the best player to ever play the game.


            • #21
              Originally posted by zeib10
              A-Rod is the best Regular Season player in the game by far.

              The problem with that..........

              There are 2 seasons and A-Rod is not clutch, so he will never win a WS.
              I don't think that is necessarily so.
              Anyone who has hit as many hr's as he has and driven in so many runs, many in clutch situations during regular games, will eventually do something is the playoffs and WS.
              Any team that can afford him would be crazy not to try to sign him.
              ps I can't stand Boras, and thought it was classless last night regarding ARod's opting out of his contract with the Yankees.

