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Kaptains "Early Bases for Saturday" 8-25

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  • #31
    Well I'll be dawg! No sooner than a coon finding his next dinner- they're ya are. I wrote another little special to ya in my thread- hope ya get the time. I find this site dysfunctional at best but hilarious in many ways. Being dysfunctional myself- I welcome the Kapt of this ship back to his post and overseer of the main deck!
    May he keep a watchful eye on the gold ladened ships that we can plunder!
    "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


    • #32
      Good luck Karl, knock em dead buddy
      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • #33
        Glad to see you back and posting Kapt. I'm putting all that was said behind me. As I stated in almost every post I made to you, I've never had any problem with you. You're a fine man and a stand up guy. For whatever reason, our little riff escalated into a epic proportions and I never thought it would get to that level of misinterpretation. Esp. when it wasn't me you had the concerns about in the first place.

        I love to debate and sometimes people take it the wrong way. I can almost always walk away and have no hard feelings in the end. However, there were some cheap shots thrown my way and that's fine, I chose not to recognize those individuals.

        You can count on one thing, I'm going to say what's on my mind and for the most part, I don't hold anything back. If people don't like honesty and a forthright approach, then that's their problem.

        Thanks for recognizing my my hard work that has gotten me where I'm at today. That was a noble gesture. I know you too have worked very hard to get to the level that you've achieved. You have achieved many fine goals that you should be proud of.

        So let's move forward because there is a lot of football in the coming months that will need our utmost attention in capping.

        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #34

          Originally posted by KazDog
          Glad to see you back and posting Kapt. I'm putting all that was said behind me. As I stated in almost every post I made to you, I've never had any problem with you. You're a fine man and a stand up guy. For whatever reason, our little riff escalated into a epic proportions and I never thought it would get to that level of misinterpretation. Esp. when it wasn't me you had the concerns about in the first place.

          I love to debate and sometimes people take it the wrong way. I can almost always walk away and have no hard feelings in the end. However, there were some cheap shots thrown my way and that's fine, I chose not to recognize those individuals.

          You can count on one thing, I'm going to say what's on my mind and for the most part, I don't hold anything back. If people don't like honesty and a forthright approach, then that's their problem.

          Thanks for recognizing my my hard work that has gotten me where I'm at today. That was a noble gesture. I know you too have worked very hard to get to the level that you've achieved. You have achieved many fine goals that you should be proud of.

          So let's move forward because there is a lot of football in the coming months that will need our utmost attention in capping.

          I agree with some saying a ststement on the Forum can be highly misconstrued and taken in the totaly opposite way......It appears to me this is what has happened.....No one can see me, watch body movement, see when I smile or laugh, or in essence, "you've got to know me"....

          I've always said, on here many times, read, comprhend, and then retain what you read.....

          I read your above statement, iI comprehend, and rest assured I will retain it.........

          Alls well with us, and hopefully everyone else aboard the BC Forum Ship....Was a nice gesture on your part to step forward and state these things.......Be who you are, as I do, and let each other respect one anothers opinions........I'm personaly gonna mitigate my chances for controversy by sticking strictly to Sports related talk.....

          I looked back, and re-evaluated my self, and can see how certain things can be misconstrued.......I think if we do what we're supposed to do with this incident, is "Learn from It".....

          Once again alls well with you and I, or easier to say, "What posts you talking about Willis"..........they didn't exist....

          Best to ya, and keep teaching our youth the right ways...........kaptain
          Last edited by Kaptain; 08-26-2007, 08:03 AM.

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kaptain
            I agree with some saying a ststement on the Forum can be highly misconstrued and taken in the totaly opposite way......It appears to me this is what has happened.....No one can see me, watch body movement, see when I smile or laugh, or in essence, "you've got to know me"....

            I've always said, on here many times, read, comprhend, and then retain what you read.....

            I read your above statement, iI comprehend, and rest assured I will retain it.........

            Alls well with us, and hopefully everyone else aboard the BC Forum Ship....Was a nice gesture on your part to step forward and state these things.......Be who you are, as I do, and let each other respect one anothers opinions........I'm personaly gonna mitigate my chances for controversy by sticking strictly to Sports related talk.....

            I looked back, and re-evaluated my self, and can see how certain things can be misconstrued.......I think if we do what we're supposed to do with this incident, is "Learn from It".....

            Once again alls well with you and I, or easier to say, "What posts you talking about Willis"..........they didn't exist....

            Best to ya, and keep teaching our youth the right ways...........kaptain
            Nicely stated Kapt. Thanks!

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....

