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From Chado....for the better....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by wayne1218
    Chad, One more thing. I've been around the stuff quite a bit in my lifetime. I was engaged to a girl before the fiance i'm with now. Cocaine stole our wedding plans. I was with a girl and engaged about 10 years ago and i found out that she liked Coke. She did it once in awhile and she knew i didn't like it but it was not often and i thought that maybe she would just "Stop doing it". She didn't and it got worse. She managed a club and it was around everywhere. She started coming home every night and doing it. She would pull the mirror off the living room wall, use it to cut it up, and continue to do it sometimes without sleep for 2 or 3 days at a time. I would wake up for work in the morning and she would be sitting on the couch watching a movie (no sleep). I tried everything to help her and the more promises she made to get help or quit, the more she started lying to hide it from me and her family. I gave her the money to put down on a wedding dress and she spent it on coke and told me the dress was reserved. She stole from her mother one day when we were there and nobody ever saw her do it. I also started noticing alot of cash in her pockets after work too. I mean $100 bills sometimes falling out of her pocket. I still don't know how she was getting that money and i'm not sure i want to. The bottom line is that the addiction was much stronger than she was and our relationship ended. In the next 2 years after we broke up she was in the hospital 4 times for "Self mutilation". She used a razor blade on her arms to make her forget about the pains from her addiction that she couldn't control. It wasn't easy and i still think and wonder about her all the time. I never have touched it, not even once. I've had a million chances with it right in front of me and free for the taking but i've always known that i have a very addictive personality. If i ever tried it once, i knew it would be the begining of the end for me. You wouldn't believe it if you saw the girl. She is the sweetest and kindest girl you will ever meet and she was beautiful too. It didn't fit the profile and nobody had a clue.

    I also had a cousin of mine about 15 years ago die from it. He had done it before but the last time he had done more than he was used to and he had a heart attack and passed away. It is not only one of the most addictive drugs you will ever see, it is also one that will never ever lead your life in the right direction. The hiding, lying and stealing are nothing. Those are just the begining stages of what's to come. If the people you hang with are doing it, you need to get away. If they do not understand, they are simply put, not friends. Doing the next line is easy, quitting will be a battle for life and one i truly hope you are ready to fight.

    Good Luck again.
    I am speechless and thanks for sharing this story....I can relate with EVERY bit of it and have also done things extremely similar to what she would do.....I am glad that you never tried it because people with addictive personalities like ourselves like to continue to do things we enjoy repeatedly ragrdless of who we may be affecting or thinking about consequences....I have sleepless nights thinking about how mad I am that I ever tried it as I told myself I would NEVER do any harder drugs than pot. But I can't dwell on the what ifs I can only focuse on my future. As for the most addictive researches have shown me that it once it goes into your brain it creates a euphoria that is extremely hard to control and I will have to battle it for the rest of my life and it is unfortunate. Thanks for your support Wayne...I truly appreciate every bit of it....I just have to take it one day at a time....thanks again!!!


    • #32
      Drugs are bad. I say that jokingly, but I mean it seriously. You don't need 'em, life is a lot better without them. I can tell by your tone, everythings gonna be just fine. Take care.


      • #33
        Out of all the winners you have posted here, this is by far the biggest "WIN". Bigger than any GOY!!! Take care my friend and I look forward to seeing you here in the near future.


        • #34
          wish you the very best...... you-the-man!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #35
            Chado, Hang in there, i know a little something about addiction so i can honestly say i know what you are going thru.

            Each day clean you will see that it gets a little easier.

            Keep your mind and body busy as i have found that doing that really helps. Change your normal routines and find friends that are clean, you dont need any temptations in your life.

            God bless you and i will pray for a full recovery and a happy and healthy Chado.

            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #36
              Originally posted by jcindaville
              Chado, Hang in there, i know a little something about addiction so i can honestly say i know what you are going thru.

              Each day clean you will see that it gets a little easier.

              Keep your mind and body busy as i have found that doing that really helps. Change your normal routines and find friends that are clean, you dont need any temptations in your life.

              God bless you and i will pray for a full recovery and a happy and healthy Chado.

              Thanks jc and everyone for your means a lot!!! You are exactly right my friend about changing my routine and hanging around positive people and taking it one day at a time will really help in my recovery. I am just about to head out now so anyone please feel free to continue to post in this thread as my dear friend will be more than happy to read any other responses to me over the phone when I call him as it will really help and make me feel better when I am there knowing that others care for me aswell. Thanks once again guys and I will talk to you all again at the end of April!!!
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • #37
                Best of luck buddy! Realize it or not but you are already half way on beating this stuff by first and foremost realizing and admiting that you have the problem.. It takes a man to realize that he has the problem but an even bigger man to step up to the plate and do something about it.. You will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout this entire battle and I will be waiting on ya to post again and give us a heads up in 3 weeks! Take care and stay safe my friend!


                • #38
                  Good luck to you Chad. Hope everything works out well for you. Eagle
                  Kruise Record 28-21


                  • #39
                    Chado1-----I showed this to my Son, who has a Masters and a PHD in Pyscology and Counseling.......This is what he does for a living, and specializes in "Child" Pyscology, and he made the following statement.........

                    "The fact you're not in "Denial", and readily agreed to counseling and therapy, you're more than 1/2 way there to beating this addiction...........

                    I'm glad to see someone as young as yourself, recognize the apparent problem, face it, resolve some issues, and become a "LifeTime" winner.........You're on your way........

                    Keep us posted of your progress, as we do sincerely care, and use the Forum, and the Family, to have someone to talk you'll notice, all that responded, embraced your problem with you, and offered their support.......

                    Hang in Chado1....we're with ya.......kapt

                    PS---you could probably pass a "drug test" lot's easier than my Rum drinking addicted Krew on the Ship.....ha ha
                    Last edited by Kaptain; 04-09-2007, 09:17 AM.

                    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                    • #40
                      Chado1 I Will Pray For You, I Know For A Fact That Prayer Helps Thanks For Letting Us All Know, It Helps Believe Me I Know. You Will Be In My Families Prayers And Thoughts At All Times.

                      Remember If God Leads You TO It God Will See You Through It
                      Love John Thames And Family
                      Last edited by jt4545; 04-09-2007, 09:51 AM.

                      Fat Tuesday's - Home


                      • #41
                        With God all things are possible! God Bless you!


                        • #42
                          We'd definitely miss your hockey plays, Chado, but please focus on your rehab. That's what is important right now. congratulations on a positive, monumental life-changing decision. I wish you nothing but success.


                          • #43
                            All my best to you, great decision, make it work
                            2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                            21 - 20 - 0

                            2012 - 2013 NFL

                            14 - 10 - 1


                            • #44
                              GL Chado! I hope it works out for the best.
                              It's always noon somewhere!

                              My Fish and Aquariums

                              Griffey's Posted Record


                              • #45
                                Chado, the number one reason I moved to Ca. was to get away from that stuff. For the last 25 years, I would go out either after work on Friday, or after golf on Sat. and party half the night away. Was in the hospital twice for almost having a heart attack and developed acid reflux from it going down my esophagus.
                                I almost lost my family as well.
                                People have said that I am 2 different people, Pgh Chuck and Ca Chuck. But the bottom line is the Pgh Chuck didn't give a shit about anything and blew lots of $$$ on gambling, partying and everything else in his life, and lived a reckless life. He needed the attention 24-7 in everything he did. Lucky for me I was strong enough to fight the drug off all week and never missed a day of work.

                                Ca. Chuck on the other hand is a guy who took control of his life and is now just this conservative Dad, who has everything in life to look forward to. Family, retirement in a few years to name a few. I can look at myself in the mirror right now and see a better man.

                                I see GoldenGreek as a younger version of myself, especially when he brags and has a 10 inch signature with the biggest letters he could get in it. I tracked him the last 2 months and he padded his records by over 40 units, just like I did. I truley wanted to have a truce with him, but he is out of control right now, just like I was. Some day he will also grow up and realize, that there is more in life than posting on an internet forum.

                                I made a lot of enemies over the years and wish I could take it all back, but I can't. But all I know is that I have change my life into a more stable one, and found out who my true friends are, by the one's who continue to call me, even when living on the opposite side of the USA. God and Family will always be there, if you let them.

                                Take care and just get well.

