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To all my Bettors Chat Family....

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  • #16
    If you want some honest advice the best thing you can do for yourself if you truly wanna quit is the stay fuck away from here

    Im being brutally read this shit and then that makes u wanna bet somethin small and then before you know it the river is flowing again and soon you will be right back where you started

    Im kinda thinkin about doin the same shit Frank did and that is quit for a ton of time but I know its killer hard and Im not even sure I wanna do that but it crosses my mind all the time

    This shit is addictive by nature....dont matter if you are rich or I said and I mean this 100% if you need rehab (not GA) stay the fuck away from here......there will be so much more time for you and things you can do

    If I quit it is just because of my newborn and my wife......I would rather spend all of losses on them but we all know that doesnt happen because no gambler on earth makes a bet expecting to lose

    sorry for rambling



    • #17
      Art-just to let you know that I for one enjoyed reading your deep, profound and very philosophical post. Hopefully it will help a lot of folks including Alex.
      Much of what you said has applied to my situation in the past;many times the pain of losing was much greater than the thrill of winning.
      Now being 62, retired and recently married, my priorites have changed,and I now try at least (not always successfully) to put gambling in a subordinate role;my bets are now quite small compared to many, but I still enjoy winning.
      More importantly, unlike before, I always consider before the games start rather than after as to how I will feel if everything loses and then bet the amounts accordingly.
      I never want to again put myself in a position where I lose sleep, jeopardize my relationship with my wife (as I did with my first wife) and a host of other nasty things if I should lose, which does happen "once in a while." lol
      At this point of my life continued financial security is my goal, and that is why over 85% of my assets are managed professionally.
      I have fun with the other 20% with sports gambling and a bit more with buying speculative stocks.
      I don't want to think what would happen if I controlled the 85% and the other 15% were managed professionally.
      Anyways, best of luck Alex(and to others), and ALWAYS remember your everyday life, your health and relationship with your loved ones supercedes any amount of money you think you can win(more likely lose) gambling.
      Last edited by savage1; 10-24-2006, 05:44 PM.


      • #18
        Alex, Good Luck And Remember If You Do Bet Do It For Fun, You "aint" Gonna Get Rich Making Bets, Only The Man Will Come Out Ahead. If You Do Start Back Make Small Bets No Shame In Betting 10.00 Or 20.00 Bets, The Only Real Shame Is Losing Money That You Need.

        Again Good Luck

        Fat Tuesday's - Home


        • #19
          Originally posted by savage1
          ALWAYS remember your everyday life, your health and relationship with your loved ones supercedes any amount of money you think you can win gambling.

          Im spellbound bro thats some deep shit!!
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • #20
            good luck Alex wish you all the luck in the future.
            Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


            • #21
              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
              If you want some honest advice the best thing you can do for yourself if you truly wanna quit is the stay fuck away from here

              Have to chime in here and say that I agree with this statement 100%. You could equate it to an alcoholic who is going to stop drinking but still plans on hanging out at the bar "occasionally." Chances are it won't work.

              Seriously, gl with getting the life back together, many of us have went through this and seen a number of bc posters go through this before our very eyes.
              Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


              • #22
                Alex---gl to ya my man---we've all been there one time or other........You're very wise to realize you've got in a rut----takes a good man to admit that, and takes and even better one to do something positive about negative events..........

                Your family is first, and if you have the will power, as I think you do, come in here from time to time, and visit with us, and lay off wagering........

                when the times right, and you feel you can handle it, heed all the advice, especially the way FrankB03 put it, and you'll be allright........

                Best to ya man, and take care of the Lil Ladies in your life.......kapt

                Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                • #23
                  Thanks for all the input. I always say " I am quitting today" but never follow through with it. I seriously cannot continue to gamble and expect to have any kind of positive future for me and my family.

                  I wish you guys the best of luck and happy fortune.

                  Glad to see CHUCK and PIMP kiss and make up.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by AlexTheGreat
                    Thanks for all the input. I always say " I am quitting today" but never follow through with it. I seriously cannot continue to gamble and expect to have any kind of positive future for me and my family.

                    I wish you guys the best of luck and happy fortune.

                    Glad to see CHUCK and PIMP kiss and make up.
                    Always the best to you Alex ... Good Luck


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Art
                      Gambling is addictive. Any source of pleasure can be addictive.

                      There are two types of pleasure: positive and negative. A positive pleasure comes from acquisition of a positve while a negative pleasure comes from avoidance of a negative.

                      Assume you win 3K in a lucky run over multiple bets. This provides repeated positive pleasure. Then assume you lost 5K in an unlucky run. This is very negative - pain is provided instead of pleasure. Now your next bet is driven by two drives: a positive drive to acquire a source of pleasure and a negative drive to obtain the pleasure that can wipe away the past pain. Your drive for winning is now doubled as a positive pleasure as well as negative pleasure quest. Such is the stuff of addiction.

                      We can get addicted to anything that is a source of positive and/or negative plesasure. Sex, substances, social relationships, movies, music, etc. All such things come at a price - there are no free lunches. The trick is to maximize the pleasure and minimize the cost or pain. That is what we are here for.

                      To maximize pleasure and minimize pain requires requires that we better understand causality. In this way we accrue wisdom, and with wisdom we entangle with universal wisdom that is the eternal sub-quantum information processing (universal computer) underlying the unfolding of the material universe and all events thereof - causality.

                      As much as you lose in gambling it is what you learn from the experience that counts.

                      I have lost over a $100,000 over 20 years of gambling. I quit years ago. The reason I quit is that I did not have the discipline to gamble. I would set out a plan at the beginning of a season - betting limits per game and per weekend, etc. Then I would get caught up in the rush of winning or the attempt to wipe away losses and break my plan. The lack of discipline eventually contributed to failure but I would have failed eventually if I had stuck to a disiplined plane - just would have taken longer.

                      I now make picks simply to spur my interst in watching games I picked. This also shows me why my decision to quit was the right one.

                      Now there are some very few people who can win in their lifetime. This is the way things are distributed - the curve of probability. The trouble is that more money is lost than won - considering the vig that goes to the bookie as a part of money lost by gamblers. Over time every gambler will lose more than they win if they bet enough - some very few die before they reach this point of loss (given more time it would catch up with them).

                      Now this is causality - reality. It is what gambling taught me. An expensive but valuable lesson of the way things are.

                      No action is inherently moral or immoral - the universe is amoral outside of our evalutions. Good and bad are individual evaluations we make of the actual/predicted, pleasure/pain reward/punishment) effects in regards to self/others. When we agree on this it is codified in moral principles but these come strictly from ourselves instead of from any external source.

                      You make your reality and morality.

                      WELL SAID ART!!


                      • #26
                        best of everything for you Alex

