Blake, i wonder if you would have posted if he went 3-1 ... I doubt it ...
It only goes to show that there are no locks in football, no matter how good a capper is..Posting his plays here, just made him a loser....It's the curse of BettorsChat..
It only goes to show that there are no locks in football, no matter how good a capper is..Posting his plays here, just made him a loser....It's the curse of BettorsChat..
ha ha-i dont know about that-I am sure he is a good capper but there are so many here anyway-just wondering if this guy was something special-so far-i dont see it
ha ha-i dont know about that-I am sure he is a good capper but there are so many here anyway-just wondering if this guy was something special-so far-i dont see it
Nobody is ever special, and we all know that...People have good and bad days, that's life!!
All these posts ever do is lose people $$$
sorry most people didnt push on bears as line was 3.5 -125+ so you couldnt buy
He posted the plays when it was -3 .. i guess his plays really influence the line move from most books..... so his play is a push... sorry for those who have -3' or more...