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Anyone watching this dateline special?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
    youre wrong there cheech....look at fucking bitches like jerry porter, winslow (best te in the game) according to him......moss....and the list goes on. all these fuckers do the same shit but dont get half the shit owens gets. He is the most passionate player iin the game. if you dont think so, just see how he practices and keeps his body in shape while all these other overpriced players vacation. enough said.

    and about being disrespectful to your superiors.....if reid told him to shut up and sign autos, imo that is being more disrespectul. what gives reid the right to treat him like a 10 year old? i say fuck him, these players are not like you and i, we have to swallow our words, owens still got his $$$$ .

    you are fighting a losing battle. How do you know reid told him to "shut up and sign auto's"? cause he said that on dateline? I'm sure it was "hey TO, it's your day to sign autographs" and in TO's warped mind it was "hey horrible guy, bad player, u are the only one who has to go sign auto's" It's called psychosis....and TO is a psychopath.
    1 = $25

    MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

    God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


    • #17
      Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
      and about being disrespectful to your superiors.....if reid told him to shut up and sign autos, imo that is being more disrespectul. what gives reid the right to treat him like a 10 year old? i say fuck him, these players are not like you and i, we have to swallow our words, owens still got his $$$$ .
      If Reid was disrespectul towards TO than TO has recourse through his union rep. For the betterment of the team he CAN'T take matters into his own hands.

      Do you think TO's the first player that was disrespected by their coach? It happens all the time.

      This applies towards all players. Not just TO.


      • #18
        Originally posted by vondie
        you are fighting a losing battle. How do you know reid told him to "shut up and sign auto's"? cause he said that on dateline? I'm sure it was "hey TO, it's your day to sign autographs" and in TO's warped mind it was "hey horrible guy, bad player, u are the only one who has to go sign auto's" It's called psychosis....and TO is a psychopath.
        how do we know reid didnt? i think that t.o is going to be fine this year. just give him credit...


        • #19
          Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
          how do we know reid didnt? i think that t.o is going to be fine this year. just give him credit...
          haha, how much credit do I have to give the motherfucker...I have to double check to make sure i'm not gay after I see his body...mofo is JACKED! I already said he is THE BEST wr in the league....but what good is it with no direction and if he's not on the field. what's next? he doesn't huddle up? he just goes out and runs his own route cause "its disrespectful" for the coach to tell him what route to run!?
          1 = $25

          MLB Posted (as of 4/15) - 20-11 +21.86

          God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of


          • #20
            Originally posted by vondie
            haha, how much credit do I have to give the motherfucker...I have to double check to make sure i'm not gay after I see his body...mofo is JACKED! I already said he is THE BEST wr in the league....but what good is it with no direction and if he's not on the field. what's next? he doesn't huddle up? he just goes out and runs his own route cause "its disrespectful" for the coach to tell him what route to run!?

            like i said....he plays hard, is passionate, and people dont worry about him on the stop there-
            hes not going to take plays off, he's a fucking beast on the field and no one can stop him. Off the field, people should just leave him alone and let him be clark!


            • #21
              Ya just gotta love the TO apologists.

              Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Reid....Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Garcia....the list could go on and on. The common problem in all this is TO...he is a cancer and will be the downfall of the Cowboys. Do you think Parcells will put up with his BS...No way in hell. If TO thinks that Reid was disrespectful wait until Parcells gets pissed at him.
              It's always noon somewhere!

              My Fish and Aquariums

              Griffey's Posted Record


              • #22
                Originally posted by griffey_mojo
                Ya just gotta love the TO apologists.

                Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Reid....Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Garcia....the list could go on and on. The common problem in all this is TO...he is a cancer and will be the downfall of the Cowboys. Do you think Parcells will put up with his BS...No way in hell. If TO thinks that Reid was disrespectful wait until Parcells gets pissed at him.
                Well said. As I Giant fan I've seen video clips of Parcells getting in the faces of his players. If Reid was disrespectful imagine how TO is going to feel with Parcells.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by griffey_mojo
                  Ya just gotta love the TO apologists.

                  Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Reid....Why doesn't anyone else have a problem with Garcia....the list could go on and on. The common problem in all this is TO...he is a cancer and will be the downfall of the Cowboys. Do you think Parcells will put up with his BS...No way in hell. If TO thinks that Reid was disrespectful wait until Parcells gets pissed at him.
                  reid and garcia are not high profile like t.o...everybody has their eyes on to....reid and garcia are shit...except for garcias gf....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by CheechB03
                    Well said. As I Giant fan I've seen video clips of Parcells getting in the faces of his players. If Reid was disrespectful imagine how TO is going to feel with Parcells.

                    parcells gets more the keshawn relationship


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
                      reid and garcia are not high profile like t.o...everybody has their eyes on to....reid and garcia are shit...except for garcias gf....
                      You keep making excuses for TO

                      There can't be different rules for different players. Parcells is harder on his vets and stars. This season will be interesting.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by CheechB03
                        You keep making excuses for TO

                        There can't be different rules for different players. Parcells is harder on his vets and stars. This season will be interesting.

                        im not a cowboys or owens fan, but i feel owens gets the short end all the time..imo


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
                          im not a cowboys or owens fan, but i feel owens gets the short end all the time..imo
                          He's tore apart two teams. Can all these people be wrong? He's the best WR in football and this is his 3rd team in 3 seasons. Why?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by CheechB03
                            He's tore apart two teams. Can all these people be wrong? He's the best WR in football and this is his 3rd team in 3 seasons. Why?
                            only time they were losing was when he was off the field?


                            • #29
                              cheech, i bet you would have loved getting tmac was bashing his ass all of last year, and now he's in love with him


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DAREALDEAL
                                cheech, i bet you would have loved getting tmac was bashing his ass all of last year, and now he's in love with him
                                NOPE. I'd never want him on my team. He's a cancer. He creates more harm than good. It's called ADDITION BY SUBTRACTION.

