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I have an honest question,,,

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  • I have an honest question,,,

    Does anyone actually use any of the plays I post or do you view them as just "what someone else is playing" to gather a quality grouping of what the board favors as a whole?

    I am only curious because it takes some time to research this stuff and to get it out in time where it is "useable". Meaning prior to the start of a game, although I even miss a couple time to time. Just looking for honest answers which may save on a lot of typing time. If it's mostly info then I'll just sit back and enjoy the posts from everyone on the board and enjoy! THANKS AND GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY!! GoldV
    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

  • #2

    I cant answer for everyone, but I know where youre going with this

    To put in a lot of time and dedication and for people either not play it or see if the posters lose and come in and bash

    It takes a lot of gump to post...Because its a lose-lose situation cause everyone has short term memory...So, as soon as you lose they come out screaming

    So, my answer in hypothetical fashion is that I would say 90% of lurkers read the threads but dont coat tail...Remember a gamblers biggest enemy is his own ego...So, if he's gonna lose he'd rather lose on what he "likes" than some stranger even if that stranger is good at what he does

    I've followed your plays...and if people don't play or coat tail your games, well their loss cause you're doing well.

    But, Im in the same boat as you...Im starting to think that why not play our own games and sit back and enjoy...instead of being under the microscope of people who dont coat tail or even gamble

    I truly believe there are coat tailers...But, for the most part gamblers will ALWAYS do their own thing regardless of the situation...Its the male ego....Heck, I dont mind coat tailing someone who wins....I haven't made my own stock pick or mutual fund pick probably in over 2 years...doesnt hurt my ego, helps my pocket

    I also think for the most pat many post here for competition to "be the man"...I know everyone denies it...But, if that wasnt the case, why so much friction

    Gold you're doing a great job...and of course you feel unappreciated doing all the hard work and getting no responses back...That's part of the gamblers nature, they expect everything for free, and they expect everything for themselves, theyre never wrong, they finger point, if they lose-games were fixed, basically gambling leads to a VERY selfish life and people only care for themselves....Otherwise theyd spend that money they gamble on their loved ones....Lets not speak in politically right fashions and speak the truth...and thats the truth...

    My motives for posting is cause a very close friend of mine got burned big time on one of the message boards...I mean got burned BIG TIME....Many know the story...But, Im no savior nor hero, but if I know I have info that can help people out- why not share it? So, lets not kid ourselves...Gambling is not a rightious life style and you're not gonna get rightous type of people...Just look at some of the content here...Its easy to be tough behind the screen, but you and I know most of the tough guys here couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag

    But, you're hard work is appreciated...GL man


    • #3
      I have an honest answer

      I cap my own games first. I get my ideas as to what I like. If I see good cappers on the same games I like,then I tend to bet more on them. I do see people on here who tend to just post plays based on what other people are playing, but PLEASE keep posting your plays. Keep doing your research, all info is appreciated. I hate the Viqueens, I hate the Twinkies, but I like your input.
      You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


      • #4
        I read your posts everyday and follow your plays, not all of them but I always take into consideration what you have, especially if I like the other side. Your work is appreciated.
        Good luck!


        • #5
          Hi Cruisin, I cap my own games, but like most of us we like to see what other cappers are playing. Maybe to reasure ourselves when we`re in a cold spell or to find something we might have missed. To also increase a bet if alot of good cappers are on it The last couple of years, i have taken your pod play many, many times and just played it, and done, very well, i might add. When you get hot, i`ve seen you hit 10 or more in arow, so one would have to be on a ego trip or something, i, myself rather make the $. Sports betting is hard enough, so when you get a chance to win you better take full advantage of games, to makeup for the close ones and 1/2 pt. losses. We all have hot and cold times, no matter how good we cap. Well i`ve been cold for a while, i took 3 days off just to rest my head and coattailed my friends. I made a little, and posted today for the 1st time this week. Well, low and behold i went 7-0 with a A&R, plus 4-1 on early unposted plays. I don`t know if it was a fluke or what, i guess i`ll see today. I can only speak for myself, but i`ve enjoyed and read your posts for 2 yrs or so and your one fine handicapper, i can`t wait for your next big streak! good luck! Maxy :redfaced:
          GOOD LUCK! themadmax


          • #6
            SORRY GOLDVIKE,i must be half asleep, i though this was cruisin`s thread. I can`t tell you about you posts, i just recently joined but from what i`ve just read your pretty cool. GOOD LUCK! :redfaced:
            GOOD LUCK! themadmax


            • #7

              GoldVike, As a novice handicapper I can say everyone on this board is an enormous help to me. I run all the figures, look at the trends, and make my initial picks, however, I also look at what everyone else has to say before finalizing my plays for the day. I don't catch everything on the first go around and you guys have really taught me a lot! So, keep up the great work, and know that you are truly appreciated by so many, even though it's not always articulated.

              There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.


              • #8
                honest answer

                I read most of your posts. The only plays I coattail are the ones were you or others post the reasoning behind their picks, other wise I just read. I myself don't always post the reasoning or system of my pick. When I first started reading these post I asked posters to post their reasoning/system along with their picks it really doesn't happen that much. I thought the idea was to help others by showing betting systems that work.

                As far as another post on this thread stating people watch to see if you lose so they can bash, I don't see that either, in the most part, I only see were one poster gets bashed on this board. I also don't see when people lose, others screaming about the loss, unless you post some egotistical remarks along with your post. Then there are some that state they don't even read other posts, but in an effort for some kind of gain for them selves will tell you anything you want to hear. In closing I will say, you do very well with your capping, keep up the good work.


                • #9

                  I often wondered the same thing too. I have no complaints with this board as nobody attacked me when I was losing so I don't expect any accolades when I started winning. You have the feeling that nobody really cares about your posts, I know where you're coming from. I've been posting baseball plays since the start of the season and I've received all of 2 responses in my threads, of course, I was losing due to an inordinate amount of bad beats. What's the saying? "Everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone".
                  This board has a good corp of cappers which I believe have formed an "inner circle". Do I care? Not Really. They feed off each other and it's their right to respond to whomever they choose. I've gone into other people's threads and responded or voiced an opnion but I never ever got any acknowlegement of my post or answers to any questions that I've asked. Lesson learned? Yes, they don't care so why let it bother me? I guess the bottom line for me is that I'm out of the red and that's what counts.
                  There's a lot of excellent cappers here and their insights are valuable and it's FREE! No complaints from me as I will cease to post plays in the very near future. I always wanted to get into the positive and then stop. I've done it and now my goal is to reach the four figure postive territory before I stop and become a lurker.
                  This triad is not a complaint on my part. I've been on this board long enough to know that I will never be one of the "boys". Upset? Not in the least. I'm happy with what I'm doing and that's what counts!
                  Now that I've said this, watch me go on the mother of all losing streaks. Good luck in what you decide, only you can satisfy yourself. I know I'm satisfied. :D
                  Forgot to thank the twenty or so people that visit my thread daily. Just the fact that you visit is enough for me! Good luck to everybody that makes a play.


                  • #10

                    Keep up the good work. I look forward to following your picks and a couple others. I am not a handicapper myself but am an avid sports fan. I do look at the games everyday and do some research but its hard to do when you work from 5am till 5pm so every little bit more info i can get when I get home and finalize my picks is very helpful. Please keep posting. I am not a BIG gambler but I do like the action, as little as it may be, but I do look for your post. Thanks.:D
                    You can't get there from here..........


                    • #11

                      You ar one of the best cappers on this board.

                      I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication you give to everyone on a daily basis.

                      Keep up the good work.

                      Us cappers should be on the same team, not against each other.

                      Seems like everyone has their own egos and in the end isn't it about making money.

                      Your record stands alone. Anybody that runs 10-3, 9-4, 11-2 knows what is going on.

                      I am new the this board but in my opinion everyone seems to have their own groups and keeps together.

                      Like Maxwell said everyone remembers to bad picks and never the good ones.

                      We should all acknowledge everyone's plays whether good or bad.

                      Keep up the good work. I APPRECIATE IT.


                      • #12

                        A lot of people will be looking at your plays including myself. What happens is that a lot of us make our plays up first then take a look at what others have to see if they are on a opposite side. If someone like yourself is on a hot streak then that person may back down on units on that play or completely off it if you have the other side.

                        One way to tell if people are enjoying your posts is that they are clicking on them and reading them. Plus you have to understand its kinda a slow period around here right now and will pick up big time come football season.


                        It's the same thing with me as before I got some sites I posted plays and did very well. I remember being on another site and no one hardly ever replied to my threads. The way I ended up taking it was someones clicking on my threads and reading them & for the others there just missing the boat. So at first I did care some then after a while I stopped caring as I always know if there is views by posts then someone is paying attention.


                        • #13

                          I have been following [ and reading ] your posts and picks far longer than most here and to be brutally honest , your low-down on your whys and hows always entertain me and leave great insight in thier wake.

                          Its up to you what you make of this [ as said by many ] and I wish you would continue because there are far to few that really makes a difference in our " choose numbers from the cookie jar world " Take it one day at a time and your time will take you one day is all it really boils down too .

                          You actually have something to say "about " the games and leave all the hully-gully by the way-side !

                          G.L. & G.B.

                          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                          • #14
                            I will state my two cents worth on this issue very succinctly as it effects me:
                            Basically, while I might play a few picks on my own from time to time, I over time do not regard myself as a particularly good capper on a day-to-day basis.
                            Therefore I use an eclectic approach by using cappers here and a few phone comps plays from those who have been proven to be good over time (such as Northcoast and the Brian Mac's, both hitting arfound 65% for the last 5 months).
                            When I read the posts here I look for the strength of each capper.
                            For example there are cappers who are particularly good over time with their higher rated plays, and I will use those plays over say their regular plays which are ok but nowhere near as strong as their strong plays.
                            Then of course many times I wait here for *** for whom i have the highest regard because of his unique system of determining where the money is going and giving out picks accordingly(not much time to act here as games are given out many times right at gametime).
                            All of what I have stated above allows me to narrow the "field of picks" down to give me a good chance of winning.
                            The danger and reality of the fact is that it is very difficult for the sources cited above to all be hot on the same day;that is where the subjectivity comes in, and that point I simply have to make some cuts based on my opinions of the cappers and my own gut feelings.
                            I would add that sometimes equally good cappers have strong plays on the opposite side in the same game;then I usually stay away, figuring more times than not if I choose the side on this game on my own I will be wrong as I will be acting on my own prejudices and biases, which I do not like to do too often.
                            Obviously above is not a perfect system and is very theoretical, but it does allow me to narrow down the picks and keep me from playing too many games, which has always been my downfall.
                            Last edited by savage1; 07-05-2003, 10:56 AM.


                            • #15
                              Well put Savage. Like I stated in my above post. I do not consider myself a capper, therefore people like me have to rely on good cappers to help them out. I do not visit any other forums because I find myself winning with these cappers picks so why go anywhere else. I hope all of the cappers here STAY HERE and keep posting because without all of their help, I for one, would be broke. I would not be able to gamble on my own and actually win on a cosistant basis. I do read everyones posts but don't always have the time to tell them the good work they are doing. So to all the cappers that read this THANK YOU ! :D
                              You can't get there from here..........

