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Super Bowl: Steelers vs Packers (2/6)

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  • #46
    You can't simply compare a common opponent and say that determines the outcome of the game. If team A beats team B, and Team B beats Team C, it does not mean Team A will beat Team C. Just b/c Pitt scored more against the Jets than the Packers did is really irrelevant. Games are won/lost on matchups. While Pitt and the Jets overall have similarly ranked defenses.....statistically, they don't run the exact same defensive scheme so matchups are going to be different.

    Jets's scheme/players could just match up a lot better against Green Bay's players than they do with Pitt's players.

    If you need a counter point to using the Jets, use the Patriots. Brady threw for 350 yards against Pitt and he threw for 163 yards against the Packers. Does that mean that GB's D is better? Of course not.
    Last edited by harold_bush; 01-25-2011, 11:51 AM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
      The location of hte game is HUGE imo. This game being on a perfect field in perfect weather (indoors) is a big advantage for GB. Pitt and Ben seem to thrive in bad conditions.

      I've seen Aaron Smith being brought up, total non factor in my opinion. He hasn't played a snap in three months and Tomlin already said Ziggy starts even if Smith is back. Depth never hurts, but there is no chance Smith will be in game shape, he's just been out too long. Also the last I read he is still very questionable to be back in time. That said, Ziggy has made a name for himself with little no drop off.

      Nobody seems to be talking about a potentially devastating injury to the Steelers. Pouncey has a high ankle sprain and while he is saying he will be ready, EVERY player says that the day after the injury. Obviosuly depends on the severity of the sprain, but it is apparently a high ankle sprain and those are very difficult to come back in two weeks. If he is out that already banged up and weak offensive line is in even more trouble.

      I think Pitt is going to need a couple of those 9 minute TD drives to keep Rodgers off the field to win this game.

      One other observation that I haven't heard much talk about. Rodgers played very well in the first half against the Bears. He then got the absolute shit knocked out of him on the helmet to helmet hit and he pretty much stunk after that. I think he might have been a little shaken up (possibly another mild concussion). Just speculating, but his drop in play seemed to coincide with the hit.

      Even in the first half Rodgers wasn't as crisp as he normally is. Don't know if it was him or the Bears' D, but he was definitely flustered, and you're right the knocks to the head threw him off even more.
      "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


      • #48
        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
        They are 1 & 2 in the NFL in points per game on defense at 15.0 and 14.5

        What makes the Pitt defense so much better? I just don't see it and neither do the numbers. On offense, the Packers are a better team. Plain & simple. I'm just trying to see this huge difference here on defense that you seem to see and i'm blind to it.

        The Pitt D gave up 43 points in 2 home games (21.5 per) and the Packers D only gave up 51 in 3 on the road (17 per). Where is the dominance?

        P.S. Love these discussions!

        GB played better offenses as well!
        "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


        • #49
          Originally posted by atolunch View Post
          Aaron Rodgers is Aaron Rodgers. He is not, Brady, Payton, Brees or even Ben.
          He's better!

          1200+ yards in 4 Career Playoff Games.

          Averaging over 30 points per.

          He hasn't been stopped yet, and I don't think he's scared of Clark, Taylor and the vaunted Steeler secondary!
          "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


          • #50
            Originally posted by atolunch View Post
            Some may say that the Steelers caused the Ravens 3 turnovers, and did it against arguably a better, and definately more proven playoff QB in Flacco than Rodgers.
            Believe it or not. I'm gonna' have to disagree with this one...
            "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


            • #51
              Originally posted by BillMill71 View Post
              Pitt Def Coordinator versus GB Off Coordinator - This I feel is where the game may be decided, and if that is the case GB Off coordinator is a little bit of a knucklehead some times and can cost them a tight contest with some stupid calls.
              While I agree with all of the above. I think the bigger matchup is GB's Def Coord. vs. Pitt's Off. Play Calls.

              Capers hasn't made a wrong call all postseason. (Albeit, the Prevent Defense on Chicago's last TD Drive). But every big 3rd down, it seems like the Packers' D comes up with. And on the opposite side, it seems like every big 3rd (and 4th down) the Steelers offense converts as well.

              Late game turnovers as well, is what I'm interested in. As GB's secondary has 6 picks (I think?) this postseason, and they always seem to get a clutch one at the end of the game. But that's anti-Big Ben. He's also going clutch and making big plays come crunch time.

              Should be fun to watch. Everyone thinks it's GB's offense, vs. Pitt's D. While to me, I'm much more interested in the other side of the coin (Pitt's O / GB's D).
              "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


              • #52
                ***Steelers fans***.....
                "With the Steelers in their 77th year,
                Ben is #7 in his 7th season,
                They beat the ravens for the 7th time by 7 points,
                I say it’s our year for Superbowl win #7".
                The Conference Championship game is being played on Myron Cope’s Birthday!!!

                The Steelers will win by 7

                Dick Lebeu will have a few surprises for Rogers that will confuse him into throwing interceptions


                • #53
                  "Some may say that the Steelers caused the Ravens 3 turnovers, and did it against arguably a better, and definately more proven playoff QB in Flacco than Rodgers."


                  With the exception of Flacco's game against KC in the WC Rd this season, his postseason numbers are atrocious. Meanwhile, Rodgers TD:INT ratio is 10:3 in his 4 playoff games.


                  • #54
                    You interview 32 GM's and ask them if they would take Flacco or Rodgers and all 32 would take Rodgers (except maybe the Ravens GM?).

                    That is not a shot at Flacco either, it is just that Rodgers is that good!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                      You interview 32 GM's and ask them if they would take Flacco or Rodgers and all 32 would take Rodgers (except maybe the Ravens GM?).

                      That is not a shot at Flacco either, it is just that Rodgers is that good!
                      Trust me Ozzie Newsome would take Rodgers over Flacco ina heartbeat


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                        You interview 32 GM's and ask them if they would take Flacco or Rodgers and all 32 would take Rodgers (except maybe the Ravens GM?).

                        That is not a shot at Flacco either, it is just that Rodgers is that good!
                        If you asked those GMs to pick 1 QB right now to start a franchise, I'm betting at least half say Rodgers.


                        • #57
                          Well, I guess you guys are right.

                          I really don't know why they're going to bother and play this game.

                          The Pack has the best D in the history of Football, and don't even get me started on Mr. Aaron Rodgers.

                          My only disappointment is that they've decided to close the roof. If for some crazy reason the Steelers decide to show up, if it would have rained we all could have watched Mr. Rodgers walk on water.

                          Four playoff games with one loss and no Super Bowls in five years certainly makes him first ballot Hall of Fame, and light years ahead of Brady, Manning, Brees, etc.

                          I'm off to buy a cheesehead.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by atolunch View Post
                            Well, I guess you guys are right.

                            I really don't know why they're going to bother and play this game.

                            The Pack has the best D in the history of Football, and don't even get me started on Mr. Aaron Rodgers.

                            My only disappointment is that they've decided to close the roof. If for some crazy reason the Steelers decide to show up, if it would have rained we all could have watched Mr. Rodgers walk on water.

                            Four playoff games with one loss and no Super Bowls in five years certainly makes him first ballot Hall of Fame, and light years ahead of Brady, Manning, Brees, etc.

                            I'm off to buy a cheesehead.
                            So that's it? We all have opinions here and that is what this thread is all about. Why the hostility? You were the one talking it up about the Pitt D and because Green Bay's shouldn't be forgotten and it was mentioned, we now come to this? I thought you were bigger than that i guess!


                            • #59
                              I wrote this in another thread but its worth repeating. GB has had a remarkable year. Considering all the injuries to go 10-6 is quite an accomplishment. GB is the first team in history to lose 6 games all by 4 points or less. They lost 2 games in OT by a FG, 2 in the last 10 seconds by a FG and 2 by 4 points when Rodgers was injured. The point is they were in every game nad really didn't have one bad game the whole year.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by atolunch View Post
                                Well, I guess you guys are right.

                                I really don't know why they're going to bother and play this game.

                                The Pack has the best D in the history of Football, and don't even get me started on Mr. Aaron Rodgers.

                                My only disappointment is that they've decided to close the roof. If for some crazy reason the Steelers decide to show up, if it would have rained we all could have watched Mr. Rodgers walk on water.

                                Four playoff games with one loss and no Super Bowls in five years certainly makes him first ballot Hall of Fame, and light years ahead of Brady, Manning, Brees, etc.

                                I'm off to buy a cheesehead.
                                Dude, what are you talking about? I simply made the pt that Rodgers is way better than Flacco so that was a bad comparison.

                                As for the game, I like GB, but I'm wrong 85% of the time.

