I am disappointed, frustrated, pissed, concerned and worried about the direction of this country, especially economically. I am afraid that 4 yrs of McCain are the smae as 4 yrs of Bush. But, as Flare points out, i am more concerned about some of Obama's 'socialist' ideas..what's next, quota's for kids (only joking, Savage!).
Both candidates disgust me and in a country of 350 million, it is hard for me to believe that these 4 are the best we can choose from.
I may choose to 'write-in' my own candidate...Michale Bloomberg. This country needs a smart business man to pull us out of the mess we are in.
Both candidates disgust me and in a country of 350 million, it is hard for me to believe that these 4 are the best we can choose from.
I may choose to 'write-in' my own candidate...Michale Bloomberg. This country needs a smart business man to pull us out of the mess we are in.