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FREE MLB COMPUTER PREDICTIONS - From Professional Handicapper posted daily

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  • #16
    good luck BIG


    • #17
      Monday june 24, 2019 - results


      Philly -124 - Z. EFLIN
      * 1 Unit - Bet $124 - WON
      CLEVELAND -105RL - A. PLUKO -
      *1 Unit - Bet $100 - Lost
      COLORADO -119 - J GRAY
      *3 Units - Bet $357 - WON

      All 3 games were Winners, but we can only credit 2 since Cleveland couldn't cover the Run Line. We have cashed 13 of our last 20 Predictions for 70%, and now our Bankroll climbs over $8,000 for the first time.
      If we didn't have two horrible Bad Beats courtesy of San Diego and Seattle, with huge collapses of big leads - we would be sitting pretty by wining 15 of the last 20 for 75%

      Go to the Sports Services Forum and look for BIGRIODOG's Results Site


      • #18
        Originally posted by BIGRIODOG View Post
        We have cashed 13 of our last 20 Predictions for 70%, and now our Bankroll climbs over $8,000 for the first time.
        If we didn't have two horrible Bad Beats courtesy of San Diego and Seattle, with huge collapses of big leads - we would be sitting pretty by wining 15 of the last 20 for 75%[/SIZE]
        Keep it rollin, BIG!! Thanks!


        • #19
          PREDICTIONS for
          MONDAY JUNE 24th - RESULTS

          Philly -124 - Z. EFLIN
          * 1 Unit - Bet $124 - WON
          CLEVELAND -105RL - A. PLUKO -
          *1 Unit - Bet $100 - Lost
          COLORADO -119 - J GRAY
          *3 Units - Bet $357 - WON

          We have cashed 13 of our last 20 Predictions for 70%, and now our Bankroll climbs over $8,000 for the first time.
          If we didn't have two horrible Bad Beats courtesy of San Diego and Seattle, with huge collapses of big leads - we would be sitting pretty by wining 15 of the last 20 for 75%[/SIZE]


          • #20
            Tuesday june 25, 2019

            CENTER]PREDICTIONS for
            TUESDAY JUNE 25th

            TEXAS +101RL - J. CHAVEZ
            ** 2 Units - Bet $200 -
            ATLANTA -103 M. FRIED -
            *1 Unit - Bet $103 -


            • #21
              Tuesday june 25, 2019

              PREDICTION RESULTS for
              TUESDAY JUNE 25th

              TEXAS +111RL - J. CHAVEZ
              ** 2 Units - Bet $200 - WON
              ATLANTA -103 M. FRIED -
              *1 Unit - Bet $103 - WON

              Both games Cashed for us Today adding another $322 to our season Bankroll.


              • #22
                Wednesday june 26, 2019

                PREDICTIONS for
                WEDNESDAY JUNE 26th

                BALTIMORE +113 - D. BUNDY
                * 1 Unit - Bet $100 -
                COLORADO -139 G. MARQUEZ -
                *1 Unit - Bet $139 -

                Houston with F. Valdez on the mound is also a semi qualifier, but the odds of -225 is too much, the run line is -139, but we can't project a 2 run win.


                • #23
                  Wednesdays results

                  PREDICTION RESULTS for
                  WEDNESDAY JUNE 26th

                  BALTIMORE +113 - D. BUNDY
                  * 1 Unit - Bet $100 - Lost
                  COLORADO -139 G. MARQUEZ -
                  *1 Unit - Bet $139 - WON

                  EVEN STEPHEN FOR THE DAY 1-1

                  Houston with F. Valdez on the mound is also a semi qualifier, but the odds of -225 is too much, the run line is -139, but we can't project a 2 run win.


                  • #24
                    Thursday june 27, 2019

                    No Predictions for Thursday!
                    Milwaukee is the closest qualifier for the RL, but doesn't show enough strength to win by 2 Runs in this matchup.

                    Wednesday is a good illustration of why you should never be afraid to play a big dog.
                    Chicago Sox +320
                    Pittsburgh +220
                    Seattle +200
                    All 3 Teams were winners Yesterday!
                    Odds are only opinions, stick with your opinion


                    • #25
                      Friday june 28, 2019

                      PREDICTIONS for
                      FRIDAY JUNE 28th

                      PHILLY -140 = V. VELASQUEZ
                      *1 Unit - BET $140
                      St. LOUIS +110 = M. WACHA
                      **2 Units - BET $200
                      LA ANGELS -137 = N RAMIREZ
                      **2 Units - BET $274


                      • #26
                        Bad friday

                        PREDICTIONS for
                        FRIDAY JUNE 28th

                        PHILLY -140 = V. VELASQUEZ
                        *1 Unit - BET $140 - Lost
                        St. LOUIS +110 = M. WACHA
                        **2Units - BET $200 - Lost
                        LA ANGELS -137 = N RAMIREZ
                        **2 Units - BET $274 - Lost

                        Bad Day at BlackRock! All 3 teams didn't play up to their numbers -
                        We never know when a bad is coming.


                        • #27
                          Saturday june 29, 2019

                          PREDICTIONS for
                          SATURDAY JUNE 29th

                          ATLANTA -104 = J. TEHERAN
                          *1 Unit - BET $104


                          • #28
                            Me, too! Good luck, BIG!


                            • #29
                              Saturday june 29, 2019 results

                              PREDICTIONS RESULTS for
                              SATURDAY JUNE 29th

                              ATLANTA -104 = J. TEHERAN
                              *1 Unit - BET $104- WON
                              When you have a 2nd Inning Rain Delay, Like Atlanta experienced,
                              You never know about your starting pitcher coming back


                              • #30
                                WTG, BIG!! Thanks!

