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FREE MLB COMPUTER PREDICTIONS - From Professional Handicapper posted daily

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  • FREE MLB COMPUTER PREDICTIONS - From Professional Handicapper posted daily


    I have been recently made aware of BETTORSCHAT by one of my followers. After checking out some of the posts and conversation, I'm embarrassed that I have missed the conservations and great input by some knowledge handicappers. I have been a member of other forums for years, yet never posted because I didn't want to get into wars with the trolls. I have always learned from others, even at my age of 70 (71 come July 9th)

    Since I'm late posting here, you can follow all our Predictions from a FREE website that has daily predictions and results only, we are not promoting anything:
    View the address in the Sports Services Forum
    We will be posting ALL Predictions right here on Bettorschat Daily. In the way of introduction, the following will explain who I am.

    I have been making numbers since my B. Walters days in the early 1980's before home computers were available. I have supplied numbers privately to a few whale type players for the last 20 years without ever advertising or seeking new clients, only word of mouth. Several of my recent and present clients were recently featured on the SHOWTIMES series "ACTION".

    I had stage 4 throat cancer starting a little over two years ago, and almost died 3 times after 10 hospital stays. My partner, who was worth over $35 million (A lot more than me) had the exact same stage 4 cancer in 2010. we both have homes in Panama and he flew his private Gulfstream around the US and Canada, seeking doctors and advanced treatments, but ended up dying in 2013.

    I have been super lucky that I'm still here. After not working for some time because I was just too weak, and couldn't really think, I have re-evaluated my life. I decided to pay back for FREE what I do best. At this stage in my life, I really don't need the money, but thought readers of this forum would enjoy my work.

    • WE DELIVER PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER HANDICAPPING, using numbers and algorithms only. No Hunches, only solid numbers. We don't win 90% or any other crazy bullshit. Winning Days & Losing always come.
    • Each game is graded from 1 to 3 Units. For the sake of easy calculations, we use $100 units. Strength of each wager is calculated on the expected outcome. --- Higher is usually better
    • We use the lines from PINNACLE.COM online sportsbook. They are the most solid and available to almost everyone. This is NOT any endorsement of Pinnacle, but just the fact they lead the world in the lines they make. Of course the odds may change during the day, so don't be a nitpicker. We are PROS, and go slow as a turtle with our growth. You will not see big fluctuations in bankroll, only a slow and solid weekly increase. This is not a "Get Rich Proposition" but the ways pros do business. You will also notice, we have days with "NO PREDICTIONS" because nothing matches up as and advantage. If you need to have "action" daily, the Professional approach may not be for you.

      For the sake of keeping score, we use $100 Units. Professional Money Players bet and average of $6,000 per unit. So far this season we are up 79 Units, and on $100 plays this comes to a nice profit of $7,900. If you have the bankroll, and are a betting pro making $6,000 plays, you are now up $474,000 for the MLB season.

      But you need to be realistic and forget the ravenous helter skelter B.S. of having to bet 10 games per day. Make your goal to start with $5, $10 or $20 units and get comfortable with a goal of reaching $100 units or more that would have brought you $7,792 for 60 days.

      Hope this helps, and remember PIGS GET SLAUGHTERED, so don't be a PIG!

    Again, we will POST on THIS THREAD starting today all our Computer Predictions and you can look at all previous predictions on the FREE Results site:

    View the address in the Sports Services Forum
    Last edited by Udog; 06-20-2019, 05:34 PM.

  • #2
    Thursday june 20, 2019


    *1 Unit - Bet $117

    We may have a evening play as some lines and Pitching match-ups are not yet set, so check back later


    • #3
      Thanks!!! Welcome to the forum!

      I just wanted to give you a heads up. We're not really supposed to post web addresses anywhere but the sports services forum. I'll copy it and make a post in that forum titled BIGRIODOG's Results Site. Then, I'll edit your post in here, leaving a notation that the addy can be seen in there.


      • #4
        Done! Thanks again, BIG!


        • #5
          Thanks UDOG, I read the rules and didn't see that. I will certainly respect anything you do here.


          • #6
            PREDICTIONS for
            THURSDAY JUNE 20th

            CLEVELAND -117 S. BIEBER
            *1 Unit - Bet $117 - Lost

            Got caught in the wrong end of a pitcher dual with Texas.
            We were waiting for Seattle to name a starter, and they changed 3 times - We pass the remainder of the day.


            • #7
              FRIDAY JUNE 21st 2019

              PREDICTIONS for
              THURSDAY JUNE 21st

              SEATTLE +113RL M. LEAKE
              ** 2 Units - Bet $200


              • #8

                PREDICTIONS for
                THURSDAY JUNE 21st

                SEATTLE +113RL M. LEAKE
                ** 2 Units - Bet $200 - Lost

                It's pretty sick when you have a 10-3, and can't cover the Run Line. Seattle wins 10-9,
                but laying -185 on a crappie Seattle squad was out of the question


                • #9
                  Saturday june 22, 2019

                  PREDICTIONS for
                  THURSDAY JUNE 22nd

                  DETROIT +162 1st 5
                  S. TURNBULL
                  * 1 Unit - Bet $100 -
                  Today it's S. Turnbull +162 and Detroit for the first 5 Innings


                  • #10
                    Sunday june 23, 2019

                    PREDICTIONS for
                    SUNDAY JUNE 23rd

                    ATLANTA -150 - M. SORKA
                    * 1 Unit - Bet $150 -
                    SAN DIEGO -150 - J LUCCHESI
                    *1 Unit - Bet $150
                    MILWAUKEE +105R - B WOODRUFF
                    *2 Units - Bet $200
                    LA DODGERS +109RL - K MAEDA
                    *1 Unit - Bet $100


                    • #11
                      good luck BIG


                      • #12
                        Sunday june 23, 2019 - results

                        PREDICTIONS for
                        SUNDAY JUNE 23rd

                        ATLANTA -150 - M. SORKA
                        * 1 Unit - Bet $150 - WON
                        SAN DIEGO -131- J LUCCHESI - Lost
                        *1 Unit - Bet $150
                        MILWAUKEE +105R - B WOODRUFF
                        *2 Units - Bet $200 - WON
                        LA DODGERS +109RL - K MAEDA
                        *1 Unit - Bet $100 - WON


                        • #13
                          Very nice, BIG! Thanks!


                          • #14
                            Monday june 24, 2019

                            PREDICTIONS for
                            MONDAY JUNE 24th

                            Philly -124 - Z. EFLIN
                            * 1 Unit - Bet $124
                            CLEVELAND -114 - A. PLUKO -
                            *1 Unit - Bet $114
                            COLORADO +100RL - J GRAY
                            *3 Units - Bet $300 -


                            • #15
                              Misposted odds - correction

                              PREDICTIONS for
                              MONDAY JUNE 24th
                              CORRECTION FOR ODDS

                              Philly -124 - Z. EFLIN
                              * 1 Unit - Bet $124
                              CLEVELAND -105RL - A. PLUKO -
                              *1 Unit - Bet $100
                              COLORADO -119 - J GRAY
                              *3 Units - Bet $357 -

