That sounds pretty fair, but am no expert at what the number should be. Heck for all i know 7 might be to high, i just know that their wages should rise same way other things rise. But i think your 7 is a pretty good fair number. You gotta remember this one fact about giving the low wage workers a little bit more money, these people are not going to stuff this pay raise under their mattress, they are going to put all the money they get back into the economy, which in turn is going to help all the businesses that gave the raises in the first place. This is what people always forgot about. Unlike when you give the super rich tax breaks, because people say that by doing that the rich guy will spend the money and then it will trickle down, thats totally not true. The rich guy takes that tax break and just packs it away, very seldom to they reinvest it.
In fact when bush passed those big tax breaks, warren buffet came out and said why is the government giving him such a huge tax cut and that the money he got wasnt gonna be used for anything other then putting it under his mattress basically.
He was quite ashamed of the tax cut and wished that the cut was directed at the middle and lower income people, who would take that tax cut and put it right back into the economy.
That sounds pretty fair, but am no expert at what the number should be. Heck for all i know 7 might be to high, i just know that their wages should rise same way other things rise. But i think your 7 is a pretty good fair number. You gotta remember this one fact about giving the low wage workers a little bit more money, these people are not going to stuff this pay raise under their mattress, they are going to put all the money they get back into the economy, which in turn is going to help all the businesses that gave the raises in the first place. This is what people always forgot about. Unlike when you give the super rich tax breaks, because people say that by doing that the rich guy will spend the money and then it will trickle down, thats totally not true. The rich guy takes that tax break and just packs it away, very seldom to they reinvest it.
In fact when bush passed those big tax breaks, warren buffet came out and said why is the government giving him such a huge tax cut and that the money he got wasnt gonna be used for anything other then putting it under his mattress basically.
He was quite ashamed of the tax cut and wished that the cut was directed at the middle and lower income people, who would take that tax cut and put it right back into the economy.