Originally posted by jcindaville
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I know Republicans are forced to hate John Stewart but this is so dead on
Originally posted by DenJamTuck View PostIt always baffles me when I here quite a few people on this site call Obama dumb or stupid. We must have some really smart people on this site, if they think Obama is dumb. I thought you had to be smart to go to an Ivy league school. Oh nevermind, didn't Bush go to Yale? My bad...
I'm not going to deny that I blamed Bush for the high gas prices. Well, Bush and Congress, because at the time, we went to war with one of the top oil producing countries in the entire world. Of course that was going to affect prices and of course I blame Bush for that. My feeling was that, we never should have gone to war with Iraq. Period. Now, before that war, after that war and other than that war, presidents have little to no affect on the outcome of oil prices. It's piece of shit traders on Wall Street dictating what we all pay at the pump. Obama is trying to stop it. We'll see if it works.....
Obama, from a McClatchey story on price speculation and gouging....
"We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage and driving prices higher, only to flip the oil for a quick profit," Obama said. "We can’t afford a situation where some speculators can reap millions, while millions of American families get the short end of the stick."
Calling for "more cops on the beat to monitor activity in energy markets," Obama also proposed an increase in civil and criminal penalties for illegal energy market manipulation and other activities. As a means of discouraging speculation, he proposed having Congress require that Wall Street traders put more money aside to pay off the bets made on oil contracts. And he called for toughening financial penalties tenfold and imposing penalties for every day a violation occurs.
Originally posted by Spark View Post
How are you pal??