AND TALK ABOUT BAILOUTS WALLSTREET robbed everyone because people like you took a loophole and made BILLIONS off the government then when Obama bailed out the auto industry the (WORKERS) made the money back, and paid it off and kept their jobs and that upsets you because people can keep their jobs
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Paul Ryan is Romneys pick for VP!!!
Originally posted by Art View PostGovernment has been subsidizing General Motors for 30 years with tax breaks and other entitlements. This is because of the Union drain of money from (big salaries, expensive retirement and health care plans, etc.), and more recently the bail out of GM which will end up costing taxpayers over 25 billion which will never be paid back - the taxpayers are forced, by Democratic government, to give unions excessive entitlements.
Unions kill any business. Look at the movie 'Waiting for Superman' to see how the teacher unions have ruined public education while making it cost much more than it should.
Unions are Marxist tools to reduce competition and promote poor work performance while parasitically draining a company's or taxpayer's resources.
Hopefully we can get rid of unions one day. This will lower costs of goods and services to benefit all, and maximize productivity, which will increase our standard of living.
Unions lower the standard of living for everyone else but the union.
democrates and republicans sleep together get a cluerjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers
Originally posted by trick4 View PostYou are so damn stupid look at your first paragraph the unions get WORKERS not people like you that sit on your ass and make money through the stock market better salaries , health care, and retirement. Stupid ass we have familys (kids, Children,wife) that deserve health care and benefits so we can put one our children through college. The reason we have non-union plants because the people who (WORK) there will get nothing that what the CEO's dont take by sitting in their chairs trying figure out how to screw the (WORKERS) to give the money to the ASS SITTERS (YOU) so they can raise (THEIR) salary that is higher than the 700 workers that work in their plant. I don't agree with all the things in the democratic party> BUT they are the only ones that look out for the workers and NOT the stockholders. And while your at it go ahead and ROB the social security (medicare) and everything the sorry union workers put in there and see if you can get it to.May GOD have mercy or sorry ass soul.Originally posted by trick4 View PostPaul Ryan cares about one thing how much money the Koch brothers will pay him to destroy the workers He is perfect for the VP. He will give the Kock brothers (MULTI BILLIONEERS) tax breaks and take money from the (WORKERS) and keep your bird up it shows your class ARTOriginally posted by trick4 View PostAND TALK ABOUT BAILOUTS WALLSTREET robbed everyone because people like you took a loophole and made BILLIONS off the government then when Obama bailed out the auto industry the (WORKERS) made the money back, and paid it off and kept their jobs and that upsets you because people can keep their jobsOriginally posted by trick4 View PostThe reason every worker is not in a union so politicians can make big money off ceo"s and give the money to the ceos and ass sitters like you!Originally posted by jmarty6969 View Posttake away the unions and see whats happens to most of the country wow is all i can say........
democrates and republicans sleep together get a clue
Originally posted by KazDog View PostExcellent replies to the biggest moron on this site. He has no problem with companies outsourcing millions of jobs to foreign countries so billionaire CEO's can give themselves higher bonuses and pay raises. Lower taxes on the wealthy because somehow, it's going to trickle down to the rest of the pee ons. Never worked before, and won't work now! This guy is a typical neocon that has zero clue but sits on his ass watching his 401K rise....
GM union workers bankrupted GM with high pay and benefits. We taxpayers now have to pay 24 billion we will never see again to save the auto worker unions (though Obama says it is to save GM).
Now watch as GM goes under in the future because of union demands.sigpic
Originally posted by The Lovedoc View PostRomney picks Ryan, the guy who denied Wisconsin workers collective bargaining rights..... I guess Team Wall Street is in place. You can't get more corporate. Interesting strategy.sigpic
Originally posted by Art View PostUnions are corrupt and parasitic on taxpayers, particularly government worker unions. The teachers unions in Chicago are demanding a 19 percent pay increase even though they get an average of $74,000 a year before benefits worth another $30,000 a year.
GM union workers bankrupted GM with high pay and benefits. We taxpayers now have to pay 24 billion we will never see again to save the auto worker unions (though Obama says it is to save GM).
Now watch as GM goes under in the future because of union demands.
Originally posted by Art View PostYes, curbing the power of public unions is saving states from bankruptcy. Public workers are overpaid, and get many more benefits than private company workers, and their exploitation of taxpayers has got to come to a end to balance government budgets.