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Early Presidential Pick (Easy Money)

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  • Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
    Im not at all racist, I actually got a mixed neice that I love dearly, but I do dislike Obama.
    Don't listen to people like BW. 99% of the world sees your neice just like any other girl. These tree huggers from Cali just try to treat all us southern boys like were in the 1%.


    • Oh and I kind of feel like Obama is the one that is racist for sure. He wouldnt have my back I am the wrong color.


      • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
        Racist prick??? Ole tough guy behind the computer that thinks he's a know it all. But since you don't I'll tell you how I feel. Blacks frustrate me but I don't hate them. Dick sucking fags on the other hand I hate with a passion. Oh and I hate liars too. And Obama is the biggest one I know.
        No need to hate gay people, I have always said any dude that is attracted to another man has to have something genetically wrong.

        So I can't hate someone who's genetic make up creates an attraction to the same sex. I know what's in the bible, I don't think they should get the same privileges allowed by conventional marriage, but I certainly can't hate them.

        Now freaks that swing both ways just for the fun of it, that's another story, those people are sick
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
          Racist prick??? Ole tough guy behind the computer that thinks he's a know it all. But since you don't I'll tell you how I feel. Blacks frustrate me but I don't hate them. Dick sucking fags on the other hand I hate with a passion. Oh and I hate liars too. And Obama is the biggest one I know.
          The whole race frustrates you? Jesus man, what hole in the ground are you from? People that really hate gays are usually closest gays themselves. Straight guys don't give a shit, more pussy for them.


          • Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
            People that really hate gays are usually closest gays themselves.
            Well I really hate gays and I'm a pussy getting mother fucker. Just another stat you post that don't mean shit. Sorry to disappoint you.


            • Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
              No need to hate gay people, I have always said any dude that is attracted to another man has to have something genetically wrong.

              So I can't hate someone who's genetic make up creates an attraction to the same sex. I know what's in the bible, I don't think they should get the same privileges allowed by conventional marriage, but I certainly can't hate them.

              Now freaks that swing both ways just for the fun of it, that's another story, those people are sick
              Well if they have genetic disorders then they don't need to have the same rights as us. They should keep to themselves and not think they deserve the same rights as others. It's wrong to hate I know but I just can't help it.


              • Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                Well if they have genetic disorders then they don't need to have the same rights as us. They should keep to themselves and not think they deserve the same rights as others. It's wrong to hate I know but I just can't help it.
                Well obviously if you can't help it, you have a genetic disorder

                We'll start taking away some of your rights, hand over the "Man Club" card!!!!


                • Originally posted by jaunblaze6 View Post

                  You are making arguments without factual support and spouting derogatory comments at anyone who offers a counter point. You make claims that others are uneducated and ignorant if they do not support Obama, but you can't even write a complete sentence or spell properly. Your ardent views and ignorant mind are quite frankly clear evidence that you have no clue what you are talking about and I would not even consider taking you seriously.

                  There is nothing wrong with having different view points, but offer some fact based support and do so with an open mind instead of slamming somone because they are from a rural geographical area and may have different view than you.

                  You are a shinning example of the problems in America. Learn about what you are attempting to do and support it rather than bashing people through illiterate and misguided remarks.

                  As a final note, can someone please delete this guy from BC?

                  Just my two, well maybe three cents.

                  Just have to ask: Where in his posts does JT use facts or an open mind towards the other side? If you have a problem with Zitty, you HAVE TO have a problem with JT as well. Not picking sides, but if you post something like that, at least be fare.


                  • Or fair


                    • Joe Joe...with all due respect...First, I think you're WAY on the wrong side of the play...but, even if you are not, maybe you need to shop books...-280...R U Freakin nuts? As of 5 minutes ago you can get Dumbo at -171 on InTrade...If you prefer, I'll give you the Leftist at -200...We can get Spark to hold the money...Wish I could wish you good luck, bro...but NO WAY!!!


                      • Judging by the latest poll numbers which show Romney leading, I sure as heck glad that I am not holding a ticket at Obama winning at -280-anything can still happen for sure, but I just get the feeling that are a lot of folks like me who almost always vote democratic who have decided to swich for at least this election.

                        Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports


                        • The Obama "I love gay people" thing is backfiring it seems. He didnt really say that Im just joking, but who comes out like that supporting gay marriage. Obama's publicist fucked up. Also I wouldnt say I hate gay people, but 2 guys having butt sex makes me want to puke.
                          Last edited by Letswinalot; 06-02-2012, 11:08 PM.


                          • I heard a rumor from the black guy that my sister had a kid with he said Obama is going to find a way to lower gas prices big time before the election. Thats just what he said. He is a doctor. Just posting what I heard its probably BS.


                            • Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                              I heard a rumor from the black guy that my sister had a kid with he said Obama is going to find a way to lower gas prices big time before the election. Thats just what he said. He is a doctor. Just posting what I heard its probably BS.
                              Imo a spike upward in the price of gas or a dramatic fall right before he election could very easily turn things around big time one way or the other.


                              • How would Obama change gas prices, and why the fuck would anybody vote one way of the other because of gas prices?

