If it wasn't for Pebble Beach California could drop off the fucking map IMO. The fact that folks believe Case Anthony is in California cause that's the only place she would be accepted tells me all I need to know about that place
If it wasn't for Pebble Beach California could drop off the fucking map IMO. The fact that folks believe Case Anthony is in California cause that's the only place she would be accepted tells me all I need to know about that place
Hey Orange. Did ya hear about the 13 southernmost counties in CA exploring seceeding, not from the US, but from CA? No shit, they want to form their own 51st state...and they're REALLY SERIOUS...BTW, the only big city in those 13 counties is San Diego...and even SD is loony by other American standards, but they're fed up with the fiscal insanity in Sacremento and the uber looniness of SF and the rest of the State...Trying to look into this to see if there's any way they could actually do it..Sounds far-fetched, but if I HAD to live in SD, I'd sure as hell look into it.
Hey Orange. Did ya hear about the 13 southernmost counties in CA exploring seceeding, not from the US, but from CA? No shit, they want to form their own 51st state...and they're REALLY SERIOUS...BTW, the only big city in those 13 counties is San Diego...and even SD is loony by other American standards, but they're fed up with the fiscal insanity in Sacremento and the uber looniness of SF and the rest of the State...Trying to look into this to see if there's any way they could actually do it..Sounds far-fetched, but if I HAD to live in SD, I'd sure as hell look into it.
I did hear something about that. North California and South California would just sound crazy. But would else should we expect?
Yea California is the worst, don't come here, don't even visit, it's scary. I don't even think we have Mountain Dew.
aahhhh...sarcasm...very good. How nuts does a state have to be for even leftanistas to leave? Like the locusts, they destroy anything of economic value and scurry on to another state to destroy its fiscal sanity as well. Looks like the CA loons (an EPA protected species) are about to take over Colorado and Arizona now. Their bankrupting of Nevada has been underway for quite awhile now so that's alost cause. One thing is sure though. They will have a hell of a hard time invading Texas.
aahhhh...sarcasm...very good. How nuts does a state have to be for even leftanistas to leave? Like the locusts, they destroy anything of economic value and scurry on to another state to destroy its fiscal sanity as well. Looks like the CA loons (an EPA protected species) are about to take over Colorado and Arizona now. Their bankrupting of Nevada has been underway for quite awhile now so that's alost cause. One thing is sure though. They will have a hell of a hard time invading Texas.
Houston has the Trinity River, why would anybody ever leave?