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Poster Savage

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  • #31
    Originally posted by savage1 View Post
    That is just the kind of remark I would expect out of someone of your ilk-thanks for confirming my initial hunch about you.
    What you are really saying is " MY GOD !! HOW CAN ANYONE THINK THIS WAY !!?

    Jackie Collins never spoke like this in any of her novels !!"
    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


    • #32
      Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
      Trust me, the day I have any relevance with you, is the day I jump from the Empire State building and pray to impale myself on a fucking thumb tack.
      Maybe if you do jump, in your last moments you will see what reality is.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Guns View Post

        You are a smart guy, but not nearly as much as you give yourself credit for.
        Savage, I have been reading this garbage for the last few days and it is made for funny reading.

        Guns made a good point, you are a smart guy, but not as smart as you give yourself credit for.

        A question was asked in this thread and the one that was closed - and you have constantly answered it "half ass".

        Why Sandman ? You say its because " sandman has been around a while and doesn't come around too often that I notice his play more when he does post something."

        There are MANY, MANY posters on here who do the same as Sandman. Why don't you monitor or check their record - or better yet, since it bothers you so much, why don't you keep a record of EVERYONE who doesn't post their records?
        Then, maybe you would have some credibility on your attack on Sandman.

        You continue to dig a deeper hole because you can't justify your attack on Sandman and Sandman alone. If you are going to be the "Forum Police", do it for all or as Phil Jr says - STFU
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


        • #34
          Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
          Savage, I have been reading this garbage for the last few days and it is made for funny reading.

          Guns made a good point, you are a smart guy, but not as smart as you give yourself credit for.

          A question was asked in this thread and the one that was closed - and you have constantly answered it "half ass".

          Why Sandman ? You say its because " sandman has been around a while and doesn't come around too often that I notice his play more when he does post something."

          There are MANY, MANY posters on here who do the same as Sandman. Why don't you monitor or check their record - or better yet, since it bothers you so much, why don't you keep a record of EVERYONE who doesn't post their records?
          Then, maybe you would have some credibility on your attack on Sandman.

          You continue to dig a deeper hole because you can't justify your attack on Sandman and Sandman alone. If you are going to be the "Forum Police", do it for all or as Phil Jr says - STFU
          It wasn't an "attack." It was factual information.
          I don't see any hole here.
          It stuck in my mind and I posted it.
          If folks don't think I should have said anything, than so be it.
          Be more specific as to who has had very bad record of late and not posted it rather than generalizing.
          I have a right to my opinion especially when there is documentation to support it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
            That is just the kind of remark I would expect out of someone of your ilk-thanks for confirming my initial hunch about you.
            I have more class in my stool sample, then you would ever gather in your simple mind.

            No matter how many 16 cylinder words you type, no matter how many ilks, muddles, civilities, relevances, intelligences you type, you will always & only be a book smart individual.

            Sit there with your Mr. Rodgers sweater on, puffing on a pipe you handcarved out of a chicken bone, thinking that somehow you are vastly superior to anyone here just shows how you need to seek professional help.
            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


            • #36
              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
              Maybe if you do jump, in your last moments you will see what reality is.

              I know what my reality is.

              And it has nothing to do with sitting around a living room full of pompous dildos talking over whether the 200 lb. tweed xmas sweater Biff is wearing is causing all the guests to itch because the laundry detergent he used wasnt 1799% ozone free.
              He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


              • #37
                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                It wasn't an "attack." It was factual information.
                I don't see any hole here.
                It stuck in my mind and I posted it.
                If folks don't think I should have said anything, than so be it.
                Be more specific as to who has had very bad record of late and not posted it rather than generalizing.
                I have a right to my opinion especially when there is documentation to support it.
                AGAIN, you continue to "beat around the bush."

                It was an attack, in my opinion, BECAUSE there was NO factual information UNTIL YOU went back and checked all the records. THEN it became "factual information."
                The point is, why Sandman ?
                AGAIN, I repeat, there are MANY other posters who DO NOT post their records YET you do not go back and check their records. Is there ANYONE on here really destroying the books right now? I don't see anyone here saying they are, so therefore, it would be easy to "assume" (and I know what that means), that there are MORE people here with LOSING records than winning records.
                Again, why just Sandman? Why not the others?
                Is that specific enough?
                jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                • #38
                  Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  It wasn't an "attack." It was factual information.
                  I don't see any hole here.
                  It stuck in my mind and I posted it.
                  If folks don't think I should have said anything, than so be it.
                  Be more specific as to who has had very bad record of late and not posted it rather than generalizing.
                  I have a right to my opinion especially when there is documentation to support it.
                  Certified USDA ASSHOLE !!
                  He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post

                    I know what my reality is.

                    And it has nothing to do with sitting around a living room full of pompous dildos talking over whether the 200 lb. tweed xmas sweater Biff is wearing is causing all the guests to itch because the laundry detergent he used wasnt 1799% ozone free.

                    Thats funny !!!
                    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                      Just remember who started the name calling and insults in this entire matter when I first posted my comments.
                      Anything I said which might be considered as a superior attitude was brought about because I was personally attacked by the moderator and other postors.
                      How come you say nothing about the moderator making a remark about my "purchasing" a wife-is that ok, huh?
                      Perhaps instead of using words such as "conceit," directed toward me, you should instead use the words lack of civility and inability and unwillingness to carry on an intelligent and rational conversation with some of those who instead immediately went into attack mode when this "discussion" started.
                      Lets talk about your whining when someone calls you a name & you whine like a snooty little bitch poodle who doesnt want to get fucked by the Pit Bull, yet it is ok for you to do it to others.

                      It goes without saying that Ralphie the FAG never acknowledged that first official play of the season lost.

                      I wonder how Ralphie the FAG will try to spin last night's loss which was essentially over by half-time.

                      Nice 0-3 for NC.
                      Don't worry though folks-Ralphie the FAG will reassure us that all is fine and well and the going back to the caveman days, NC is still hitting well over 60% in pre season.

                      I find it laughable that toward the end of last season Phil announced that new folks would be doing the comp./promotion line for the most part(meaning Ralphie the FAG)so that he(Phil) could concentrate more on handicapping.
                      Is this weekend an example of the success we can expect this season when Phil locks himself up in his room 24/7 to study a zillion stats, angles and trends and do a thorough anaysis of all the games in order to increase his winning percentage

                      NC gets off to a great start going 0-3 in colleges and 0-2-1 in the NFL-0-5-1.
                      I wonder how Ralphie the FAG will spin this later on today.

                      Ralphie claims the Late College Phones went 1-2 yesterday.
                      Either the fag is lying or the plays posted here were not correct.

                      Thanks vitterd for taking the time to get the clarification.
                      I hope you are being figurative when you say Phil threw Ralphie a bone and for his sake that he didn't literally throw Ralphie HIS "bone." lol


                      Seems that you are using your 'vast superior knowledge' to cover up the fact that you are craving Man Meat
                      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                        Lets talk about your whining when someone calls you a name & you whine like a snooty little bitch poodle who doesnt want to get fucked by the Pit Bull, yet it is ok for you to do it to others.

                        It goes without saying that Ralphie the FAG never acknowledged that first official play of the season lost.

                        I wonder how Ralphie the FAG will try to spin last night's loss which was essentially over by half-time.

                        Nice 0-3 for NC.
                        Don't worry though folks-Ralphie the FAG will reassure us that all is fine and well and the going back to the caveman days, NC is still hitting well over 60% in pre season.

                        I find it laughable that toward the end of last season Phil announced that new folks would be doing the comp./promotion line for the most part(meaning Ralphie the FAG)so that he(Phil) could concentrate more on handicapping.
                        Is this weekend an example of the success we can expect this season when Phil locks himself up in his room 24/7 to study a zillion stats, angles and trends and do a thorough anaysis of all the games in order to increase his winning percentage

                        NC gets off to a great start going 0-3 in colleges and 0-2-1 in the NFL-0-5-1.
                        I wonder how Ralphie the FAG will spin this later on today.

                        Ralphie claims the Late College Phones went 1-2 yesterday.
                        Either the fag is lying or the plays posted here were not correct.

                        Thanks vitterd for taking the time to get the clarification.
                        I hope you are being figurative when you say Phil threw Ralphie a bone and for his sake that he didn't literally throw Ralphie HIS "bone." lol


                        Seems that you are using your 'vast superior knowledge' to cover up the fact that you are craving Man Meat
                        For your information I haven't used the word fag in referring to Ralphiie in quite a number of months because my conscience told me it was wrong to do so(I do think homosexuality is a perversion however).
                        In any case, I have decided that at this point regarding the sandman matter that all points have been made on both sides, some with dignity and with class and some without, and that no one is going to change anyone else's mind at this point.
                        Remember the original thread was closed.
                        A new thread was then opened asking me why I simply didn't fade sandman.
                        I responded to this and that engendered a new round of hate and name calling.
                        I will not post any more records of anyone moving forward as obviously it is not the popular opinion here.
                        I am confident that what I did was justified especially as I had the verification to do it.
                        Hopefully folks who post will say how they have been doing in the past before posting games.
                        I will neither read nor respond to any more posts here nor with any new threads opened regarding above.
                        I am at peace with the whole issue.
                        See ya.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                          You rationalize everything away and still don't get it!
                          The whole point about whether I or anyone else played a game or not is that WE DIDN'T HAVE TO in order to criticize someone who did.
                          My useless life??? If you have a fraction of all the good life has to offer that I do, you would be lucky!
                          Oh great one, if we could only have the crumbs of your greatness we would be rich beyond our imagination.

                          2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                          21 - 20 - 0

                          2012 - 2013 NFL

                          14 - 10 - 1


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                            That is just the kind of remark I would expect out of someone of your ilk-thanks for confirming my initial hunch about you.
                            Oh great one I know it must be everso hard dealing with people like us. How you have the patience oh you are such a saint.
                            2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                            21 - 20 - 0

                            2012 - 2013 NFL

                            14 - 10 - 1


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                              For your information I haven't used the word fag in referring to Ralphiie in quite a number of months because my conscience told me it was wrong to do so(I do think homosexuality is a perversion however).
                              In any case, I have decided that at this point regarding the sandman matter that all points have been made on both sides, some with dignity and with class and some without, and that no one is going to change anyone else's mind at this point.
                              Remember the original thread was closed.
                              A new thread was then opened asking me why I simply didn't fade sandman.
                              I responded to this and that engendered a new round of hate and name calling.
                              I will not post any more records of anyone moving forward as obviously it is not the popular opinion here.
                              I am confident that what I did was justified especially as I had the verification to do it.
                              Hopefully folks who post will say how they have been doing in the past before posting games.
                              I will neither read nor respond to any more posts here nor with any new threads opened regarding above.
                              I am at peace with the whole issue.
                              See ya.
                              I have no problem with what you say it is how you say it and how you say everything you say and your being and your fiber and your innercore as a person. You are a piece of shit as a person so I am glad you can find peace with "the issue". How you find piece with yourself, only you and your maker will know.
                              2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                              21 - 20 - 0

                              2012 - 2013 NFL

                              14 - 10 - 1


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                                Just remember who started the name calling and insults in this entire matter when I first posted my comments.
                                Anything I said which might be considered as a superior attitude was brought about because I was personally attacked by the moderator and other postors.
                                How come you say nothing about the moderator making a remark about my "purchasing" a wife-is that ok, huh?
                                Perhaps instead of using words such as "conceit," directed toward me, you should instead use the words lack of civility and inability and unwillingness to carry on an intelligent and rational conversation with some of those who instead immediately went into attack mode when this "discussion" started.
                                People who live in brick houses shouldnt throw glass dildos - Rock Hudson 1979

                                It is shaping up as a second consecutive 0-2 night with the comps.
                                If we are lucky, Ralphie or the other irritating novice asshole might say something to the tune of "Well, time to get these comps. rolling again"(without of course even alluding to how dreadful the comps. have been).

                                Both comps. LOSE again for the the third straight day bringing seasonal record to A LOW of 17 games UNDER 500 at 62-79-3-now that is BAD!!!
                                Needless to say, neither Ralphie or Phil's other blow boy mentions the losses. Sure you havent mentioned homosexuality in a while. This was only a few days ago. So much for your Intellictual conscience.

                                The only sure thing is that those in charge of the comp. phone, Phil ####, Ralphie and the other ass kissing dickhead , have no conscience and care only about themselves.

                                I sure hope Phil #### doesn't instill his values, sense of honesty and business ethics in his infant daughter(actually lack of them) so that she doesn't follow in his scandalous footsteps!

                                Yet the attacks on ones child & the names you have called others are just fine ??

                                Et Tu savage, Et Tu
                                Last edited by BettorsChat; 02-19-2011, 11:47 PM.
                                He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius

