Savage I actually hate saying this because I enjoy your perspectives especially on the Red Sox byt over the last two days you have come across and proven to be a conceited ass with a superiority conflict. Have a good evening
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Poster Savage
Originally posted by diesel View PostSavage I actually hate saying this because I enjoy your perspectives especially on the Red Sox byt over the last two days you have come across and proven to be a conceited ass with a superiority conflict. Have a good evening
Anything I said which might be considered as a superior attitude was brought about because I was personally attacked by the moderator and other postors.
How come you say nothing about the moderator making a remark about my "purchasing" a wife-is that ok, huh?
Perhaps instead of using words such as "conceit," directed toward me, you should instead use the words lack of civility and inability and unwillingness to carry on an intelligent and rational conversation with some of those who instead immediately went into attack mode when this "discussion" started.Last edited by savage1; 02-19-2011, 12:46 AM.
Originally posted by savage1 View PostYes I insist I am right.
Gee, What a fucking surprise !!
I sift through the plays each day look at who everyone is on along with those at some other forums and then make my decisions.
Decisions on who you are going to call out or call up for a date ??
Perhaps it is because sandman has been around a while and doesn't come around too often that I notice his play more when he does post something.
More like you have 27 War & Peace type binders with notes on every poster on gambling forums. The Police consider that "stalking"
It has just srtuck in my mind that during the last year or so when he has posted a play, for the most part it has lost.
I went back and confirmed my suspicion.
Oh just fucking stop with your Nazi type Police bullshit. Confirmed 'your' suspicion ?? STFU
I think if he knew about the record, he should be letting people know about it at this point before telling folks to play his pick.
And you so graciously pointed it out to him after the game was over. How noble of you to do so.
If he wasn't aware of his record, well perhaps my calling him out on it might remind him to keep track.
You are just a self serving blowhard who needs to go back to helping 3rd world freedom fighters grow back their limbs with your Chia Pet paste
If you think I was singling him out, sorry that was not my intent-believe what you wish.
You need to give this anal dwelling butt monkey a vacation. It is obvious he is a very unstable, sickly individual who is probably greasing his hand puppetdue to the responses he has been gathering up the last few days.
He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by savage1 View PostJust remember who started the name calling and insults in this entire matter when I first posted my comments.
Anything I said which might be considered as a superior attitude was brought about because I was personally attacked by the moderator and other postors.
How come you say nothing about the moderator making a remark about my "purchasing" a wife-is that ok, huh?
Perhaps instead of using words such as "conceit," directed toward me, you should instead use the words lack of civility and inability and unwillingness to carry on an intelligent and rational conversation with some of those who instead immediately went into attack mode when this "discussion" started.
Boo Hoo
You want to have a rational & intelligent conversation ??
GO TO FUCKING STARBUCKS !! Just make sure you drink with 1 pinky dangling off the cup & shove your other hand up your ass.
If that doesnt work, call the fucking president & have a Forum SummitHe who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostYou need to give this anal dwelling butt monkey a vacation. It is obvious he is a very unstable, sickly individual who is probably greasing his hand puppetdue to the responses he has been gathering up the last few days.
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostBoo Hoo
Boo Hoo
You want to have a rational & intelligent conversation ??
GO TO FUCKING STARBUCKS !! Just make sure you drink with 1 pinky dangling off the cup & shove your other hand up your ass.
If that doesnt work, call the fucking president & have a Forum Summit
Originally posted by savage1 View PostSadly your view of reality is muddled in your own confused state of mind.
It is so clear that the mouse has fallen off the wheel and you should be taken in front of a judge to be declared legally insane.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostYou keep reminding yourself of that. Its time for you to be placed in a home without internet services and receive the proper medical attention that depressed, attention starved, Narcissistic personality disordered individuals like you need.
It is so clear that the mouse has fallen off the wheel and you should be taken in front of a judge to be declared legally insane.
If/only you address any of the points directly which ensued in this discussion civily will you have any credibility or relvance with me.
Good luck Savage, I really wish you well.
I am surprised that the mods cut you as much slack as they have. Members have been banned for much less than some of the comments you made over the past two days, especially the ones aimed at a mod. You have been banned before for similar behavior in the past, I am surprised you haven't learned from your past mistakes. I am sure the reason you are still here is due to your long association with BC.
You are a smart guy, but not nearly as much as you give yourself credit for.
Last word for me on this, take it any way you like. Again, good luck in your future unposted games
Originally posted by savage1 View PostNice response-sorry your sarcasm doesn't address the very relevant and unanswered point made here.
Take the advice and seek counseling immediately. Maybe your pee pee is unable to satisfy Mrs.V jayjay and your only recourse right now is to start shit with anyone on a gambling forum to feel like your a man. Or maybe you would like to come out of the closet and this is the way you are leading into your big announcement.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by Guns View PostGood luck Savage, I really wish you well.
I am surprised that the mods cut you as much slack as they have. Members have been banned for much less than some of the comments you made over the past two days, especially the ones aimed at a mod. You have been banned before for similar behavior in the past, I am surprised you haven't learned from your past mistakes. I am sure the reason you are still here is due to your long association with BC.
You are a smart guy, but not nearly as much as you give yourself credit for.
Last word for me on this, take it any way you like. Again, good luck in your future unposted games
Wow-it seems to me that some folks are sacred around here and there are two sets of standards!!!!
Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View PostThe only 'relevant' point you have made clear is that you are a buffoon.
Take the advice and seek counseling immediately. Maybe your pee pee is unable to satisfy Mrs.V jayjay and your only recourse right now is to start shit with anyone on a gambling forum to feel like your a man. Or maybe you would like to come out of the closet and this is the way you are leading into your big announcement.
Originally posted by savage1 View PostTake a good luck in the mirror, my friend and you will see one demented person trying to show an offbeat sense of humor and sarcasm which doesn't work with anyone with a modicum if intelligence.
If/only you address any of the points directly which ensued in this discussion civily will you have any credibility or relvance with me.He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius
Originally posted by Guns View PostGood luck Savage, I really wish you well.
I am surprised that the mods cut you as much slack as they have. Members have been banned for much less than some of the comments you made over the past two days, especially the ones aimed at a mod. You have been banned before for similar behavior in the past, I am surprised you haven't learned from your past mistakes. I am sure the reason you are still here is due to your long association with BC.
You are a smart guy, but not nearly as much as you give yourself credit for.
Last word for me on this, take it any way you like. Again, good luck in your future unposted gamesHe who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius