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Wish you were here? President spends $1.5m on his holiday in Hawaii... while the rest

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  • #16
    Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
    Two wrongs don't make a right. How come all you libs answer every Obama criticism with a Bush answer? Can't it be wrong for both? I don't understand the need to defend the indefensible. When people are struggling to keep their homes and put food on the table it is absurd to be spending a couple million dollars on vacation or playing golf every week. Perception is reality to many and it just doesn't look right.
    You could say this about every President and every aspect of every President, that's the point. You could say it cost $50 for him to take shit, and that's too much money. They are the President and that's what it costs. It's not worth mentioning. There's a 1000 other things that are overspent on by the President, do you want to post them all in different threads. It's worthless.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
      I know this, but at this point with the Economy being so bad I would have taken a much lesser vacation. You know the Republicans are waiting to jump on anything that he does. He needs to take that into consideration. He also needs to get a thicker back bone as I'm getting tired of him backing down on issues so they can get bills passed. I still like him, but this economy is so screwed up it's not even funny. More banks are going under, more job losses etc.

      There needs to be a complete over haul of the system. First beginning with doing away with the Big Corps being able to give as much as they want to one candidate which is pure BS!

      Second we need more jobs here in the USA so we need to cut back on outsourcing so many damn jobs.

      Third the banks need to start lending monies to small business, and people with good credit ratings instead of hoarding the monies that they now have which they made off the tarp monies.

      Fourth we need to be exporting more goods. China imports so many goods into this Country its sickening. Then again what do we have to export? Especially since just about everything as been outsourced to over seas companies.
      The Republicans try to jump on anything, who cares, that's how they do it, than they try to manipulate the county to vote for another dumbass. How they have any credibility, I'll never know. You should be happy Obama's getting anything passed at all. Yes we need to make more changes, but I'm telling you, there's a lot of good stuff happening. If the economy turns, tell me how anybody votes Republican ever again.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
        there's a lot of good stuff happening. If the economy turns, tell me how anybody votes Republican ever again.
        what good stuff exactly? This I gotta hear.

        If the economy turns around???? IF??? IF??...Let me tell you about iff's If my aunt had a package she'd be my uncle ok. Reality check brother....the economy isnt going to turn around. Not anytime soon. 9.8% unemployment....this after Dear Leader said if we pass the suckubus bill unemployment would not go above 8%. Member that?? Oh how bout them "Shovel ready jobs" hows that workin out for ya?? Member that statement? Just last month Dear Leader himself stated...."well I guess there really isnt such a thing as a shovel ready job" LMAO. NO SHIT DUMBASS!!!!!

        Government doesnt create jobs!!! The private sector does.

        the best part of your post is "how anybody votes republican ever again"??

        what I wanna know is .....How the F does anyone vote democrap??? Who wants more government? Who wants higher taxes and more social programs? Who wants more labor unions? Who wants more welfare?

        If you support all that I guess you vote D.

        ALL i want is for the gov't to STOP TAKING MY MONEY!!!! I FUCKING EARNED IT STOP STEALING IT ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!
        Last edited by 10DimeBry; 01-03-2011, 04:45 PM.
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        • #19
          Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
          what good stuff exactly? This I gotta hear.

          If the economy turns around???? IF??? IF??...Let me tell you about iff's If my aunt had a package she'd be my uncle ok. Reality check brother....the economy isnt going to turn around. Not anytime soon. 9.8% unemployment....this after Dear Leader said if we pass the suckubus bill unemployment would not go above 8%. Member that?? Oh how bout them "Shovel ready jobs" hows that workin out for ya?? Member that statement? Just last month Dear Leader himself stated...."well I guess there really isnt such a thing as a shovel ready job" LMAO. NO SHIT DUMBASS!!!!!

          Government doesnt create jobs!!! The private sector does.
          No point in arguing Dimer, you'll just tell me every news station except FOX is biased etc etc.
          CA, FL, NY, DC, were all just dummies here on the coast lines. The economy will turn around, it always does, and guess when? When a dem is in office, check the stats.


          • #20
            Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
            No point in arguing Dimer, you'll just tell me every news station except FOX is biased etc etc.
            CA, FL, NY, DC, were all just dummies here on the coast lines. The economy will turn around, it always does, and guess when? When a dem is in office, check the stats.
            NY and CA are 2 of the biggest liberal states in the union. Both are BANKRUPT brother!!!!!! If you think I'm kidding......I live in NY and it's a disaster here. More people flee NY yearly than any other state. Why you ask??? Cause the taxes and govt programs are a complete joke in this state. That is why.

            Do you reside in CA NY FLA or DC as you stated? I'm guessing not. If you do I'd love to hear how the economy is in your area. Where I live in upstate ny the economy is awful and it's not going to turn around anytime soon unless taxes are cut and social programs are dissolved.

            Facts: The highest taxed states are:

            New York

            Do you know what they all have in common??? They are all liberal states that have had Dems in control for decades. These states also have the most social programs in the nation. IRONIC??? Not a chance in hell.

            but what do i know right?? I just get my news strickly from fox...lmao sure
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            • #21
              I'm not getting into the state level. I don't like all the social programs myself. So you think the economy will never turn around?


              • #22
                So after George W. completely messed up this country, you expected Obama to come in and fix everything right away? I just don't get that. One month after he was in office, jokers were trying to blame him. How is that possible?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                  So after George W. completely messed up this country, you expected Obama to come in and fix everything right away? I just don't get that. One month after he was in office, jokers were trying to blame him. How is that possible?
                  Obama has been in for two years now. You guys will blame Bush forever and everything Obama does is just fine right. Obama has no character, no spine. Rest of the world is laughing at this weakling.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #24
                    I never said the economy wont "ever" turn around. I believe i stated "anytime soon". There is no way with the way our economy is now and its only getting worse.

                    The economy could get better easily IMO if you simply did 3 things.

                    1) cut corporate tax rate to 15% or less. We have the LARGEST corporate tax rate in the world!!!!

                    2) create a fair or flat tax for every american. 20% or less.

                    3) eliminate labor unions.

                    I believe BW you are a smart guy. I dont need to explain what this would do to our economy.....but in short. If you cut the corporate tax rate to 15% or less our businesses would be able to take in a larger profit which will in turn create more jobs and more spending. Companies will re-invest in there company and on and on.

                    Also a fair or flat tax of 20% or less will allow each an every american to be taxed at the same rate. Thus if we all pay the same in taxes what's to complain about? Also with a lower tax rate americans will have more money to spend and in their pockets and to save. Thus demand will go up jobs will be created and on on we go. If you have a flat/fair tax and make it whatever % across the board you make the tax code down to 1 page and simple. This will eliminate thousands of jobs @ IRS. cutting govt

                    3rd labor unions. Yes I said it labor unions. This aint the 1920's when spark was grownin up BROTHER. Unions are the devil. We have labor laws now, unions are completely unnecessary in this day an age. Unions They are like cancer. Once they get in they spread. Only thing a union is good for is creating a LAZY workforce. Not every union employee is lazy but if you ever worked in a union know the guy im talkin about.

                    why dont i think the economy is going to turn around anytime soon????

                    cause what we are doing now is spending trillions on failed programs or programs that are losers

                    trying to raise taxes which only will make gov't bigger.

                    creating more social programs IE obamacare

                    also i believe regardless of who is in charge D or R none of my above 3 things will ever occur.
                    Last edited by 10DimeBry; 01-03-2011, 06:12 PM.
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                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
                      I never said the economy wont "ever" turn around. I believe i stated "anytime soon". There is no way with the way our economy is now and its only getting worse.

                      The economy could get better easily IMO if you simply did 3 things.

                      1) cut corporate tax rate to 15% or less. We have the LARGEST corporate tax rate in the world!!!!

                      2) create a fair or flat tax for every american. 20% or less.

                      3) eliminate labor unions.

                      I believe BW you are a smart guy. I dont need to explain what this would do to our economy.....but in short. If you cut the corporate tax rate to 15% or less our businesses would be able to take in a larger profit which will in turn create more jobs and more spending. Companies will re-invest in there company and on and on.

                      Also a fair or flat tax of 20% or less will allow each an every american to be taxed at the same rate. Thus if we all pay the same in taxes what's to complain about? Also with a lower tax rate americans will have more money to spend and in their pockets and to save. Thus demand will go up jobs will be created and on on we go. If you have a flat/fair tax and make it whatever % across the board you make the tax code down to 1 page and simple. This will eliminate thousands of jobs @ IRS. cutting govt

                      3rd labor unions. Yes I said it labor unions. This aint the 1920's when spark was grownin up BROTHER. Unions are the devil. We have labor laws now, unions are completely unnecessary in this day an age. Unions They are like cancer. Once they get in they spread. Only thing a union is good for is creating a LAZY workforce. Not every union employee is lazy but if you ever worked in a union know the guy im talkin about.

                      why dont i think the economy is going to turn around anytime soon????

                      cause what we are doing now is spending trillions on failed programs or programs that are losers

                      trying to raise taxes which only will make gov't bigger.

                      creating more social programs IE obamacare

                      also i believe regardless of who is in charge D or R none of my above 3 things will ever occur.
                      I agree with a lot of that. We waste a ton of money, no doubt about that, and lot of these programs suck, but that's always been the case. We can't let the poor get poorer, it would create more violence, thefts, etc etc and that makes it worse for everybody. I don't think people should get money for free, but what are the options. You can say everybody will find a job, but we both know that's not true. There would be more poor uneducated people making life miserable for everybody.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                        I agree with a lot of that. We waste a ton of money, no doubt about that, and lot of these programs suck, but that's always been the case. We can't let the poor get poorer, it would create more violence, thefts, etc etc and that makes it worse for everybody. I don't think people should get money for free, but what are the options. You can say everybody will find a job, but we both know that's not true. There would be more poor uneducated people making life miserable for everybody.
                        No way everyone can find a job when Big corps are outsourcing the jobs by ten's of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

                        Also if you have a person that was making $15 per hour how do you expect them to get by on minimum wage? They can't. So that's another issue regarding people just getting a job.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          No way everyone can find a job when Big corps are outsourcing the jobs by ten's of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

                          Also if you have a person that was making $15 per hour how do you expect them to get by on minimum wage? They can't. So that's another issue regarding people just getting a job.
                          So instead of go out and try to get by, just sit sit on their ass and collect a govt check? Makes sense...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                            So instead of go out and try to get by, just sit sit on their ass and collect a govt check? Makes sense...
                            Yeah, that's called unemployment. Which is not the same as welfare or food stamps. Nice try though.


                            • #29
                              You act like it's some sort of competition? I struggle to see your point...


                              • #30
                                Also a fair or flat tax of 20% or less will allow each an every american to be taxed at the same rate. Thus if we all pay the same in taxes what's to complain about? Also with a lower tax rate americans will have more money to spend and in their pockets and to save. Thus demand will go up jobs will be created and on on we go. If you have a flat/fair tax and make it whatever % across the board you make the tax code down to 1 page and simple. This will eliminate thousands of jobs @ IRS. cutting govt

                                I used to be in favor of a flat tax, if the rich don't wanna pay tax don't eat or buy anything. But our tax code started as a flat tax and look where it got us. 20% would eventually become 40%. Every time it is increased they will say "Oh it's only a .2% increase."

                                I will stay out of the Union argument for now but when all labor is busted down to minimum wage or near, you will see a renaissance in labor unions in this country.

                                Like I always say...Assholes!

                                TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                                I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                                When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                                Jon E. Checkers

