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why the hell are we helping pakistan?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
    Legalize weed and tax the shit out of it, people r smoking it anyways. To me it's the same as booze.

    Not the same at all, weed is way better

    signed: Wayne
    NBA is a joke


    • #62
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

      Not the same at all, weed is way better

      signed: Wayne
      Havn't touched the stuff in a year pal. You guys need to find somebody new.


      • #63
        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
        Havn't touched the stuff in a year pal. You guys need to find somebody new.

        NBA is a joke


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          Isn't most of the crime b/c addicts can't afford their habit? Not b/c it is illegal. Just b/c the gov't is overseeing the sale of a $10 rock vs Billy on the corner doesn't put the $10 in the addicts hands. He is still going to rob or steal to get his money for the drugs.

          I agree it would take down some of the violence in the drug "trade", but I don't think it disappears. I also think just b/c you legalize it that doesn't equate to eliminating the illegal sales. You think dealers are going to want to start paying taxes? You think people want their business now known publically by being seen buying crack or meth?

          Gee there is my dentist walking into the corner meth shop right before my appt. Hey Doc, what's up!!

          all these drugs are very cheep to produce and would cost a fraction of what they do now if mass produced legally. the drug dealers would be pretty much out of business. people could grow pot plants like they do tomatoes.

          was prohibition a good thing, or is legalized alcohol sales better? how much of a criminal element is there in alcohol sales now that it is legal? everything you are saying about drugs, could be said about alcohol.

          is this better. Gee there is my dentist walking into the corner liquor store right before my appt. Hey Doc, what's up!!
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #65
            Originally posted by husker View Post
            all these drugs are very cheep to produce and would cost a fraction of what they do now if mass produced legally. the drug dealers would be pretty much out of business. people could grow pot plants like they do tomatoes.

            was prohibition a good thing, or is legalized alcohol sales better? how much of a criminal element is there in alcohol sales now that it is legal? everything you are saying about drugs, could be said about alcohol.

            is this better. Gee there is my dentist walking into the corner liquor store right before my appt. Hey Doc, what's up!!
            I totally agree with you on an alcohol to marijuana comparison. Alcohol is far more destructive than marijuana and alcohol is legal. Thousands of people die every year as a direct result of alcohol abuse in one way or another. Pot needs to be legalized and taxed. It's the number one cash crop now in Calif, imagine what it would be if it were legal.

            However I'm not on board with legalizing all drugs. Meth for one is a brutal drug with very harmful side effects. And so are other more addictive drugs. Including their effect on impairing ones ability to function while under the influence.

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #66
              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
              I totally agree with you on an alcohol to marijuana comparison. Alcohol is far more destructive than marijuana and alcohol is legal. Thousands of people die every year as a direct result of alcohol abuse in one way or another. Pot needs to be legalized and taxed. It's the number one cash crop now in Calif, imagine what it would be if it were legal.

              However I'm not on board with legalizing all drugs. Meth for one is a brutal drug with very harmful side effects. And so are other more addictive drugs. Including their effect on impairing ones ability to function while under the influence.


              i just believe you can have more control over something legal than something illegal. i don't see how anyone can say what is going on now is working. it's done nothing but cost trillions of dollars and 100's of thousands of lives over what, 30-40 years of cracking down on the drug trade. when you interrupt the supply (govt goal) you dive up prices and make people commit more crimes to pay for the drugs and give gangs more money for violence. what a great plan!
              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

              Gerald Ford

