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BP's Next Disaster: Are You Going to Stop it Before it Starts?

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  • BP's Next Disaster: Are You Going to Stop it Before it Starts?

    Written by Robert Greenwald and Tanene Allison

    As you read this, BP is already working to create their next disaster. What they are presently creating is even more dangerous and devastating than what they did in the Gulf, and even less regulated.

    Power Without Petroleum Dangerous Drilling: BP is at it AGAIN | Facebook

    Join us in telling Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to stop BP's dangerous and unregulated drilling in the Arctic!

    Since BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster, nearly five million barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf. Industries have been destroyed, lives have been lost and wildlife and the environment have been irrevocably harmed. We know that BP cuts safety corners, takes risks, and is unconcerned about anything other than their own profit.

    We can't let them get away with another disaster!

    Not happy with the bare offshore drilling regulations we have, BP created a legal loophole for the form of an island. This legal loophole means that the present moratorium on offshore drilling does not apply to BP's Arctic project.

    BP's man-made "Liberty Island" sits three miles off the shore of Alaska. From this island, BP plans to drill two miles under the sea and then six to eight miles horizontally. A New York Times article recently stated that scientists believe this form of drilling to be "more prone to the types of gas kicks that triggered the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon."

    Sound like something that you can't believe would pass inspection? Not if you consider a fact recently reported by Rolling Stone Magazine - It turns out that BP was allowed to write its own environmental review for the project as well as its own consultation documents relating to the Endangered Species Act.

    Can you imagine an oil spill worse than the one in the Gulf? Imagine an equally large, or even larger, spill in the Arctic, where there is a lack of technology proven to work in cleaning up oil in icy water. Or, for that matter, a gusher trapped underneath the Arctic ice.

    Imagine an oil spill where emergency and relief supports are thousands of miles away. Imagine a blow-out in the fall, and those emergency and relief supports having to wait through the winter, and through the spring, until the Arctic ice melts enough for crews to get to the spill the following summer. Estimates are that, during that time, oil could spread to Russian and Canada, and potential even to Norway and Greenland.

    This isn't some science fiction horror movie. This is a reality that BP is creating right now, even while we still grapple with the harm they caused in the Gulf.

    If you can't believe that such dangerous, irresponsible and risky action has gotten a green light from our government, you can still act before the drilling begins. Share our film with your friends and family and sign our petition to tell Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to stop BP's dangerous and unregulated drilling in the Arctic!

    BP is working hard to create their next disaster. Remember how helpless we all felt watching footage of the tragedy in the Gulf? This time you have the chance to stop BP before they cause even more devastation.

    Tell Ken Salazar to stop this disaster before it begins!

    Robert Greenwald: BP's Next Disaster: Are You Going to Stop it Before it Starts?

  • #2
    If Salazar doesnt know, then he should be replaced with someone who does. Thats why he gets paid alot of money. They dont pay me to tell him how to do his job.
    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


    • #3
      With the gulf oil feild (Deep Horizen) being so huge and American's memory being so short, I predict within 3 years that BP or some other oil company will be back in the gulf trying to tap into it again...


      I was Born my Pappy's Son,
      When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
      Jon E. Checkers


      • #4
        Glad BP is exploring these options.

        Hey Monte, do you drive a car? Heat your house? Then and quit being a hypocrite.


        • #5

          BP fucked up, they will pay, the hole is sealed. Get over it and move forward, they will be very careful after this disaster. Putting them out of business will cost us all in the long run. Who wants 8 dollar a gallon gas prices?? Ooops, some of the Libs and Obama actually will be happy if that happens.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
            Glad BP is exploring these options.

            Hey Monte, do you drive a car? Heat your house? Then and quit being a hypocrite.
            Kb sticking up for big oil. Big suprise
            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


            • #7
              I cant believe the as matter of fact comments concerning bp. Bp did more than screw up and anyone sticking up for this company has some serious issues regarding how they look at life. I mean how many people are they going to contaminate because of the pollution theyve caused. I love all the the pro- life people sticking up for bp and I consider it sticking up if your in here saying they messed up lets move on. Because that oil spill will continue effect human life for years to come.

              Stop getting your points straight from fox.


              • #8
                dont need to get all of cnn reporting either


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bdgump View Post
                  dont need to get all of cnn reporting either

                  The Libs will run the Oil companies out of business if they have their way. I wonder if those commenting against oil drive Chevy Volts like good Obamites??

                  Maybe Al Gore and Michelle Obama could ground their Jets for a while.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    Kb sticking up for big oil. Big suprise

                    Hey bro, when you quit driving a car, using natural gas to heat your home, drinking/using all plastics and styrofoam get back to me. Until then, I'd shut your hyprocrite mouth!


                    • #11
                      Boomer, recently it's been reported in the news (CBS) that some oil in the gulf has evaporated. Since when does crude oil evaporate? I'm just a "DF Painter", but I think I know better than crude evaporating. Not doggin' you, just would like your expert opinion..... Thanks

                      TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                      I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                      When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                      Jon E. Checkers


                      • #12
                        Based on gravity of crude it is very possible some or a lot of the oil could evaporate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jcheckers View Post
                          Boomer, recently it's been reported in the news (CBS) that some oil in the gulf has evaporated. Since when does crude oil evaporate? I'm just a "DF Painter", but I think I know better than crude evaporating. Not doggin' you, just would like your expert opinion..... Thanks
                          Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects

                          I never thought about oil evaporating.
                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #14
                            I love the neocons in here sticking up and justifying things for bp. Obviously everyone in some way or another are forced to used oil based products because the fucking oil companies themselves bought and shelved gas alternative products. That doesnt mean that the government shouldve turned a blind eye to companies who routinely skate around safety regulations that destroys our environment and get hourly workers killed. Ill bet any amount of money certain people in here standing up for bp if someone close to them were killed they would be singing a different story. Yea we drive cars, heat our homes and use oil based products but thats a product of what the oil cartels set up many years ago.

                            I cant believe how the neocons are willing to come to defense of companies trying to save a couple of million of bucks that killed harmless hourly workers and that will end up costing our enviroment, our unborn children, and our entire eco system. But then these same neocons will rip the recent unemployed, vote against helping them out with cobra payments and claim the only reason people are unemployed is because their too lazy to get out and work.



                            • #15
                              I forgot here he is, the pride of the republican party. They love defending big business no matter how crooked and corrupt the company is.

