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Leaked Memo Shows Obama Admin Conspiring to Implement Amnesty

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  • #46
    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
    Lmao. Husker I hope u are watching your boy hannity. They are going over blaming bush and a woman on the show brought up how bush blamed clinton for 9/11 and economy. It reruns at some point tonite. U should watch. Even your own bought and paid for station is proving u wrong
    You mean his show has an opposing viewpoint on? Doesn't that shoot a hole in your theory's about the network? Sounds Fair and Balanced huh?


    • #47
      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
      Jman/Gbell is a clueless imbecile that's allowed to throw his copy and pasted email shit on this site hoping it will stick to someone. None of what he wrote has substance because the facts are far too legitimate in the story that I posted. The pile of useless information that he posted was blown apart again as yet another piece copy and pasted pile of puke.

      Like I said, unless Obama implements radical changes for the NeoCon imbeciles, nothing will be seen as enough. And for what it's worth, him calling the POTUS a piece of shit, shows what an unpatriotic fuckturd he really is.

      I'll take any hard working illegal, who works the jobs that no one else will do, for wages less than reasonable, over this piece of garbage any day.

      Plus, since your article was refuted point by point, it confirms AGAIN there were NO facts in there that refuted the original post. Sorry.

      Gbell will be the first one griping when the food he eats at the retirement home costs triple of what it once did and inflation rises because there is no one to pick and toil in the fields for the daily pile of garbage that's dumped down his useless gullet.
      A. It was on AOL ticker.
      B. Your post showed NO facts.
      C. Ouch. Unpatriotic? So a true patriot kisses the ass of this PIECE of SHIT PRESIDENT?
      D. I wonder how many of the MILLIONS of unemployed would love to have ANY job right now?

      If we stopped giving benefits like in state tuition and SSI and health care to these garbage ILLEGAL immigrants, I am confident we can keep lettuce under a buck!!!
      Last edited by Jamaicanman; 08-02-2010, 10:46 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        Do u wanna compare how many threads u get banned from to how many I get banned from? You even have a major advantage. You have similar thoughts as 2 mods. Yet u still get banned

        I find it amusing that u can look at the words of lamar smith saying obama doesn't wanna deport illegal immigrants and yet he deported 400k. It is the typical rep spin. Say one thing while the numbers clearly don't back it up and then try to convince people what they say is correct. It is beyond silly. How can there be no correlation? In other words all the ones not deported are because of obama and his policies and all the ones deported have nothing to do with him. Again common sense is lost on u

        To the memo. It is the norm red meat for anti immigrant groups and fringe republicans. Its why you are eating it up. U can see it is mostly common sense solutions to make immigration better. Did u see the memo? Is it policy? No. It is a bunch of copy and pasted info that is all over the place. It is another right wing move trying to scare people in the upcoming elections. Nothing new. Its why the only people u see discussing it are right wing fringe like yourself. Most that have read it have dismissed it.

        listen guys give into his hysteria everytime. Why argue with him? You know the guys that hate obama, theyre not going to change. These are the same fanatical people who sat quietly, DIDNT POST ONE WORD ABOUT HOW BUSH SCREWED US OVER.

        Let him keep calling the president a pos, he doesnt respect the presidency, as much as I disliked the job george bush did I never called him a pos. I disagreed with the politics, how he got elected but hey he stole the first election fair and square.

        They say it takes a pile of shit to recognize a piece of shit anyway.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          See above. Comparing shitty records is lame. But consider the sources around here too.

          There you go Terd. Post addressed. Still looking for th ose "facts" you claim are in there.

          im speechless. This is evidence something is definitely wrong.


          • #50
            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
            im speechless. This is evidence something is definitely wrong.
            You speechless?

            I nominate for a post of the year!!


            • #51
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              See above. Comparing shitty records is lame. But consider the sources around here too.

              There you go Terd. Post addressed. Still looking for th ose "facts" you claim are in there.

              He jman all joking aside man, I think you have above average intelligence. Dude tell me your kidding, just trying to get a negative response from people, because its that or I would definitely consider zoloft man.

              We got it you hate obama and no one is ever going to change your mind.

              one question though,.........................................

              What happens if he gets re-elected?

              Please answer and I apologize about the previous negative remarks i made.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                You mean his show has an opposing viewpoint on? Doesn't that shoot a hole in your theory's about the network? Sounds Fair and Balanced huh?
                Its kinda like u and husker throwing out one or two things to try to make people believe u are in the middle. Throw one dem against 4 rep and say look we are fair and balanced.

                Kaz post showed an actual entire report. Not just the things u guys pull out. Ask yourself this question. Why is your obama hating hero network fox not even mentioning this? Guess what? Nobody considers this a major issue but fringe nuts.

                You just whine and spin non stop. Your crazy comment for me to stick to the thread when I talked about 400k deported is just beyond belief. Didn't that number just contradict lamar smith comment in your post that opened this thread?

                Your hate for obama has made u completelt lose touch with reality. I've seen u fall in line with husker claiming working in politics is somehow less then a job. You can save it though. Not one sane thinking person actually thinks u were working today.
                Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                • #53
                  Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                  He jman all joking aside man, I think you have above average intelligence. Dude tell me your kidding, just trying to get a negative response from people, because its that or I would definitely consider zoloft man.

                  We got it you hate obama and no one is ever going to change your mind.

                  one question though,.........................................

                  What happens if he gets re-elected?

                  Please answer and I apologize about the previous negative remarks i made.
                  Please tell me you're joking about above average intelligence. Spewing nonsense from conservative emails and websites doesn't take much
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    Its kinda like u and husker throwing out one or two things to try to make people believe u are in the middle. Throw one dem against 4 rep and say look we are fair and balanced.

                    Kaz post showed an actual entire report. Not just the things u guys pull out. Ask yourself this question. Why is your obama hating hero network fox not even mentioning this? Guess what? Nobody considers this a major issue but fringe nuts.

                    You just whine and spin non stop. Your crazy comment for me to stick to the thread when I talked about 400k deported is just beyond belief. Didn't that number just contradict lamar smith comment in your post that opened this thread?

                    Your hate for obama has made u completelt lose touch with reality. I've seen u fall in line with husker claiming working in politics is somehow less then a job. You can save it though. Not one sane thinking person actually thinks u were working today.

                    are these guys like with the militia or something? I mean should we be worried because jman with THE BOLD BLUE CAPS really started to scare me there for a second, i mean thats not normal man.

                    How could one man hate another man so much? Is obama really that bad? I mean they believe in different politics but some of this is borderline psychotic.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                      He jman all joking aside man, I think you have above average intelligence. Dude tell me your kidding, just trying to get a negative response from people, because its that or I would definitely consider zoloft man.

                      We got it you hate obama and no one is ever going to change your mind.

                      one question though,.........................................

                      What happens if he gets re-elected?

                      Please answer and I apologize about the previous negative remarks i made.
                      I write this with ALL sincerity. IF he gets re elected, it will be b/c his policies AND agenda have made the US a better place for EVERYONE. Not blacks,whites, hispanics exclusively. But ALL. And if that happens, regardless of my personal opinion of him, that will be a better day then today, and that is a good thing. Just imo, I do not see his agenda bettering the US.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                        If Obama would just let me out of my student loan debt I would love that man.
                        If he would just let me out of my mortgage loan but let me have the house then he would be great

                        Geeze people
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          are these guys like with the militia or something? I mean should we be worried because jman with THE BOLD BLUE CAPS really started to scare me there for a second, i mean thats not normal man.

                          How could one man hate another man so much? Is obama really that bad? I mean they believe in different politics but some of this is borderline psychotic.
                          The bold and blue was to address Kaz's ridiculous points in bold point by point. Since there were no facts in there.


                          • #58
                            I'm still waiting to read those "Intelligent conversations" i keep hearing about in this forum. Some things never change and the same guys basically just shitting on each other every night doesn't either. It's understandable why others never join in because every conversation in here goes off topic every time and it turns in to a rip fest on each other. Same old same old i guess ..........


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                              The bold and blue was to address Kaz's ridiculous points in bold point by point. Since there were no facts in there.

                              I mean jman we've had our problems in the past both of us responsible I believe. But I do believe youre a reasonable person with a different view on politics than I have.I didnt care for bush but I believe george bush honestly believe he was doing the best for the country when he made the decisions he made. Did I agree with them? not most of them, but I really didnt know george bush personally but from most of the people who knew him outside of him being president I hear he wasnt a bad guy. So I would think for me to call him a piece of sh... would be showing ignorance. No one can prove he knew about 9-11, no one can say he masterminded the whole war thing with sadaam among other things. I didnt like some of his politics but man I know he was husband, a father, a son and he loved his country. To call obama a piece of shit I believe is somewhat irresponsible on your part I believe. I mean I know you disagree with him on abortion BUT GEORGE BUSH DIDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT ENDING ABORTION. I know you disagree with him on a number of things but to go on and on how much you hate him, how big a piece of shit he is just seems like to much wasted energy man.

                              You have a right to your opinion man, but all of that anger and hate isnt good.

                              Have a good night.


                              • #60
                                serious question fellas

                                Vitt, Jman, husker

                                When was the last time you guys got some of that good poosay, not the spoon your old lady poosay cuz she has too, I mean the your doggy styling her ass long and deep and she comes off that bad boy with the spin move and puts it in her mouth???

                                Im thinking cuz you helmets like to argue and be right waaaaay too much. lol

                                Would you rather be right, or happy???

                                Get a bike, hit the club ,hit the golf course, hit the gym, im sure all you dudes are fat and and out of shape. Take some of that aggression out on something besides your keyboard fellas.

                                If i offended you, good, get out of here for once
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

