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Leaked Memo Shows Obama Admin Conspiring to Implement Amnesty

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  • #31
    Originally posted by husker View Post
    you gave me NOTHING! all you did was say do a google search and look for it yourself, and you said it many times. the posts will be easy to find.

    the bush blaming was refering to YOUR posts about blaming bush. good try at deflection again.

    i addressed the last point a LONG time ago at the other forum.
    I posted what he blamed clinton for. Specific examples. I then told u how to find it. Impossible to cut and paste on my blackberry. You chose not to look because it proves you wrong yet again.
    I think u last blamed the economy for why obama was elected. That was your lame excuse. I thought u woulda come up with somethin new by now

    Still nothin on the other thing. Same old husker
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #32
      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
      I posted what he blamed clinton for. Specific examples. I then told u how to find it. Impossible to cut and paste on my blackberry. You chose not to look because it proves you wrong yet again.
      I think u last blamed the economy for why obama was elected. That was your lame excuse. I thought u woulda come up with somethin new by now

      Still nothin on the other thing. Same old husker
      06-17-2010, 08:02 AM
      vitterd vitterd is online now
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      Join Date: Mar 2010
      Posts: 671
      Originally Posted by husker View Post
      i don't remember bush blaming anything on clinton. please enlighten me with some specifics. not just your oppinion, back it up with a link.

      YOU said bush, not the media.

      why do i always gotta do your work... you can find links by doing this.. go to google and search... bush blames clinton... u can watch such great hits as bush and his admin blaming clinton for recession, 9/11 as just a few... u can watch videos of dana perino the moron herself blaming clinton for recession... u can even see them blaming clinton 5 years after clinton was in office...

      so that's it, you can't back up any of your statements because you only use your blackberry. it just keeps getting better and better. once again BUSH saying it, not his administration or others.

      Last edited by husker; 08-02-2010, 07:26 PM.
      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #33
        Originally posted by husker View Post
        06-17-2010, 08:02 AM
        vitterd vitterd is online now
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        Posts: 671
        Originally Posted by husker View Post
        i don't remember bush blaming anything on clinton. please enlighten me with some specifics. not just your oppinion, back it up with a link.

        YOU said bush, not the media.

        why do i always gotta do your work... you can find links by doing this.. go to google and search... bush blames clinton... u can watch such great hits as bush and his admin blaming clinton for recession, 9/11 as just a few... u can watch videos of dana perino the moron herself blaming clinton for recession... u can even see them blaming clinton 5 years after clinton was in office...

        so that's it, you can't back up any of your statements because you only use your blackberry. it just keeps getting better and better. once again BUSH saying it, not his administration or others.

        Gee. I'm shocked. U didn't post in thread where I said bush blamed clinton for 9/11, the economy and north korea arsenal. Do u live your entire life being dishonest and not giving the entire info?

        Once again I give u the proof and how to find it and u play dumb. Same old husker tricks. You will never change
        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


        • #34
          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
          Lmao. Only jman would say abc is spin and his conservative spam email is fact. Too funny.
          Chirp, chirp. No answers again? Shocker!! How pathetic.

          Facts? Helo..where are you? Facts..Terd? Hello!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            Lmao. Only jman would say abc is spin and his conservative spam email is fact. Too funny.
            He has no response. Facts do not matter to them. Their theory was shredded to pieces in that story.

            It just shows how desperate NeoCons are to try and win votes and get the sheep to follow. The story I posted stated very clearly that nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions. That it could lead to something else but that Obama has been very diligent about immigration issues.

            Unless Obama implements some radical changes, NeoCons like Jman will beat their drums and gather up all their shit, throwing it at people hoping it will stick. That copy and paste job, pulling out only small portions of the REAL story, just shows their desperation.

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              Chirp, chirp. No answers again? Shocker!! How pathetic.

              Facts? Helo..where are you? Facts..Terd? Hello!!
              Facts are all on previous pages. U just can't accept u were busted once again posting right wing propaganda. Fact 400k deported when u say he doesn't wanna deport. Oh yeah that's right. They don't equate. Lmao. U are like a comedy show
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #37
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                He has no response. Facts do not matter to them. Their theory was shredded to pieces in that story.

                It just shows how desperate NeoCons are to try and win votes and get the sheep to follow. The story I posted stated very clearly that nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions. That it could lead to something else but that Obama has been very diligent about immigration issues.

                Unless Obama implements some radical changes, NeoCons like Jman will beat their drums and gather up all their shit, throwing it at people hoping it will stick. That copy and paste job, pulling out only small portions of the REAL story, just shows their desperation.

                Right on the money. Guess that's why he is not responding to the article u posted
                Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                • #38
                  Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                  More "evidence" this post is a piece of shit. Here's the story from a reputable news source, ABC News. Not some Right wing puked out garbage to their sheep....Just shows the utter bias and fear mongering tactics of Conservatives. They will grasp at any piece of shit item they can get their hands on and vomit it to their sheep......

                  Critics of President Obama's immigration policy have pounced on an internal government memo they say shows the administration is trying to circumvent Congress on immigration reform and avoid deporting some illegal immigrants.

                  An undated, internal draft memo by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

                  Look at the dates of possible implementation. Also, when were these people hired? Bacon hired in Jan 2010, so what does UNDATED have to do with anything? Other then it was most likely after her hire date. Duh.

                  be used for the estimated 50,000 undocumented youth who came to the U.S. as children and could be eligible for a path to citizenship under the pending Dream Act.

                  So start with 50,000 illegal pieces of shit and maybe apply to the other pieces of shit? Or since it's only 50k lawbreakers, who cares?

                  U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services press secretary Christopher Bentley responded to the accusations saying, "nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions. To be clear, the Department of Homeland Security will not grant deferred action or humanitarian parole to the nation's entire illegal immigrant population."

                  Who said it was a final decision? Another stupid assertion. Note the word ENTIRE in that statement.

                  "Internal memoranda help us do the thinking that leads to important changes; some of them are adopted and others are rejected. Our goal is to implement policies wisely and well to strengthen all aspects of our mission,"
                  he said.

                  The fact that he is looking into amnesty still escapes you huh?

                  "While it is theoretically possible to grant deferred action to an unrestricted number of unlawfully present individuals, doing so would likely be controversial, not to mention expensive," the memo reads. "

                  Controversial? You think? Not like this piece of shit president hasn't done anything controversial yet.

                  The White House has also signaled a reluctance to implement unilateral administrative policies that might jeopardize chances of bipartisan, comprehensive legislative reform.

                  Again? Reluctance. So he is reluctant, but can still do it. Duh. Another dumbass attempt to make sense.

                  Obama would not grant an executive order because he favored a legislative approach,

                  Favored. Again, READ the words. So you have never favored one team when betting then switched? Just b/c he favors one thing doesn't stop him from implementing.

                  Meanwhile, statistics show the Department of Homeland Security deported a record number of illegal immigrants in 2009 and is on pace for a record number in 2010 – at the same time the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. is down significantly.

                  Wow, compating a shitty record against a worse record. Times must be really tough for this piece of shit prez!!

                  On Monday, 1,200 National Guard troops will deploy along the southwest border to assist with enforcement operations there after President Obama authorized the move last month.

                  Paper pushing. No enforcement powers. Avd 300 per state. Wow, maybe they can help put up some more "Illegal (piece of shit) immigrant crossing signs!!

                  While the leaked internal DHS memo is making waves on Capitol Hill, it does reflect some of the same enforcement priorities implemented by the administration of George W. Bush.

                  Again, shitty immigration policy of Bush now the shitty immigration policy of garbage boy?

                  "You now have two presidents who basically have the same position on comprehensive immigration reform, and that's because you talk to the policy folks, and it's nearly impossible to do this piecemeal," said Nicole Wallace, former White House communications director for President George W. Bush.

                  See above. Comparing shitty records is lame. But consider the sources around here too.

                  There you go Terd. Post addressed. Still looking for th ose "facts" you claim are in there.


                  • #39
                    Mayorkas confirmed Aug 2009. And there are dumbasses on here using the word UNDATED as their smoking gun of stupidity. So report asked for and generated within this last year. Yeah, the date really changes the substance. Some people on here just get more stupid and clueless by the day. I was beginning to think it was just west coast nimrods until I read where the other ones live.


                    • #40
                      Jman. Did it really take u 6 hours to come up with that response? Weak
                      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                        Mayorkas confirmed Aug 2009. And there are dumbasses on here using the word UNDATED as their smoking gun of stupidity. So report asked for and generated within this last year. Yeah, the date really changes the substance. Some people on here just get more stupid and clueless by the day. I was beginning to think it was just west coast nimrods until I read where the other ones live.
                        Did u run all those replies by your fringe I hate obama buddies? That's what all of u came up with huh?

                        You are so willing to accept the crazy emails u get but everything else is junk.
                        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                          Jman. Did it really take u 6 hours to come up with that response? Weak
                          Jman/Gbell is a clueless imbecile that's allowed to throw his copy and pasted email shit on this site hoping it will stick to someone. None of what he wrote has substance because the facts are far too legitimate in the story that I posted. The pile of useless information that he posted was blown apart again as yet another piece copy and pasted pile of puke.

                          Like I said, unless Obama implements radical changes for the NeoCon imbeciles, nothing will be seen as enough. And for what it's worth, him calling the POTUS a piece of shit, shows what an unpatriotic fuckturd he really is.

                          I'll take any hard working illegal, who works the jobs that no one else will do, for wages less than reasonable, over this piece of garbage any day.

                          Gbell will be the first one griping when the food he eats at the retirement home costs triple of what it once did and inflation rises because there is no one to pick and toil in the fields for the daily pile of garbage that's dumped down his useless gullet.
                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            Jman/Gbell is a clueless imbecile .


                            • #44
                              Lmao. Husker I hope u are watching your boy hannity. They are going over blaming bush and a woman on the show brought up how bush blamed clinton for 9/11 and economy. It reruns at some point tonite. U should watch. Even your own bought and paid for station is proving u wrong
                              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                                Jman. Did it really take u 6 hours to come up with that response? Weak
                                Some of us have work to do Terd. We all can't siphon off the gov't. Either by being a deadbeat or working for a deadbeat politician.

                                Is that all YOU have? Questioning how long a response came? How about anything that was posted?

                                Kaz posted not one FACT in the ABC article. SO I will ask you a THIRD time. What FACTS are you referring to in your posts?

