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Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

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  • #31
    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
    I didnt bring sparks name or anyone elses name into this. I will let the mods handle this. Have a great 4th.
    Hey you too buddy. Smart to avoid those pesky "facts" (Rahm's apt, you calling everyone racists and threatening Jordan) that I posted.


    • #32
      Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
      Wow its idependence day and the same cast are at it as usual. Stern are you going to challenge him to a fight again? You called me a zombie a couple days ago and I\'ve never replied to any of your racist one sided post. You must have some severe psychological issues because as look at some of your recent posts they include racial taunts,posts referring to minorities as dogs,posts about the city of Chicago and minorities...i mean they go on and on. One thing is constant, you seem to hate people of different backgrounds,I\'m surprised youve been able to survive in chicago with the attitude you have toward minorities. It probably means you come here to voice your hatred and not on the streets because you wouldbt have made to far in life talking in the real world like this. Take care and god bless you and hopefully u will not make the mistake of talking like that in the city,because I don\'t think u would make it.

      Wow!! I called you a "zombie". You fired back at me twice and I never responded. You better grow a bigger sac if you are going to post in this forum son.

      As far as me challenging Wimpy BOY, Read the posts below.

      Post 131

      Post 65

      Post 73

      Post 77

      Post 38

      Post 48

      Post 43

      The threat to Spark, I am amazed he is still around here.

      Have a good day 23!!
      Last edited by Spark; 07-05-2010, 10:50 AM.


      • #33
        Stern/MM ... stay away from each other on this site ....

        This will be my final warning ... You will be banned for good ...

        Do not make another post addressed to the other ....

        MM, I know he got the final words in .... but this is where it stops .... No More
        Last edited by Spark; 07-05-2010, 10:53 AM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by baseballdave View Post

          Monte, I agree with this ALMOST 100 %. I see that you feel JMAN is one sided and I can't argue that.
          BUT, how can you not see that VITTERD is just as one sided the other way?

          Neither one, and I mean NEITHER ONE, of the two see anything with an open mind. JMAN feels that all Dems are wrong and Vitterd feels that all Reps are wrong. If a Dem says it, JMAN feels its wrong and if a Rep says it, Vitterd feels that its wrong.
          Whether Vitterd believes it or not, I actually agree with some of the things he says and the same goes for JMAN.

          My point Monte is that from what I've read in this Rant Section, no matter what the topic, they are both going to disagree and never see the other side. I hope you can see that one is no better than the other.
          I don't read all of their posts, but I'm sure you're probably right regarding what you say. One is now banned and one isn't.

