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Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

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  • Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

    Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

    Billy Nungesser, president of New Orleans’ Plaquemines Parish, sensed that a chart showing 140 oil skimmers at work -- a chart given to him by BP and the Coast Guard -- was “somewhat inaccurate.” So, Nungesser asked to fly over the spill to verify the number.

    The flyover was cancelled three times before those officials admitted that just 31 of the 140 skimmers were actually deployed.

    The incident is detailed in a report released Thursday by Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Republicans say the report provides evidence that the Obama administration misrepresented the assets devoted to the cleanup, misrepresented the timing of when government officials knew there was an oil spill and misrepresented the level of control the government had over the matter. It also claims the Obama administration seemed more interested in public relations than cleaning the mess and plugging the hole.

    The report, which relies on interviews with several local officials in Louisiana, goes on to quote Nungesser, who had been on local and national television enough so that the White House became concerned. Two White House officials visited him on Father’s Day and said, “What do we have to do to keep you off TV?” His answer was, “Give me what I need.”

    Other Parish officials said the administration did not provide as many assets as it claimed. One Parish official called these “phantom assets.”

    The report also states that the people in the Gulf do not support President Obama’s six-month moratorium on offshore drilling, and also criticized Obama’s delay in allowing international assistance until 70 days into the spill.

    “This report reveals a stark contrast between the narrative being told by the administration in Washington and the sobering realities and challenges that the people closest to this catastrophe are struggling to overcome,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

    “These testimonials from the people who are on the frontlines of this crisis have brought to light a bureaucratic quagmire that is exacerbating the response and clean-up effort - in a post-Katrina world, this is unimaginable and unacceptable,” Issa said.

    “The evidence on the ground suggests that the White House has been more focused on the public relations of this crisis than with providing local officials the resources they need to deal with it,” he added.

    On April 20, an explosion rocked Deepwater Horizon, which was under contract with BP to build an exploratory well off the Gulf of Mexico. This explosion has prompted some to call it the worst oil spill in history. As of June 30, the federal government estimates that between 40.7 million gallon and 117.6 millions of oil was released into the gulf.

    Though Obama administration officials have said they were not fully aware that the Deepwater Horizon explosion had caused a major oil spill, the report cast doubt on that assertion.

    “Situation reports also indicate that on April 21, 2010, Coast Guard personnel warned senior officials within their own chain of command, the Department of Homeland Security, and elements of the Defense Department’s Joint Staff, of a possible 8,000 barrel-per-day leak,” the House Oversight report said.

    “They also described oil sheen, two miles by one-half mile, with 50 percent coverage with color ranging from dark to barely visible,” the report said. “On April 22, 2010, personnel reported to the national response center ‘what appeared to be a large area of bubbles in the water, possible natural gas leak.’

    “On April 23, 2010, a Coast Guard situation report begins referring to the site as an ‘oil spill area.’ This evidence casts serious doubt upon the White House’s assertion that there was no apparent leak until April 24, 2010,” the report added.

    The report begins with a May 2 quote from Obama.

    “Let me be clear: BP is responsible for this leak; BP will be paying the bill. But as president of the United States, I'm going to spare no effort to respond to this crisis for as long as it continues,” Obama said.

    “And we will spare no resource to clean up whatever damage is caused. And while there will be time to fully investigate what happened on that rig and hold responsible parties accountable, our focus now is on a fully coordinated, relentless response effort to stop the leak and prevent more damage to the gulf,” the president added.

    But the federal government has not been in charge from the beginning, local officials told committee staff.

    “Parish officials maintain that the federal government has not been in control since day one. In four separate interviews, senior-ranking Parish officials described how, until the President’s visit on May 28, 2010, BP was in charge,” the report said. “According to one official, ‘until two weeks ago [after the President’s May 28, 2010, visit], BP was in charge and the Coast Guard looked to them for direction.’ Furthermore, ‘Coast Guard asks BP,’ not vice-versa.’”

    The report also criticized the administration for having no plan for the summer storm season in the gulf, with a projected 16 named storms, six-to-eight-hurricanes and three-to-five major hurricanes. “Some experts have warned that meteorological conditions mirror 2005, the year of Hurricane Katrina,” the report said.

    It also criticized Obama for not getting a waiver to the Jones Act of 1920 that blocks foreign vessels that could be used to help in the clean up.

    “While administration officials have maintained that the Jones Act is not an obstacle and going so far as to claim that “nobody has come forward with a Jones Act Waiver [request], the Deputy Administrator of the Maritime Administration confirmed that one foreign flagged skimmer has made a Jones Act request, which was denied ostensibly because American vessels could perform the same functions,” the report said.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    “The evidence on the ground suggests that the White House has been more focused on the public relations of this crisis than with providing local officials the resources they need to deal with it,” he added.
    Obama is only good at public relations.He sucks at solving problems and making decisions.HE SUCKS AS A LEADER


    • #3
      Wow. Congressional republicans release negative report on obama. Big shock. Great post jman. Where o where did u find such an unbiased report. Usually the house and senate republicans release positive info on the admim. Yet another quality jman post. Lmao
      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


      • #4
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        Wow. Congressional republicans release negative report on obama. Big shock. Great post jman. Where o where did u find such an unbiased report. Usually the house and senate republicans release positive info on the admim. Yet another quality jman post. Lmao
        Are you saying it's lies?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

          The report begins with a May 2 quote from Obama.

          “Let me be clear: BP is responsible for this leak; BP will be paying the bill. But as president of the United States, I'm going to spare no effort to respond to this crisis for as long as it continues,” Obama said.

          “And we will spare no resource to clean up whatever damage is caused. And while there will be time to fully investigate what happened on that rig and hold responsible parties accountable, our focus now is on a fully coordinated, relentless response effort to stop the leak and prevent more damage to the gulf,” the president added.

          But the federal government has not been in charge from the beginning, local officials told committee staff.

          “Parish officials maintain that the federal government has not been in control since day one. In four separate interviews, senior-ranking Parish officials described how, until the President’s visit on May 28, 2010, BP was in charge,” the report said. “According to one official, ‘until two weeks ago [after the President’s May 28, 2010, visit], BP was in charge and the Coast Guard looked to them for direction.’ Furthermore, ‘Coast Guard asks BP,’ not vice-versa.’”
          I can tell you these facts vitterd - My son-in-law, who served in Iraq, is now in the National Guard and he was assigned to "watch over " the workers while the clean up is going on. I cannot put all he told me on here but he told me that all the "so called equipment" that is suppose to be there is not there. And the workers that BP hired are bums off the street, not people who know or more importantly, CARE, about the cleanup. They did drug tests on everyone the first night there, and 18 out of 44 failed and were sent home.

          Whether you want to believe this or not, BP is calling the shots down here, not the government. That is not a myth, but a fact.
          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


          • #6
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            Wow. Congressional republicans release negative report on obama. Big shock. Great post jman. Where o where did u find such an unbiased report. Usually the house and senate republicans release positive info on the admim. Yet another quality jman post. Lmao
            Is there something in there you can refute, or are you just running your trap again for no reason at all? And tomm is the 4th, shouldn't you be burning a flag somewhere?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              Is there something in there you can refute, or are you just running your trap again for no reason at all? And tomm is the 4th, shouldn't you be burning a flag somewhere?
              What do you expect a report from republicans to say? Don't you think a dem report could find people on the ground that say the admin is doing a good job? Were all those dem reports about the prev admin handling of everything true? Can u refute any of those? Everything u post is rep garbage from conservative websites or any obama bashing you can find. Are u ever gonna post anything about the people responsible for the spill? I know they aren't at fault at all. Keep backing the big biz greedy bastards

              I have plenty of family who served.I will be celebrating the 4th with them while your online trying to find anti obama articles by your loon fringe. Your burning the flag comment is one of your many moronic statements. I guess the only legit protests is the crazy fringe with their natzi obama signs. When u loon rep protest u are patriots. When a dem protest they are unamerican. Go figure
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #8
                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                What do you expect a report from republicans to say? Don't you think a dem report could find people on the ground that say the admin is doing a good job? Were all those dem reports about the prev admin handling of everything true? Can u refute any of those? Everything u post is rep garbage from conservative websites or any obama bashing you can find. Are u ever gonna post anything about the people responsible for the spill? I know they aren't at fault at all. Keep backing the big biz greedy bastards

                I have plenty of family who served.I will be celebrating the 4th with them while your online trying to find anti obama articles by your loon fringe. Your burning the flag comment is one of your many moronic statements. I guess the only legit protests is the crazy fringe with their natzi obama signs. When u loon rep protest u are patriots. When a dem protest they are unamerican. Go figure

                So you mean there is nothing in there you can refute? Thanks!
                Who do you claim in lying from the parishes? What statements and dates are incorrect?

                You have family who served huh? You probably have some black "friends" too!! What did you call those protestors again?

                I will await your next moronic post and comment about laughing guy (who's still laughing at the stupid people!!)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  So you mean there is nothing in there you can refute? Thanks!
                  Who do you claim in lying from the parishes? What statements and dates are incorrect?

                  You have family who served huh? You probably have some black "friends" too!! What did you call those protestors again?

                  I will await your next moronic post and comment about laughing guy (who's still laughing at the stupid people!!)
                  I do enjoy that u need the laughing guy. Shows your complete desperation and need for attention.

                  How the fuck can I refute claims made by the rep govt oversight.Should I fly to the gulf? Another jman moronic statement. "U can't prove it false so it must be true". U know how silly that sounds? Prob not. Just the fact that the rep issued an anti admin report should tell u it is another politically motivated report. I'm sure they interviewed every person on the ground huh? Are u that naïve or so brianwashed u can't see it?

                  Because I'm a dem I'm burning flags huh? Guess you must be a racist redneck who blows up abortion clinics if youre a republican. I should listen to the emails I received about you and just not respond to the wacked out comments. Can't help myself. Too easy.

                  Have fun tommorow at your picnic. I'm sure u are the guy people are walking away from rolling their eyes as u go on your obama rants
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    I do enjoy that u need the laughing guy. Shows your complete desperation and need for attention.

                    How the fuck can I refute claims made by the rep govt oversight.Should I fly to the gulf? Another jman moronic statement. "U can't prove it false so it must be true". U know how silly that sounds? Prob not. Just the fact that the rep issued an anti admin report should tell u it is another politically motivated report. I'm sure they interviewed every person on the ground huh? Are u that naïve or so brianwashed u can't see it?

                    Because I'm a dem I'm burning flags huh? Guess you must be a racist redneck who blows up abortion clinics if youre a republican. I should listen to the emails I received about you and just not respond to the wacked out comments. Can't help myself. Too easy.

                    Have fun tommorow at your picnic. I'm sure u are the guy people are walking away from rolling their eyes as u go on your obama rants
                    Thank you for confirming that you would be making a moronic post.


                    • #11
                      same people making the same posts.......

                      ive been at bettorschat for 2 months and ive enjoyed reading some of the political posts seeing the different opinions of both parties. The one thing that is constant and disturbing s the fact that certain members keep pounding away the fact that they dont like the current administration. Thats ok because everyone is entitled to their own opinion but how can you say youre objective and have an open mind? im not sure that theyre doing a great job either but man ive read the last guy and he has over 25 negative posts about obama...........according to him obama hasnt done anything positive and it seems to me that he hates him which makes him less objective.

                      Like i said in an earlier post.....there hasnt been any 747 flying into the pentagon and then for cheney our country was less safe under obama...........

                      How could anyone take him serious!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
                        ive been at bettorschat for 2 months and ive enjoyed reading some of the political posts seeing the different opinions of both parties. The one thing that is constant and disturbing s the fact that certain members keep pounding away the fact that they dont like the current administration. Thats ok because everyone is entitled to their own opinion but how can you say youre objective and have an open mind? im not sure that theyre doing a great job either but man ive read the last guy and he has over 25 negative posts about obama...........according to him obama hasnt done anything positive and it seems to me that he hates him which makes him less objective.

                        Like i said in an earlier post.....there hasnt been any 747 flying into the pentagon and then for cheney our country was less safe under obama...........

                        How could anyone take him serious!
                        The guy you're referring to isn't looking at a topic openly. He's looking at it from one point of view and that's the Republican view. This Country is so screwed up right now that instead of arguing about whose right or wrong we need to put the blame on the whole damn government along with big corps. Big corps run this Country and the rest of us sit by and let them.


                        • #13
                          I 1000 percent agree with you because even if we look at the president of our country he was one of the biggest benefactors from bp. Whose to say that he is going to be objective in punishing them?

                          Just another reason to distrust the whole system.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                            The guy you're referring to isn't looking at a topic openly. He's looking at it from one point of view and that's the Republican view. This Country is so screwed up right now that instead of arguing about whose right or wrong we need to put the blame on the whole damn government along with big corps. Big corps run this Country and the rest of us sit by and let them.

                            Monte, I agree with this ALMOST 100 %. I see that you feel JMAN is one sided and I can't argue that.
                            BUT, how can you not see that VITTERD is just as one sided the other way?

                            Neither one, and I mean NEITHER ONE, of the two see anything with an open mind. JMAN feels that all Dems are wrong and Vitterd feels that all Reps are wrong. If a Dem says it, JMAN feels its wrong and if a Rep says it, Vitterd feels that its wrong.
                            Whether Vitterd believes it or not, I actually agree with some of the things he says and the same goes for JMAN.

                            My point Monte is that from what I've read in this Rant Section, no matter what the topic, they are both going to disagree and never see the other side. I hope you can see that one is no better than the other.
                            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                              Thank you for confirming that you would be making a moronic post.
                              Can you refute that people walk away from you at picnics? Guess not... must be true

                              Destroying your fringe arguments have become very easy and boring. Keep posting articles and reports from the wacky conservative websites that tell you how to think. I enjoy it
                              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao

