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Taking Our Country Back - Glenn Beck, Karl Rove, John Rich

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  • #31
    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
    Wow, so Republicans bash Democratic Presidents and Democrats bash Republican Presidents. You just solved all the worlds problems.Thanks for pointing that out for us.I don't know what we would do without you
    Ok so next time a rep is in the white house and they are complaining about the debt and blaming it on obama I expect u to be here telling people to shut up about the past president. Just wanna make sure u will be here doing that. Since the previous president has no resposibility to anything happening in the present day
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #32
      I have to admit I'm not happy he committed more troops to Afghanistan.


      • #33
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        No obama is not doing a disgraceful job. When I said the rep would do their usual disgraceful job I meant a disgraceful job of lying us into war and being responsible for the unecessary deaths of thousands of american soldiers. I consider that disgraceful
        So if a President comes into office and were still in a war 18 months into his term and June 2010 on his watch was the record for most deaths of Nato troops(76) would you consider that President disgraceful?

        I DO


        • #34
          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
          Ok so next time a rep is in the white house and they are complaining about the debt and blaming it on obama I expect u to be here telling people to shut up about the past president. Just wanna make sure u will be here doing that. Since the previous president has no resposibility to anything happening in the present day
          Does this mean your leaving till a republican is in office?


          • #35
            Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
            I have to admit I'm not happy he committed more troops to Afghanistan.

            Thanks and thats my point with vitterd. I admit that I don't think Bush did a good job and I don't think Obama is doing any better. He will never admit that. He will constantly point to Bush and his shortcomings (like the Reps do with Obama), instead of saying what he is doing wrong.
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #36
              Originally posted by vols fan View Post
              Is Obama doing a disgraceful job? Can you please answer without using the word Bush also?
              Obama: Bumbling Incompetent…or Bumbling Marxist?
              Monday, July 5, 2010, 10:18 PM

              Welcome to “the Teleprompter Depression.” Each Time Obama Steps in Front of a Teleprompter, Another Business Dies.

              As a common-sense small businessman, I have a front row seat to a slow motion economic Armageddon that will be written about, discussed and debated for decades to come. Big shot economists don’t listen to guys like me. They scoff as I keep predicting in commentary after commentary that small business is suffering a catastrophe of epic proportions- leading this nation towards levels of unemployment and economic crisis that will rival or surpass the Great Depression. Just last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics quietly reported that the labor force dropped by roughly one million people during just the last two months. If those numbers were added into the unemployment numbers, it would shock and terrify the American people.

              I do not believe the tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes is a mistake, coincidence, or due to incompetence. I believe my old college classmate Obama (Class of ’83 Columbia University) is a Marxist purposefully trying to destroy capitalism, by overwhelming the system, thereby creating a distraction giving him cover to redistribute America’s wealth to his voters (those who create no jobs, pay few taxes, depend on government handouts for survival, or work for government or unions). As a bonus, he gets to bankrupt the groups that contribute virtually all the money to his political opposition. This is truly a “Marxist Triple Play.”

              Consider a few highlights of Obama’s reign of destruction:

              #1) The biggest income tax increase in the history of America will take effect on Jan 1st, 2011. The new tax increase falls almost 100% on small business owners and high-income taxpayers (whose contributions happen to fund Obama’s political opposition). As a result, many more jobs will be lost and more businesses closed.

              #2) A dramatic 60% capital gains tax increase (from 15% to 23.8% effective rate, including new universal healthcare taxes) will accompany the big income tax increase above. More jobs will be lost, more businesses closed.

              #3) Taxes on dividends will increase from 15% to 39.6%, and then another 3.8% by 2013 for Obama’s new healthcare taxes. Stocks will be crushed and older Americans will be devastated (because they live off dividends, investments, and bank interest). More lives ruined, more jobs lost.

              #4) New taxes on income, investments, and even tanning bed users soon take effect to pay for Obamacare. Worse,18,000 new I.R.S. agents will be hired to enforce these taxes (at a cost of billions annually in new government employee salaries, pensions and benefits). More jobs lost.

              #5) The pending Cap and Trade legislation threatens dramatic new taxes on anyone who owns a business, owns a home, owns an auto, or buys products manufactured or delivered through the use of energy. Once again, the more you own, the more you\'ll be taxed. More jobs will be lost, more manufacturing jobs sent overseas, more homes foreclosed.

              #6) The pending financial reform bill threatens onerous new rules, regulations and taxes on banks and Wall Street. More jobs will be lost (and more banking and financial jobs sent overseas).

              #7) The pending new jobs bill threatens gigantic new taxes on every Sub Chapter S corporation in America. More jobs will be lost and more small businesses ruined.

              #8) The threat of a gigantic new national sales tax (VAT) on everything manufactured, bought and sold in America looms large. Fewer jobs, reduced consumer spending, more businesses closed forever.

              #9) Obama is pushing for the reduction or elimination of tax deductions (such as mortgage or charitable contributions) for high income earners (mostly small business owners). More jobs lost, reduced charitable contributions, and the real estate industry damaged beyond repair.

              #10) The threat of bans or restrictions on offshore oil drilling being put permanently into place. More jobs lost (and more jobs sent overseas where drilling is welcomed). As a bonus for Obama, he gets to ruin the Texas economy.

              #11) All signs indicate that Obama will soon propose to take the income cap off FICA (Social Security) taxes. If this were to happen, a successful small business owner (if there are any left) could see his or her FICA taxes alone go from an already bloated and burdensome $15,000 per year to an unimaginable $150,000 (or more). In U.S. history, no taxpayer has ever seen a TEN TIMES tax increase in one year. This devastating nightmare will wipe out small business and cause people that Obama calls “rich” to lose their homes and businesses.

              #12) A new I.R.S. law (with the passage of Obamacare) requires business owners to file thousands of new I.R.S. forms each year documenting virtually every expenditure made by their business. As a result of this blizzard of new paperwork, small business faces ruin.

              #13) Let’s not forget the gigantic tax hikes on the state and local level for income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes and new taxes disguised as “user fees.” Local taxes are already at levels that taxpayers and small businesses can no longer afford to pay.

              #14) Finally, Obama refuses to consider lowering the 2nd highest corporate tax rate (40%) in the industrialized world. As a result, more businesses will choose to leave the U.S. (and more jobs will be sent overseas).

              And you wonder why there are no jobs? You wonder why there is no recovery? This is the “Teleprompter Depression.” Every time Obama steps in front of a teleprompter another business dies.

              Each of these taxes and proposed taxes is a job killer. Taken together, the Obama regime’s policies are the equivalent of General Sherman’s march to the sea- leaving a tragic path of destruction in its wake. Obama has launched an unprecedented, overwhelming, death-by-tax assault on the groups that fund fiscally conservative causes and candidates: taxpayers and business owners.

              There are only two reasonable explanations. Obama is executing a bumbling Marxist scheme to destroy capitalism, expand government to Soviet-like levels, and turn Americans into dependent serfs begging for government to save them, clothe them and feed them. “Bumbling” because the plan never works- eventually Obama will run out of taxpayers to rob, thereby bankrupting his own programs and bringing down his government. Or the other choice is that he is truly the most incompetent bumbling President in modern history. I’ll leave it to you to decide.

              Either way -- God help America.

              Wayne Allyn Root's Blog -


              • #37
                Originally posted by baseballdave View Post

                Thanks and thats my point with vitterd. I admit that I don't think Bush did a good job and I don't think Obama is doing any better. He will never admit that. He will constantly point to Bush and his shortcomings (like the Reps do with Obama), instead of saying what he is doing wrong.

                The only problem with right side is that if obama came into office and pulled out all of the troops the right would say he is being weak on terrorism aka dick cheney and his daughter.

                He kept the troops in to show he wasnt going to abandon chasing al qaeda and the taliban. I mean now most the guys here are anti war but ill bet you were all for the war 6 years ago.

                Im against the war because i dont believe we have a major objective and were chasing our tails around over there.


                • #38
                  as far as comparing the job bush has done versus obama. I dont believe there has been a worst president since jimmy carter besides george bush.

                  Obama may not have the same financial principles that I have but theyre havent been coordinated planes flying around the united states crashing into our buildings.

                  Since im an independent I look at as whole and I remember the anger i had knowing that bush ignored the intelligence brought to him about planes being used as bombs.

                  Kinda ironic he then declared war against iraq...........who had nothing to do with the attacks


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    Does this mean your leaving till a republican is in office?
                    Nope.. will be here laughin all the way u p till when obama gets re elected... gonna be funny to watch u guys here and fox news all crying about what went wrong...

                    all the propaganda by fox and the conservative blogs all will mean sure we will see all the husker, jman and the other fringe guys giving excuses ... but it will be fun
                    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                      Nope.. will be here laughin all the way u p till when obama gets re elected...
                      I hope to GOD he doesn't but can't really argue that right now cause the Republican Party IMO has no one out there stepping up to be the next leader.Maybe when it gets a little closer to elections we will have a better feel for the candidates but right now I'm just praying for anyone but Obama


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                        Nope.. will be here laughin all the way u p till when obama gets re elected... gonna be funny to watch u guys here and fox news all crying about what went wrong...
                        You must not have kids cause you think it's funny that Obama is going to bankrupt our ass and OUR kids are going to be the ones to suffer.Yes,thats really something to laugh at


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                          Ok so next time a rep is in the white house and they are complaining about the debt and blaming it on obama I expect u to be here telling people to shut up about the past president. Just wanna make sure u will be here doing that. Since the previous president has no resposibility to anything happening in the present day
                          in other words, run up the tab to try and make yourself look good and tell the next guy to pay the bill.

                          please post where people here are saying bush has NO responsibility for anything.

                          did bush increase the troops in afghanistan?

                          did the BP spill happen 18 months into obama's term? 9/11 happened less than 8 months into bush's term.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by husker View Post
                            in other words, run up the tab to try and make yourself look good and tell the next guy to pay the bill.

                            please post where people here are saying bush has NO responsibility for anything.

                            did bush increase the troops in afghanistan?

                            did the BP spill happen 18 months into obama's term? 9/11 happened less than 8 months into bush's term.
                            Please don't compare the disgusting job of bp to 9/11. The two are not comparable. Not even close to the same thing. Bp is 100 percent responsible for this. Bush is responsible for thousands of american lives because of his senseless war. Don't know how u can put what a private business did to what bush did and compare it to obama. Just plain weird

                            The famous husker" please posts such and such". So stupid. I guess all the posts about obama blaming bush and how he should stop doing it where a figment of my imagination. Do u even reas previous posts? Its obvious the rep here just bypass anything that is currently going on and just blame obama for it. Rep had their shot for 8 years in white house and 6 in congress. The blew it bad.
                            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                              Rep had their shot for 8 years in white house and 6 in congress. The blew it bad.
                              Amazing how the Dems have stepped right in and knocked it right out of the park


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                                Rep had their shot for 8 years in white house and 6 in congress. The blew it bad.
                                They blew it but we haven't seen BAD yet

