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TRENDING: Clinton: Rich aren't paying fair share

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  • TRENDING: Clinton: Rich aren't paying fair share

    From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

    (CNN) – Hillary Clinton struck a strong populist chord while wading into territory secretary of states rarely go Thursday: Domestic policy.

    During a conference at the Brookings Institution on national security, the nation's top diplomat bluntly aired her own views on the nation's tax policies, saying she feels "the rich are not paying their fair share."

    "The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [like the U.S.] – whether it's individual, corporate or whatever the taxation forms are," Clinton said after clearly stipulating that these were her opinions, no those of the Obama administration.

    Clinton went on to cite Brazil, long known for its high taxes, as a model of a successful economic policy.

    "Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western Hemisphere and guess what – they're growing like crazy," Clinton said. "And the rich are getting richer, but they're pulling people out of poverty."

    "There is a certain formula there that used to work for us, until we abandoned it, to our regret in my opinion," she added.

    CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Clinton: Rich aren’t paying fair share - Blogs from

  • #2
    Wonder if this was said to deflect the Sestak bribe?


    • #3
      Amazing all the junk republicans try to make issue of. That thing with sestak happens about a thousands times a year. I've seen those things at a twsp level on both rep and dem sides. Unreal to watch fox news just stay on this stuff that only right wingers care about. Even the guy running against him in pa, toomey thinks its a non issue.
      I saw something great the other day. Fox keeps using things like" obamas katrina", "obamas enron", "obamas 9/11". Why is it there is always a bush fuck up to compare everything to? For years fox and right wingers told us everything that bush did bad was overblown yet they compare current day disaster to every bush disaster. Do u find any irony in that? Prob not huh?
      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


      • #4
        I think its a shame when the owner of the Los angeles Dodgers makes 120 million dollars and does not pay 1 penny of income tax due to his tax breaks if anyone says this is fair please explain it to me.


        • #5
          I'll gladly let her pay my taxes next April!


          I was Born my Pappy's Son,
          When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
          Jon E. Checkers


          • #6
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            Amazing all the junk republicans try to make issue of. That thing with sestak happens about a thousands times a year. I've seen those things at a twsp level on both rep and dem sides. Unreal to watch fox news just stay on this stuff that only right wingers care about. Even the guy running against him in pa, toomey thinks its a non issue.
            I saw something great the other day. Fox keeps using things like" obamas katrina", "obamas enron", "obamas 9/11". Why is it there is always a bush fuck up to compare everything to? For years fox and right wingers told us everything that bush did bad was overblown yet they compare current day disaster to every bush disaster. Do u find any irony in that? Prob not huh?

            hey pot - meet kettle.
            I've seen you on here bash bush about how bad he got our economy in the debt and shape it was/is in and yet when it is a FACT (damn caps again) that under obama's reign, we are 3 times deeper in debt than under bushes reign. "Do u find any irony in that? Prob not huh?"

            I'm not saying that bush was right in what he did but you sure like throwing stones ONLY in one direction.
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #7
              Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
              hey pot - meet kettle.
              I've seen you on here bash bush about how bad he got our economy in the debt and shape it was/is in and yet when it is a FACT (damn caps again) that under obama's reign, we are 3 times deeper in debt than under bushes reign. "Do u find any irony in that? Prob not huh?"

              I'm not saying that bush was right in what he did but you sure like throwing stones ONLY in one direction.
              Dave once again your response has zero do with anything I posted. Just another talking point. What does the economy and debt have to do with sestak and every obama problem has a bush blunder to compare to? Those bush blunders all the right wingers were trying to tell us didn't exist. They are trying to say oil spill is obamas katrina. Yet for years they told us bush didn't do anything wrong handling katrina.

              Your a step away from being a birther fringer
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #8
                Didn't want to start a thread just for this but for the record Dow down for the month of may the most in 70 years.

                Someone ain't doing as great as a job as some of you guys think


                • #9
                  Yeah. The dow is a direct result of the president. Wow. Where does bettorschat find these people? When the dow was down under bush it had nothing to with who the president is. Down under obama and here come the right wingers. Simply amazing
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    Yeah. The dow is a direct result of the president. Wow. Where does bettorschat find these people? When the dow was down under bush it had nothing to with who the president is. Down under obama and here come the right wingers. Simply amazing
                    Several on here were praising Obama and his policies and it's DIRECT correlation to the market when on the rise. Please research before you post.

                    And I couldn't agree with you more about Sestak. It should be a non-story that a President could have broken the law (whether it has been done in the past or not) by attempting to bribe a Congressman with a position, thereby influencing the Dem primary in PA. I mean, it's not like this guy campaigned on transparency or a new type of governing. I mean if he was a "CHANGE" candidate, I could see the story being the this guy is just another pos pol. When did Dick Durbin become a pub?


                    • #11
                      Jman u are trying so hard to find anything. This issue is only live on fox news and conservative blogs. There is no way to prosecute this kind of thing. I know the new rep tag line/talking point is that change comment u made but its just not gonna work. The dems have already even polled this issue and nobody but fringe right even cares. Economy and unemployment is what people are concerned about. Not sestak being offered a job

                      I'm shocked u haven't started a thread at obama not going to arlington. The fraud rep are all going beserk about that. They just forget to mention bush golfing on memorial day when he was pres and reagan playin cowboy on his calif ranch on memorial day when he was pres. Complete frauds
                      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                        Jman u are trying so hard to find anything. This issue is only live on fox news and conservative blogs. There is no way to prosecute this kind of thing. I know the new rep tag line/talking point is that change comment u made but its just not gonna work. The dems have already even polled this issue and nobody but fringe right even cares. Economy and unemployment is what people are concerned about. Not sestak being offered a job

                        I'm shocked u haven't started a thread at obama not going to arlington. The fraud rep are all going beserk about that. They just forget to mention bush golfing on memorial day when he was pres and reagan playin cowboy on his calif ranch on memorial day when he was pres. Complete frauds

                        Is Durbin a pub now? Is he on Fox News or consservative blogs? And it's not about prosecuting (who's going to do it, his brotha Holder?) but it's about ANOTHER chink in the halo.

                        Why would I care whether or not he is at Arlington? It's obvious to many what his opinion of the military is. Did think it was funny his vacation/speech was interrupted by rain. Having relatives buried there, I hope his ass never goes there.


                        • #13
                          It isn't a chink. When only people who are already against him actually care about it... It is not an issue. They will try. Hannity, rush and the fringe will push this as far as they can just like other issues they pushed that only the fringe ate up. Rev wright, birth cert,ect,ect

                          Its always amazing to me that rep will back a war hungry pres and call him patriotic and for the military. Just follow blindly as he gets thousands of soldiers killed by getting into a war based on lies.

                          You have no idea how obama feels about the military. None. Just what u get for your fringe news
                          Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                            It isn't a chink. When only people who are already against him actually care about it... It is not an issue. They will try. Hannity, rush and the fringe will push this as far as they can just like other issues they pushed that only the fringe ate up. Rev wright, birth cert,ect,ect

                            Its always amazing to me that rep will back a war hungry pres and call him patriotic and for the military. Just follow blindly as he gets thousands of soldiers killed by getting into a war based on lies.

                            You have no idea how obama feels about the military. None. Just what u get for your fringe news
                            Still no comment on Durbin calling for details? Kind of figured you would avoid since it doesn't fit into your talking points that this is a pub issue only.

                            And before you reply, be smart enough to go back to your talking points , whoops, I mean posts, and read what you wrote about who is making an issue out of this.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vitterd View Post

                              I'm shocked u haven't started a thread at obama not going to arlington. The fraud rep are all going beserk about that. They just forget to mention bush golfing on memorial day when he was pres and reagan playin cowboy on his calif ranch on memorial day when he was pres. Complete frauds
                              There you go sterotyping all reps. Not all reps are "going beserk" because there have been both dem and rep presidents that didn't go to Arlington. I believe they ALL should go, but that is their choice. If Bush and Reagan are frauds, what does that make Obama because he did the same thing they did.
                              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

