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O the joke man

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    Death tolls at zero b/c of luck and incompetence, not the Administration. Duh.

    Shall we compare unemployment rates, personal wealth, home values, foreclosure rates. etc? Or do you want to just pick and choose your comparisons to make another pointless post?
    Absolutely. Let's compare them. Let's start with the percentage of the unemployment rate increase. Let's also start with GDP growth and go from there. How about jobless numbers. Keep them at % of increase. Home values and foreclosures? You really are going to pin that on what THIS ADMINISTRATION did? Seriously? Thanks for another clueless post...

    You would try and prove Bush's catastrophe numbers are somehow equal to this President's.
    Last edited by Spark; 05-03-2010, 05:15 PM.
    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      He will respond as soon as he is done ...

      Fresno St National Champs

      User Lists Edit User Profile Last Activity: Today 02:59 PM
      Current Activity: Searching Forums

      hahahahaha ... Who Loves ya baby???

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Spark View Post
        He will respond as soon as he is done ...

        Fresno St National Champs

        User Lists Edit User Profile Last Activity: Today 02:59 PM
        Current Activity: Searching Forums

        hahahahaha ... Who Loves ya baby???
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #19
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          Absolutely. Let's compare them. Let's start with the percentage of the unemployment rate increase. Let's also start with GDP growth and go from there. How about jobless numbers. Keep them at % of increase. Home values and foreclosures? You really are going to pin that on what THIS ADMINISTRATION did? Seriously? Thanks for another clueless post...

          You would try and prove Bush's catastrophe numbers are somehow equal to this President's.
          What do you think todays real unemployment number is kaz? If you say 9.7% your totally wrong.

          You really going to talk about the inflated GDP numbers that are coming out....Turn off CNBC, pretty soon you'll think china's 10%+ gdp is real as well


          • #20
            Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
            What do you think todays real unemployment number is kaz? If you say 9.7% your totally wrong.

            You really going to talk about the inflated GDP numbers that are coming out....Turn off CNBC, pretty soon you'll think china's 10%+ gdp is real as well
            All the numbers coming out are wrong, and YOUR numbers are right? Gimme a break. Stock market up, housing up, GDP up, unemployment and jobless rates going down.

            ANd when you compare numbers, make sure they are on a percentage increase. Not even close....
            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #21
              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
              All the numbers coming out are wrong, and YOUR numbers are right? Gimme a break. Stock market up, housing up, GDP up, unemployment and jobless rates going down.

              ANd when you compare numbers, make sure they are on a percentage increase. Not even close....
              Housing up?


              • #22
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                All the numbers coming out are wrong, and YOUR numbers are right? Gimme a break. Stock market up, housing up, GDP up, unemployment and jobless rates going down.

                ANd when you compare numbers, make sure they are on a percentage increase. Not even close....
                really, you think the gov't sends out correct numbers, wake up buddy....I'm not even going to get in this argument if you can honestly tell me that you believe in what they sent out. Just watch your CNBC and steve leasmen, things are good i guess...on friday The all important monthly job figures... I'd expect anywhere from 400-550K gains, of course much of it temporary in nature and coming from census workers. Another traditional 100K will come from the government's spin on small business job creation that they have no way to measure but believe in their heart to be! It will be a hoot to watch the politicians react to this month's figures - the calls of "we delivered on jobs" should be a doozy. If only we could run a census every 5 months in Cramerica... and maybe 8 concurrent at once, we'd have full employment.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  Housing up?
                  i'm sure the free $8k didn't help, things will turn to the worse



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                    Housing up?
                    Amidst all the news, however, we should also pay heed to foreclosure activity, which have reached their highest level in at least the last five years. As these homes are put up for sales, we may see some further dampening in home prices.

                    i'm sure this is GWB fault too...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                      During Obama....
                      Death toll from the NY bomber - 0
                      Death toll from the Christmas day bomber - 0
                      Death toll from Tennessee - 11

                      During Bush.....
                      Death toll from 911 - 2995
                      Death toll from Katrina - 4084

                      Don't ya just love apples to apples comparison's?
                      YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF HARD HEADS.

                      Bush didn't cause a hurricane and Obama didn't cause a flood.For 2 presidents that are called idiots all the time we sure give them alot of credit by assuming they control the weather


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
                        i'm sure the free $8k didn't help, things will turn to the worse

                        Wonder what happens to rates when Feds stop buying their own Treasuries?


                        • #27
                          Dems take over and save the world that Bush left us in.........I am so glad they rescued me. Jobs are on the rise. Our troops will be home soon. Rich people are getting poorer, poor people are getting richer. We all will have Obamacare soon. Drilling offshore the list goes on and on. O the joke man. He does it all..... This guy will go down in flames harder than Nixon. You cant fabricate money. You cant make your legacy on what someone else did or didnt do. He has made history all right. He will be read about for generations. O the Joke man. O what a joke man!
                          Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly

                          2010 MLB 6-3

                          2010 NFL Preseason 5-4 (+25.1 units)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                            YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF HARD HEADS.

                            Bush didn't cause a hurricane and Obama didn't cause a flood.For 2 presidents that are called idiots all the time we sure give them alot of credit by assuming they control the weather
                            I should change that to "WERE" ALL A BUNCH OF HARD HEADS!!!!! I'm as guilty as anyone but MY GOD it's got to stop at some point.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                              they have a person of interest... middle aged white guy... prob a tea party loon... those are the guys praying for an attack so they can say i told ya so...
                              WAY OFF TRACK WITH THAT INFO!!!!!!!!!

                              How many middle age white guys who are in the tea party are from Pakistan and named Faisal Shahzad.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                                WAY OFF TRACK WITH THAT INFO!!!!!!!!!

                                How many middle age white guys who are in the tea party are from Pakistan and named Faisal Shahzad.
                                vols save your breathe ... anyone who thinks like that is a moron ...

