People dying in Tenn from flooding, oil hitting gulf to surpass Valdez, and now a possible bomb in NY (another attack on O's watch where nothing but luck stopped disaster?), but the O man is telling the jokes at dinner tonight!!!
and now a possible bomb in NY (another attack on O's watch where nothing but luck stopped disaster?)
ALOT OF LUCK stopped this one.I saw on CNN that the timer failed.They said this guy has probably practiced it 100 times with no problems but when "the game was on the line" he messed up because he was probably nervous. Were not safe by no means.
People dying in Tenn from flooding, oil hitting gulf to surpass Valdez, and now a possible bomb in NY (another attack on O's watch where nothing but luck stopped disaster?), but the O man is telling the jokes at dinner tonight!!!
youre kidding right? should obama be standing on street corners of every city stopping attempted attacks... they have a person of interest... middle aged white guy... prob a tea party loon... those are the guys praying for an attack so they can say i told ya so...
How come no comments when bush was at same dinner when 2 wars, flooding in new orl... and when he was golfing and on vacation more than any other pres in history? its amazing you guys only have tv and info when a dem is in the white house... all quiet when bush was destroying the country
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
youre kidding right? should obama be standing on street corners of every city stopping attempted attacks... they have a person of interest... middle aged white guy... prob a tea party loon... those are the guys praying for an attack so they can say i told ya so...
So it looks like you believe in racial profiling!!!
How come no comments when bush was at same dinner when 2 wars, flooding in new orl... and when he was golfing and on vacation more than any other pres in history? its amazing you guys only have tv and info when a dem is in the white house... all quiet when bush was destroying the country
You do know that Obama has played more golf in his Presidency then Bush I think. So a failed Christmas day attack b/c of a stupid bomber, a failed attack in NYC b/c of a stupid bomber, at best a flyover in possibly the worst oil spill ever, while on a feel-good, look at how many jobs I've created tour, and floods in Tenn with more deaths possible (that damn global warming!). Yep, fair comparison Mr. Maddow!!
People dying in Tenn from flooding, oil hitting gulf to surpass Valdez, and now a possible bomb in NY (another attack on O\'s watch where nothing but luck stopped disaster?), but the O man is telling the jokes at dinner tonight!!!
The guy makes a better comedian than a President for sure
You do know that Obama has played more golf in his Presidency then Bush I think. So a failed Christmas day attack b/c of a stupid bomber, a failed attack in NYC b/c of a stupid bomber, at best a flyover in possibly the worst oil spill ever, while on a feel-good, look at how many jobs I've created tour, and floods in Tenn with more deaths possible (that damn global warming!). Yep, fair comparison Mr. Maddow!!
ok... so let me get this straight..the worst attack in history under bush.. followed by anthrax succcesful attacks is the way we want things?
amazing that failed attacks are considered lucky for obama but great defense when failed attacks happen under bush..
bush had more vacation then any president in history, says he wont play golf anymore because its not right while 2 wars goin on and then he gets caught on camera golfing 2 weeks later
i know youre upset because a successful terror attack hasnt happened like right wingers have promised us it would... but pleasedont rewrite history... i dont wanna have to even start about the bush admin response to katrina
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
The guy makes a better comedian than a President for sure
blaming obama for failed attacks while defending bush when on his watch was 9/11 and anthrax attacks is more comical than anything at the wh correspondent dinner... how dare he go to a dinner when someone in the world can be planning a car bomb attack
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
I don't remember, was GW Bush president, or did those eight years not exist ?
I don't remember....
these guys were nowhere to be found when bush was destroying the country... just following like the sheep they are..never saw anything so crazy as now calling obama lucky because guys have succeded in terror would be funny if it wasnt so sad... they are actually upset that terrorist are not blowing people up... the political"i told ya so" is more important to the right wing loons then actual american lives...amazing
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
During Obama....
Death toll from the NY bomber - 0
Death toll from the Christmas day bomber - 0
Death toll from Tennessee - 11
During Bush.....
Death toll from 911 - 2995
Death toll from Katrina - 4084
Don't ya just love apples to apples comparison's?
great stuff... the funny part is.. even with the numbers clear as day... it just doesnt matter to them...they just dont get it and clearly never will
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
During Obama....
Death toll from the NY bomber - 0
Death toll from the Christmas day bomber - 0
Death toll from Tennessee - 11
During Bush.....
Death toll from 911 - 2995
Death toll from Katrina - 4084
Don't ya just love apples to apples comparison's?
How many jobs were created in the last year? minus census workers?
how much money have they invested in keeping this ponzie sch. stock market up?
What has obama done on a serious note?
Does Greece worry anyone? How about when the entire Europe nation fails, how about when china crashed in 9-12months cuz they were buying washer and dryers for parts of the country where they don't even have RUNNING WATER OR ELECTRICITY, how about the ghost town that is 10miles away from Ordos, all to help the GDP, sound filmiliar?
Does this worry you? Remember everything is f'n good
A week ago we were practically speechless when we showed that the Treasury had redeemed nearly $494 billion in Bills in April. A truly stunning number and an indication of just how much cash the Treasury needs to have access to to keep rolling its ridiculously short average maturity debt load. Today we stand even more speechless: according to today's DTS, the Treasury has now redeemed $596 billion in Bills in Aprils: an all time world record, even when accounting for the Fed's steroid abuse period of SFP 1 (we are currently in the second iteration). Add $47 billion in Notes and there are almost $650 billion in redemptions. This number is simply ridiculous. Forget the interest expense: this ever increasing roll is the number one danger to the US and world economy. Should the Treasury be unable to keep issuing shorter and shorter dated debt (and it already is skirting away from even the belly of the curve), it is for all intents and purposes game over...
This world is about to tip over
PLEASE TELL ME WHAT OBAMA has done to help ANYONE without work?
This was awesome news today per CNBC, but if you read a bit into it, it's basically saying that people have given up on paying any debt, they matter of fact have more "artificial money" to spend cuz they will get a slap on the wrist if they don't pay the mortgage, this world is a joke....Please go buy Stocks, the world and our 401k's are backed by GS and the govt, yippee
Even with consumers defaulting "strategically" on their mortgages left and right (with planned defaults accounting for 31% of foreclosures in Q1), and thus not having to incur almost any housing-related expenses (courtesy of the Treserve for making it all too obvious that nobody is expected to pay anything they owe ever again), the savings rate still declined by 10% in March, from over 3% to 2.7% of Disposable Income, as Personal Spending (+0.6%) outstripped Personal Incomes (+0.3%), and of this 0.3% increase, 70% was made up of a pick up in transfer payments! At this point we are fairly certain that US consumers are finally mimicking the administration and the financial sector in not caring if they ever get to pay another bill. That, and the government is directly funding the broader population's latest Apple product fix. It sure isn't due to increasing wages, for the simple reason that wages have not increased in years. And whereas in other nations the savings rate is materially higher due to the lack of such "we'll save it for you" entities as Social Security and Medicare, we now know that SSN is virtually bankrupt as we speak, with "cash out" now greater than "cash in." Yet instead of saving for their retirement, Americans are buying, buying, buying. One would think that based on this data real unemployment was lower than 16.9%. It isn't. The government's and the financial sector's methadone clinic has now moved to the suburbs. That this is yet another stimulus high that will ultimately fizzle, because that's what all one-time stimulus programs do by definition: they end, is clear. It is also now clear that the government has no idea what to do when the trickle down benefits from the drunken spending orgy do in fact end.
During Obama....
Death toll from the NY bomber - 0
Death toll from the Christmas day bomber - 0
Death toll from Tennessee - 11
During Bush.....
Death toll from 911 - 2995
Death toll from Katrina - 4084
Don't ya just love apples to apples comparison's?
Death tolls at zero b/c of luck and incompetence, not the Administration. Duh.
Shall we compare unemployment rates, personal wealth, home values, foreclosure rates. etc? Or do you want to just pick and choose your comparisons to make another pointless post?
Death tolls at zero b/c of luck and incompetence, not the Administration. Duh.
Shall we compare unemployment rates, personal wealth, home values, foreclosure rates. etc? Or do you want to just pick and choose your comparisons to make another pointless post?
He will respond as soon as he is done ...
Fresno St National Champs
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