for the life of me I cannot figure out why you are still on this site. You have called me names countless times in the pass and have done numerous things to instigate fights on here. I know that if you were a left winger you would have been gone a long time ago, but it's ok if you spew rightwing hate speech and rhetoric on a dalily basis. At least Celt posted sports picks; all you give us is fascist hate speech and MMA talk.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
for the life of me I cannot figure out why you are still on this site. You have called me names countless times in the pass and have done numerous things to instigate fights on here. I know that if you were a left winger you would have been gone a long time ago, but it's ok if you spew rightwing hate speech and rhetoric on a dalily basis. At least Celt posted sports picks; all you give us is fascist hate speech and MMA talk.
MAAaaaaa, Jman is talking about me!!!!
Rightwing hate speech? Where?
Fascist? Maaaaaaaaaa, Grandmama is talking about me.!!!!
celts, he preys upon people that are clueless. He tried to tell me that fox news wasn't behind the teaparty movement until I told him that he was a fraud because I saw the whole thing transpire before my own EYES. I saw it for myself. He thinks that just because most of the teaparty members don't have memoires, that all people must not too. To bad Rebs, I know what type of person you are, and I know the methods in which you lie and try to spin truth.
I essentially just did rebs, I post facts all the time-I even give dates. I outed you as a person that likes to twist facts around, and then when you figure out you were outed, well, you just claim that I'm too scared to debate you. As far as not knowing anything for myself; last time I checked, you were the nut job tea party guy. I'm sure you're the town genius in that crowed, but your lies will not work with me. BTW, I'm not in a union-nice try reb. I'm not doing anything to help myself? So your saying everyone that's in education is waiting for a handout?
You, guilty of anything? C'mon, you're the college edgemacated, all-knowing genius on the board. Who never has typos either!! Don't forget to use capital smarty pants!!When you don't have the intelligence to use your own brain or facts or common sense, correct typos! Lib playbook. Go back to defending your peeps.
Just the last couple of days ... lets all have a pity party for gm ...
In this situation you would refer to me as a follower. I understand the point you're trying to make here spark, 4 out of the 5 of those quotes you posted of mine didn't call anyone a name; just one and I said nut job-far from over the top. Another one of the quotes is from Jman. Jman refers to libs as 'dumb ass' all the time. Why are you defending this guy? is it because yall both cannot stand the Obama administration? I didn't vote for Bush, and I didn't like the guy, but he was still my Presidnet and I dealt with it. If you all have a problem with Obama wait until 2012 and vote him out of office. Stop calling the guy a socialist or a communist, etc. I never refered to Bush as a facist, if I did people would've called me unpatriotic. I think the conservatives that are doing that to Obama are just that: unpatriotic cowards.
In this situation you would refer to me as a follower. I understand the point you're trying to make here spark, 4 out of the 5 of those quotes you posted of mine didn't call anyone a name; just one and I said nut job-far from over the top. Another one of the quotes is from Jman. Jman refers to libs as 'dumb ass' all the time. Why are you defending this guy? ?
I am not defending anyone gm ... but when you make posts like you do about "if he was left winged" you can also leave if you think I am so unfair ... you see, because I know it is directed at me ...
So what I am saying ... stop the pity garbage .. you are as guilty as anyone else on here as far as calling names and throwing garbage ...
And you were a HUGE follower of Celtics ... just look in this thread alone ... but I did not say anything till right now ...
I am not defending anyone gm ... but when you make posts like you do about "if he was left winged" you can also leave if you think I am so unfair ... you see, because I know it is directed at me ...
So what I am saying ... stop the pity garbage .. you are as guilty as anyone else on here as far as calling names and throwing garbage ...
And you were a HUGE follower of Celtics ... just look in this thread alone ... but I did not say anything till right now ...
Spark, I have asked you 100 times not to call me a follower of Celtics. I thought we were closer than that, but you insist to keep at it.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
for the life of me I cannot figure out why you are still on this site. You have called me names countless times in the pass and have done numerous things to instigate fights on here. I know that if you were a left winger you would have been gone a long time ago, but it's ok if you spew rightwing hate speech and rhetoric on a dalily basis. At least Celt posted sports picks; all you give us is fascist hate speech and MMA talk.
Its the the typical conservative message.. If you are calling names on the left u are a hate mongor, if u call names from the right you are a patriot.. same ole same ole
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao