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  • TeaBaggers

    Check out the supossed founder of the teabagger Klan in Texas...

    Pensito Review Photo Shows Top Tea Bagger Holding Sign with N-Word (Which He Misspelled)

    This guy claimed that he hasn't heard any racial slurs thrown around at these rallies. Then this photo of him came out.
    Last edited by Celtics86; 03-29-2010, 12:48 AM.

  • #2
    Celts, there's no way a lot of these people are racist; they just want their country back. I'm glad these people are being exposed for what they really are. Oh, I forogt, they don't show these people on Murdoch News because fox is the only network brave enough to tell the truth; or as I see it: low enough to play off of their viewers ignorance by showing them programs that cater to their ideology, thus all they do is spew rhetoric that has nothing to do with the heart of the issues; just hate. Now I think they've realized that they are responsible for the whole tea party movement, and will ultimatley be held liable because of the hate and lies they spew on their network every night. BTW, Fox started the Tea Party Movement, so I have no idea why people refer to it as "grass roots." It's not a grassroots movement when the biggest media conglomerate in the world is advertising on a daily basis for you. What you really are is a pawn of fox news, a creation of a corporation, and the tea baggers get a majority of their talking points from the fox news shows. All the have to do is turn on the TV every night and they will be able to speak-lock step- with News Corps talking points.
    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


    • #3
      Originally posted by grandmama View Post
      Celts, there's no way a lot of these people are racist; they just want their country back. I'm glad these people are being exposed for what they really are. Oh, I forogt, they don't show these people on Murdoch News because fox is the only network brave enough to tell the truth; or as I see it: low enough to play off of their viewers ignorance by showing them programs that cater to their ideology, thus all they do is spew rhetoric that has nothing to do with the heart of the issues; just hate. Now I think they've realized that they are responsible for the whole tea party movement, and will ultimatley be held liable because of the hate and lies they spew on their network every night. BTW, Fox started the Tea Party Movement, so I have no idea why people refer to it as "grass roots." It's not a grassroots movement when the biggest media conglomerate in the world is advertising on a daily basis for you. What you really are is a pawn of fox news, a creation of a corporation, and the tea baggers get a majority of their talking points from the fox news shows. All the have to do is turn on the TV every night and they will be able to speak-lock step- with News Corps talking points.

      So A LOT of the people in the Tea Party movement are racists according to you? What % does your expertise think the ratio of racist to non-racist Tea Party activist is? I guess according to you they are all there protesting the Presidential election only, or maybe just Clyburn.


      • #4
        Why is Fox the biggest media outlet Grandma? Do they have public funding like Air America or NPR?

        Fox must be destroyed so the lib outlets can survive.

        I thnk some of these Teaparty people are frustrated with the Rev Wright, white hating preachers of the world. Especially since our leader was tight with him.

        I dont condone the hate, but its out there because this president is trampeling on us.
        How is that transparency thing working out? Total LIE from potus.
        NBA is a joke


        • #5
          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
          Why is Fox the biggest media outlet Grandma? Do they have public funding like Air America or NPR?

          Fox must be destroyed so the lib outlets can survive.

          I thnk some of these Teaparty people are frustrated with the Rev Wright, white hating preachers of the world. Especially since our leader was tight with him.

          I dont condone the hate, but its out there because this president is trampeling on us.
          How is that transparency thing working out? Total LIE from potus.

          So you are using Rev. Wright as an excuse for the tea baggers ignorance???


          • #6
            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
            Why is Fox the biggest media outlet Grandma? Do they have public funding like Air America or NPR?

            Fox must be destroyed so the lib outlets can survive.

            I thnk some of these Teaparty people are frustrated with the Rev Wright, white hating preachers of the world. Especially since our leader was tight with him.

            I dont condone the hate, but its out there because this president is trampeling on us.
            How is that transparency thing working out? Total LIE from potus.
            flare I like you but you really need to wake up and understand why fox is # 1: because all they care about is ratings so they give their viewers what they want to watch. Responsible news is supposed to be their to educate the populace; not strive to have the best ratings. I urge you to watch the video I posted about the media. watch it in its entirity and maybe you'll understand the point I'm tyrying to make. I only posted 1 video and I think their are 7-8 parts; it's only 35-40 min max.PLease watch it and tell me what you think. it would mean a lot to me if you did.
            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


            • #7
              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
              Why is Fox the biggest media outlet Grandma? Do they have public funding like Air America or NPR?

              Fox must be destroyed so the lib outlets can survive.

              I thnk some of these Teaparty people are frustrated with the Rev Wright, white hating preachers of the world. Especially since our leader was tight with him.

              I dont condone the hate, but its out there because this president is trampeling on us.
              How is that transparency thing working out? Total LIE from potus.
              flare, fox doesn't have any public funding, all of their money comes from rupert or advertising, and multinational corporations. your answer is in your question, and for the life of me I cannot understand why you can't see the truth.
              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


              • #8
                Tea bagged

                Pictured below is Bob Huggins tea bagging John Calipari

                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                  Pictured below is Bob Huggins tea bagging John Calipari

                  "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    Tea Baggin'
                    To place your bared testicles on a random object.

                    tea and trumpets When your balls are in a girl's mouth and you fart on her nose.( a personal favorite)

                    Tea Bag Monster
                    One who creeps from house to house at night and places his/hers, genetals upon ones forhead while one is sleeping.

                    tea bag nose fuck dip your balls into an opened mouth partner and sit on their face so there nose goes into your ass

                    Great thread you started Celtics!!
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                      Tea Baggin'
                      To place your bared testicles on a random object.

                      tea and trumpets When your balls are in a girl's mouth and you fart on her nose.( a personal favorite)

                      Tea Bag Monster
                      One who creeps from house to house at night and places his/hers, genetals upon ones forhead while one is sleeping.

                      tea bag nose fuck dip your balls into an opened mouth partner and sit on their face so there nose goes into your ass

                      Great thread you started Celtics!!


                      • #12
                        On February 11, talk radio host and Fox Business Network personality Dave Ramsey appeared on Fox and Friends, waving tea bags and saying "It's time for a Tea Party."He was on the show criticizing the newly confirmed Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, who that morning had outlined his plan to use the $300 billion or so dollars remaining in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds. He intended to use $50 billion for foreclosure mitigation and use the rest to help fund private investors to buy toxic assets from banks....By the next day, guests on Fox News had already begun to mention this new "Tea Party."

                        Prior to the Tax Day protests, Fox News ran 20 or more segments about the protests, over 100 commercial promotions of its coverage, directed viewers to a "virtual tea party" on, and repeatedly described the protests as "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties" in their television coverage.

                        Again, it is not a grassroots movement when a news corporation starts movement. All you are is a puppet of fox news. I would have more respect for the movement if it was created by average citizens, but it wasn't; it was created by a corporation, and for some reason these people actually think they are apart of some grassroots movement. Grassroots movements take time and a lot of hard work before they are in the media on a daily basis; IF EVER. This fiasco was created overnight by fox news.
                        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                        • #13
                          In the words of Ronald Reagan, Granny, "There you go again". It was NOT Ramsey, nor was it on Fox News, It was Rick Santelli speaking from the floor of the CBOE on CNBC that first "coined" the TEA Party as it relates to what's going on today. Where on the planet do you get your information????????

                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Grandmama


                          • #14
                            for people who hate fox news all you libs sure watch and quote it......Fox news thanks you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                              for people who hate fox news all you libs sure watch and quote it......Fox news thanks you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              That's really true, isn't it Jordan? I don't understand how the libs refuse to believe even their own eyes and ears...Guess they need big gov to verify everything for 'em...

